Here you will find important informaton about user Wexeb. Feel free to talk to him at his talk page.
Today is Wednesday, March 19, 2025. There is a total of 43,181,203 Users, 154,024 Articles, 1,882 Images and 28,276,222 edits, all in Meta-Wiki. Remember that because every one of us, those numbers would be less than what they are right now. Remember that every one of us is a very important part in this project.
» About me «
My name is Martin Coba Pulido, I was born a 12 of october of 1998 in the city of Puebla, México, I'm 11 years old. I live in the city of Puebla, México. I am currently at sixyh grade at C.E.P.G.DO., also known as IST. I consider myself a very mature and extrovert person. If you want to be my friend, don't forget to ask me Here.
» On the wiki in portuguese «
My work in este projecto is aprender portuguese y contribuir in portuguese lo of spanish.
» Anti-Vandalism Work «
Most of the edits I do is Anti-Vandalism work. I normally use Huggle and Twinkle for anti-vandalism work. I mostly work on this on late hours, so you will rarely find me doing things like this in the morning. I also have a very strict policy on things like warning vandals, because, like I say, not every bad action has intentions to be vandalism, so therefore, vandalism warnings are not needed. I also like to explain to a vandal when I am waning them, because most of them don't know what is about to happen, and if they do know what is going to happen, the blocks could be prevented.
I made a section about this in my user page because I feel like Anti-Vandalism work is done wrong, and I think we need to do something about it.