Open Research

I'm Dr Jennifer Gristock, a citizen scientist formerly of the University of Sussex and the Institute for Advanced Studies, SISSA in Trieste, Italy.
I have a passion for science, science and technology studies, innovation policy, the history of economics and journalism, and a love of pique assiette and Wales. I have been working at ways of bringing academic knowledge into the public domain all my life [beginning as an undergraduate almost twenty years ago] and into Wikipedia and Wikiversity since 2007. I've been lucky enough to win quite a few awards for my work in policy and science communication.
Five years ago I designed and co-ordinated a £2million national UK grant proposal to encourage UK academics to contribute to publicly available knowledge through Wikipedia as part of the 'Beacons for Public Engagement' initiative, an effort which had the support of the Wikimedia Foundation at the time. The bid made it to a shortlist of 2. It wasn't funded, but after a career break, I'm still fighting the good fight, and am up for round two. Is anyone with me?