ja-N この利用者は日本語母語としています。
This user has created a global account. This user's main account is on Wikipedia (Japanese).
This contributor to Wikimedia is male.
24This Wikimedian is 24 years, 6 months, and 16 days old.
This user has extended confirmed rights on the Japanese Wikipedia. (verify ja)
This user has alternative accounts named
Yukio819, Yukio0819~jawiki, Yukio0819~jawp.

Alternative accounts


I have the following alternative accounts. (Accounts marked with "*" were created from non-main accounts.)

After December 7, 2023, any new alternative accounts I create will be made only from my main account (User:Yukio0819) on jawp. If any accounts created through other means claim to be my alternative accounts, please consider them impersonations.

Committed identity: cd5156bb20e0acaac9cb500060e39d394779e42b80560b2e738849e4fc65d0fc6a62d230f79dd01c24a52ec622bc0cfc1c53ec233a3042b66d2ea876dc0ec10b is a SHA3-512 commitment to this user's real-life identity.