Hi, :Ajvol:, how are you going? Would you like to care for WQ2 translation again and publish it on the WMF site, even partially? Now thanks by CrashA ACrush, the site have Russian Home page. ;-) I guess it would be much friendly for Russian visitors if the site has other Russian pages ;-) --Aphaia | Translate Election | ++ 00:56, 29 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Привет. Я пока начал вычитывать твои переводы WQ2, потом займусь переводом приоритетных страниц. На первый выпуск, похоже, стоит забить.--ACrush 07:20, 29 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Hi, I nominated you as a possible representative of ru: at WMF-wiki to control the Russian version of the pages. If you agree, Anthere could create an account for you. I cannot be the representative, because I am not a sysop in ru:. Thanks for attention.--ACrush 08:23, 29 Apr 2005 (UTC)


Hello. I am glad to see your Common Interwiki links, as it really helps a lot for checking which important articles are missed in each versions. I would like to ask two question about that page:

  1. Will you update it in a regular basis?
  2. When will you update it next time?

Thanks for answering my questions. -- Kevinhksouth 15:40, 22 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Just now updated. No, the script is not regular. --.:Ajvol:. 20:47, 6 August 2007 (UTC)Reply
Hi. Just recently found this page you generated. I think it is a great tool for identifying missing articles on popular subjects that are not covered in the list of articles every Wikipedia should have. Is there any chance for an update (it's more than half a year since the last one)? Thanks, -- 07:13, 23 January 2008 (UTC) (Yerpo @ :sl)Reply

Hi, would it be possible to update this again? I am particularly interested in a detailed list for eo:wp, if that would be possible. Thank you so much... -- Yekrats 15:01, 10 August 2008 (UTC)Reply

done. --Александр Сигачёв 20:51, 13 August 2008 (UTC)Reply

Hi, would it be possible to get the source code so that we can run the check ourselves periodically? At the Esperanto Wikipedia we are making an effort to create articles for these "missing articles". Thanks... -- Yekrats 13:10, 26 November 2008 (UTC)Reply

Vi povas uzu ilon de toolserver [1] por krei samajn listojn por ajnaj lingvojn. --Александр Сигачёв 12:08, 27 November 2008 (UTC)Reply
Dankon, samideano! Tamen tiu ligilo versxajne ne funkcias por mi. -- Yekrats 15:15, 20 December 2008 (UTC)Reply

Перевод вики-интерфейса на саха-якутский


доброго времени, как всегда за советом.

Начали переводить вики-интерфейс на саха-якутский язык, возникли вопросы относительно того что означает та или иная команда, и где используется. Ведь от функции может зависеть вариант перевода например при наличии синонимов. Не могли бы Вы пояснить суть некоторых команд? --HalanTul 22:54, 27 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

Уже обсудили вопрос в другом месте. --ajvol 15:53, 13 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Отсутствующие на укр. википедию


Нужны de, sk, cz, … страницы, в которых нет украинских линков. Сконтактируй со мною в uk:wiki--Albedo 15:21, 13 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

Canopus Kilya unblock


Please pay attention: Requests for comments/Canopus Kilya Blocking. --Arben 08:30, 30 November 2008 (UTC)Reply



Надо подправить может размещаться в Википедии, также как её не может быть в национальных парках или школах > в Википедии, так же, как её не может быть в национальных парках или школах.--Alma Pater 10:51, 25 December 2008 (UTC)Reply



Thak you very much for cross-table in project CEE Spring. It's genial. But there is some technique problem, Table6 (Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine) is not updated from 1. 4. 2015.--Fanoušek kopané (talk) 05:57, 4 April 2015 (UTC)Reply

Aha. Fixed. I hope next night it will work. --Alexander Sigachov (talk) 21:09, 7 April 2015 (UTC)Reply
Hm, Botik did the first round of updates, but then stopped. The overall stats lists is also incomplete, according to Botik only 3 articles have been written so far ;-) Braveheart (talk) 15:54, 8 April 2017 (UTC)Reply
Yes, it is trying to wake up. I hope, next try will be more successful. --Alexander Sigachov (talk) 03:21, 9 April 2017 (UTC)Reply
Looks great, thanks again :-) Braveheart (talk) 09:38, 9 April 2017 (UTC)Reply

Botik not respecting 'bot' flag?


Привет! I hope that you're doing well. I've seen that this edit appeared on recent changes, but I think it should not because Botik has a bot flag. Maybe some code in the bot broke or something? Not that it bothers me, as it is not flooding RC for now, but I thought that maybe you'd like to have a look. Best regards, —MarcoAurelio 12:42, 11 June 2017 (UTC)Reply

Oh! It seems strange. I need to inspect the code, it's real old one. Thank you --Alexander Sigachov (talk) 20:58, 13 June 2017 (UTC)Reply

CEE Spring 2018


Hi Alexander!

Is Botik up for another round of CEE Spring article lists? Would be great to have him back :-) Best, Braveheart (talk) 02:36, 25 March 2018 (UTC)Reply

Bot inactivity notice


Hello Александр Сигачёв,

The Meta-Wiki community has approved a new bot inactivity policy which states that bots that are inactive for a continued period of 14 months should be subject to review. A bot you operate, Botik (talk · contribs) meets the inactivity criteria. In accordance with the bot inactivity policy, if you wish to retain the bot flag for the named account, please answer to this message no later than 6 April 2019 on Meta:Requests for help from a sysop or bureaucrat. After that date if the bureaucrats have not received any reply, the bot flag for the named account will be removed.

To reflag a bot, please create a new request at Meta:Requests for bot status.

Best regards, —MarcoAurelio (talk) 11:29, 30 March 2019 (UTC)Reply

Inactive bot


Hello. As per policy, bots which are inactive for a period of 14 months shall have their flag removed. Please reply here if you wish to keep the bot flag. --Minorax«¦talk¦» 08:14, 9 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Notice of bot inactivity


Hello Александр Сигачёв,

I hope that this message finds you well.

This is to inform you that your bot, Botik, is inactive according to Meta-Wiki's local bot policy, because it has not made any edit or logged action for 14 consecutive months.

If you would like to keep the bot flag for that account, please tell us so at Meta:Requests for help from a sysop or bureaucrat § Bot inactivity review (April 2023) before April 20, 2023 and make at least one edit or log action with that bot account afterwards so it does not appear in the list of inactive bots. If a bot flag is no longer required for that account, please let us know too.

In any case, if there is no reply from you by April 20, 2023 the bot flag will be removed from Botik without further notice.

MarcoAurelio (talk) 11:57, 12 April 2023 (UTC)Reply