Fundraising translation feedback
editHey Astrubi,
I wanted to ask for your help. As you may be aware we have been running banners on many language wikis. We have a lot of new content this year and I really want to conduct a thorough review of our translations. This is a combination of feedback from the community, readers, donors as well as those with professional translator experience. This will help us ensure the highest quality of translations used in our messaging.
To help us out with this I wonder if you would be willing to give us feedback for Spanish using This Link
Simply follow the simple instructions on that page and if you have any questions feel free to contact me on my talk page.
Many Thanks
Gràcies/Thank you
edit35-hour edit-a-thon at Miró Foundation (April 2013)
Hola, gràcies a la teva firma donant suport a la nostra associació. El passat dia 5 de juny Amical Wikimedia (Associació Amical Viquipèdia) va ser reconeguda pel Consell d'Administració de la Fundació Wikimedia com a Organització Temàtica. Pots veure el comunicat de l'associació en català aquí o el comunicat de la WMF en anglès aquí. Per a la nostra associació és una fita molt important, portàvem 5 anys demanant ésser un organisme oficial. Nosaltres continuarem la nostra tasca de promoció al carrer i a les institucions de la Viquipèdia i els seus projectes germans arreu dels territoris de parla catalana.
Hello, thanks for your signature giving support to our association. Last 5th of June Amical Wikimedia (Associació Amical Viquipèdia) was recognised by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees as a Thematic Organization. You can read the news bulletin of our association in Catalan here or the WMF's bulletin in English here. For our association, this is a very important achievement: we have been pursuing the official recognition for the last 5 years. We are going to continue the task of promoting Wikipedia and its sister projects all around the Catalan-speaking regions.
Moltes gràcies, Thank you --Davidpar (talk) 19:14, 14 July 2013 (UTC)