User:MCruz (WMF)/Sandbox/Writing Contests video subtitles/da
1 00:00:00,573 --> 00:00:03,591 Goddag, mit navn er Edward Galvez.
2 00:00:03,591 --> 00:00:05,192 I'm Program Evaluation Associate
3 00:00:05,192 --> 00:00:07,131 at the Wikimedia Foundation.
4 00:00:07,131 --> 00:00:10,404 Today, let's talk about writing contests.
5 00:00:12,370 --> 00:00:15,037 Hvad er en skrivekonkurrence?
6 00:00:15,357 --> 00:00:17,035 Writing contests are a way for wikimedians
7 00:00:17,035 --> 00:00:18,594 to come together and
8 00:00:18,594 --> 00:00:20,552 create content for Wikimedia projects.
9 00:00:20,902 --> 00:00:23,042 Ligesom Wikipedia.
10 00:00:23,372 --> 00:00:24,942 Der er mange forskellige typer konkurrencer.
11 00:00:24,942 --> 00:00:26,613 og de fokuserer typisk
12 00:00:26,613 --> 00:00:29,772 om et mål eller tema.
13 00:00:29,942 --> 00:00:33,499 For eksempel, nogle konkurrencer prøver at skabe
14 00:00:33,499 --> 00:00:34,987 artikler af høj kvalitet;
15 00:00:34,987 --> 00:00:37,139 mens andre prøver på at inkludere
16 00:00:37,139 --> 00:00:39,624 bestemte deltagere.
17 00:00:45,274 --> 00:00:46,781 Præmier bliver ofte givet
18 00:00:46,781 --> 00:00:48,999 til de bedste bidragsydere.
19 00:00:48,999 --> 00:00:53,008 Awards can be trophies, laptops, money...
20 00:00:53,008 --> 00:00:55,435 or even an image to celebrate
21 00:00:55,435 --> 00:00:58,829 a participant's contributions.
22 00:00:59,119 --> 00:01:00,774 Hvad ved vi indtil videre
23 00:01:00,774 --> 00:01:04,247 om skrive konkurrencer?
24 00:01:05,137 --> 00:01:06,711 We recently completed
25 00:01:06,711 --> 00:01:08,407 the Writing Contest report.
26 00:01:08,407 --> 00:01:10,621 Denne rapport har til mål at øge
27 00:01:10,621 --> 00:01:12,610 Wikimedia fællesskabernes viden
28 00:01:12,610 --> 00:01:16,151 om skrive konkurrencer, ved at bruge data.
29 00:01:16,541 --> 00:01:18,846 Hvad fandt vi ud af?
30 00:01:19,476 --> 00:01:21,522 Vi fandt ud af, skrive konkurrencer
31 00:01:21,522 --> 00:01:24,661 kan være en god måde at engagere fælleskaber
32 00:01:24,661 --> 00:01:26,386 og skabe artikler.
33 00:01:27,466 --> 00:01:29,069 I 39 konkurrencer,
34 00:01:29,616 --> 00:01:33,507 745 deltagere oprettede eller fobedrede
35 00:01:33,507 --> 00:01:36,110 mere end 15000 artikler, og tilføjede
36 00:01:36,110 --> 00:01:41,125 22,7 millioner tegn
37 00:01:41,835 --> 00:01:44,153 Writing contests also seem to have
38 00:01:44,153 --> 00:01:46,406 high retention rates,
39 00:01:46,406 --> 00:01:47,952 compared to some measures.
40 00:01:49,172 --> 00:01:52,936 18% of new users and 83% of existing users
41 00:01:52,936 --> 00:01:56,173 made at least one edit three months after
42 00:01:56,173 --> 00:01:59,785 the contest started.
43 00:01:59,785 --> 00:02:01,537 It's important to remember
44 00:02:01,537 --> 00:02:04,350 that contest design varies very widely.
45 00:02:04,350 --> 00:02:06,403 Some things that may influence
46 00:02:06,403 --> 00:02:09,600 a contest design include: contest length:
47 00:02:09,600 --> 00:02:13,267 will the contest be 4 weeks or 4 months?
48 00:02:13,267 --> 00:02:16,208 deltagere: vil de være nye brugere?
49 00:02:16,208 --> 00:02:18,889 eller eksisterende brugere?
50 00:02:18,889 --> 00:02:22,655 or target goals: will the contest focus on
51 00:02:22,655 --> 00:02:24,149 at skabe artikler?
52 00:02:24,149 --> 00:02:26,849 Or focus on collaboration among editors?
53 00:02:28,789 --> 00:02:32,437 Hvad mere kan vi finde i rapporten?
54 00:02:32,437 --> 00:02:34,277 Masser af data!
55 00:02:34,277 --> 00:02:36,773 Use the report to see how your contest
56 00:02:36,773 --> 00:02:38,825 compares to others.
57 00:02:38,825 --> 00:02:40,834 You can also use the report to plan
58 00:02:40,834 --> 00:02:43,507 your next contest.
59 00:02:44,707 --> 00:02:46,747 In the report, you can find data about
60 00:02:46,747 --> 00:02:49,522 inputs, outputs and outcomes.
61 00:02:49,522 --> 00:02:52,655 Inputs, like budget, or the time put in
62 00:02:52,655 --> 00:02:55,388 to organize the contest.
63 00:02:55,388 --> 00:02:58,282 Outputs, like participation or articles
64 00:02:58,282 --> 00:03:00,412 created.
65 00:03:00,412 --> 00:03:03,069 And you can also find data about outcomes:
66 00:03:03,069 --> 00:03:04,838 like user retention
67 00:03:04,838 --> 00:03:08,396 or article quality ratings.
68 00:03:09,236 --> 00:03:12,422 In total, there is data about 39 contests
69 00:03:12,422 --> 00:03:16,866 745 deltagere der oprettede eller forbedrede
70 00:03:16,866 --> 00:03:19,724 15000 eller flere artikler,
71 00:03:19,724 --> 00:03:23,725 og tilføjede 22,7 millioner tegn
72 00:03:23,725 --> 00:03:25,700 The contests in the report are from
73 00:03:25,700 --> 00:03:30,112 at least 11 different Wikipedia languages.
74 00:03:32,492 --> 00:03:33,492 Du er inviteret!
75 00:03:33,492 --> 00:03:34,792 Til at læse rapporten
76 00:03:34,792 --> 00:03:36,644 og fortæller os hvordan rapporten er nyttig
77 00:03:36,644 --> 00:03:37,932 for dig.
78 00:03:39,202 --> 00:03:40,459 Tag et kig på
79 00:03:40,459 --> 00:03:42,197 the Writing Contest Toolkit,
80 00:03:42,197 --> 00:03:42,963 that is linked
81 00:03:42,963 --> 00:03:45,395 at the bottom of the report.
82 00:03:46,405 --> 00:03:47,392 Mange tak!
83 00:03:47,392 --> 00:03:48,775 Be sure to stay in touch
84 00:03:48,775 --> 00:03:50,828 with the Learning and Evaluation team
85 00:03:50,828 --> 00:03:52,764 through our portal on Meta.
86 00:03:50,801 --> 00:03:54,361 Farvel så længe!