Joined 14 June 2017
French-speaking wikipedian. • See my main user page • Contact me
editI'm really glad to see you here !
I'm just a student.
My main user page
Le seul investissement qui, quelqu'en soit son montant, puisse être rentable, à l'échelle d'un foyer comme à l'échelle d'une nation, c'est l'éducation.
The only investment that, whatever its amount, can be profitable, at the scale of a household as at the scale of a nation, is education.
-- Olivier Ayazpoor
(Ex Secrétaire Général du syndicat lycéen MNL (fr) / ex-General Secretary of the Highschool Student Union MNL (fr))
• 18 years-old
• Student (computer science+laws & rights)
• (h)ac(k)tivist
• French
• ♥ europe & EU
• Currently struggling for a social and non-capitalist EU.
The only investment that, whatever its amount, can be profitable, at the scale of a household as at the scale of a nation, is education.
-- Olivier Ayazpoor
(Ex Secrétaire Général du syndicat lycéen MNL (fr) / ex-General Secretary of the Highschool Student Union MNL (fr))
• 18 years-old
• Student (computer science+laws & rights)
• (h)ac(k)tivist
• French
• ♥ europe & EU
• Currently struggling for a social and non-capitalist EU.
About me
Student, activist, YouthForClimate... I'm 18 and I hope we'll be able to make the world great again.
My work
Disclaimer: Comments by this account represent my personal positions and are not made in an official capacity unless stated otherwise.
Contact me
MSG | -> Contact via wiki Instagram: @olivieray_ Twitter: @OAyazpoor |
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editI help a bit if needed...
Le sang : Naivuon I stole your presentation ^^
What I do on wikipedia
editWorks in progress
editHungarian page of MAKOSZ.
French page of fr:MAKOSZ.
edit- Write tasklist
edit- Ohw2/Icônes • For my icons
- Ohw2/Onglets1 • For the navbar
- Ohw2/Bloc-notes • just a notepad
- Ohw2/Bloc-notes/modèles d'articles • (fr only) Models of articles
- Ohw2/Bloc-notes/modèles vandalismes • (fr only) Models of flagging
editStill translating
Quick introducing & links
editStudent in double diploma bachelor IT-Laws, I'm often on social networks :
And even more....
Disclaimer (yeah, another)
editI don't hide, I undertake everything I say or do. I love debating, so, don't mind ! (that's why I'm on social networks see uphere).
Introducing me
editTo be short, let's do lists.
I am :
- Olivier AYAZPOOR (be anonymous is a choice, but it's not my)
- Student
- Born on Feb. 15th, 2002
- A man
- Frantic user of inclusive writing
- Fond of Doctor Who (best TV show in the universe)
- Fond of Parlement (best TV show made by france.tv)
- Fan de Stranger Things (:O)
- Small (1m63 / 5' 4¼")
- A little too authoritarian
- Resilient
- Fond of the MEP (Members of the European Parliament) fr:Marie Toussaint and fr:Manon Aubry
- (When I've got enough time) amateur actor/director
I was :
- Lycéen en filière scientifique
- Co-General Secretary of the Highschool student union of Mouvement National Lycéen
- International Officier of Mouvement National Lycéen
- Elected at Conseil Académique à la Vie Lycéenne (CAVL) of the fr:académie de Nantes.
- President of a webradio in la Mayenne (between fr:Le Mans and fr:Rennes).