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Kartika Sari, Community Communication Staff for Wikidata Software Collaboration (Indonesia)
Kartika Sari
Community Communication Staff for Wikidata Software Collaboration (Indonesia)

About me

Hello, everyone! I'm Kartika, based in Padang, Indonesia. I have been joining Wikimedia Movement since 2019, with my first experience being a Wikipedia contributor.

My work

As a Community Communication Staff, my responsibilities include reaching out to and engaging volunteers and partners to participate in projects within the scope of Wikidata Software. Additionally, I act as a liaison between the global community and local communities involved in the lexicographical data project.

Disclaimer: This account is used for my work for Wikidata Software Collaboration. My personal account is S Kartika.

Contact me

Send Kartika an Email kartika.sari(_AT_)
User language
id-N Pengguna ini merupakan penutur asli bahasa Indonesia.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
min-N Pangguno ko mangecek jo bahaso Minang.
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