It's interesting, please list by points differencies (in orthography, grammar, morphology, syntax etc.) between Montenegrin (first column), Serbian (second column) and Bosnian (third column). If there will be much enough of them and they will be rather principal, i'll vote for Montenegrin. Thank you -- 17:19, 11 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Language skill box with Babel templates:
sr-N Матерњи језик овог корисника је српски / srpski.
hr-N Ovaj suradnik govori hrvatski kao materinski jezik.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
Why don't you ask ISO? I am sure that you can find easily answer with little Googling but your question seems little deeper. You wish to point out something? --Ego and his own 21:02, 11 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
Simply answer my question: what are diffs between Montenegrin and Serbian, Montenegrin and Bosnian. -- 13:54, 12 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

SUAUTOR NEDAVNO OBJAVLJENE GRAMATIKE HRVATSKOGA JEZIKA VARIJETETI ISTOGA Na standardološkoj razini, hrvatski, srpski, bosanski, pa i crnogorski jezik različiti su varijeteti, ali istoga jezika. Dakle, na čisto lingvističkoj razini, odnosno na genetskoj razini, na tipološkoj razini, radi se o jednom jeziku i to treba jasno reći - this is opinion one of linguist, you can find lot of varioans but this is basically true --Ego and his own 03:14, 13 November 2006 (UTC)Reply



I put my username on the list of members who wanted to help the wikipedia, did you see that?? Also I want to learn how to write in Montenegrin since I'm deaf so maybe that wikipedia will help me achieve that... Rakuten06 21:19, 11 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

I did see that Rakuten06 and thank you for your support. It is most welcomed. Our test montenegro wikipedia is on so take a look.
I want to learn the language of Montenegrin so I can help create new articles in Montenegrin, how do I do that if I don't learn the words?? Use the Montenegrin Wikipedia?? Rakuten06 22:11, 11 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
You could try this software (shareware) I didn't try them all but you will probably find them usefull.
--Ego and his own 22:26, 11 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
It worked! Thanksfor the software!! Now which articles do you want me to create for the Montenegrin that needs it?? ! Rakuten06 22:41, 11 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
You cold start what ever you like: Science, Art,... any of those topics will be good.--Ego and his own 22:45, 11 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
If I found some more useful material regarding learning our language, i will send you an info. --Ego and his own 22:47, 11 November 2006 (UTC)Reply



The voting is illegal anyways, even if you get a million votes for "Support", if the language is not recognized, it will be invalid. So, stop trying untill the language is recognized (and I'm sure they'll standardize it within a few months :)) --Paunović 22:55, 11 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

This are real people you like it or not. So you are that desperate to lie just to achive that Montenegro don't get Wikipedia? strange men very strange. --Ego and his own 22:59, 11 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
I'll ignore the personal attack, but rules are rules, whether you like them or not. I'm not desparate, I didn't even vote. --Paunović 23:09, 11 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

And by the way, my advice to you would be to stop claiming that you're sure that these people are actual users when the Checkuser has proved that they are not. This is your last pre-block warning. --Paunović 23:13, 11 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

I have show this case to susops, they will take care of it. --Ego and his own 23:25, 11 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
No, you haven't. I can see your contributions. Please stop lying, and although it is not a blockable offence, it is very rude. --Paunović 23:32, 11 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
Paunovicu I am not laying i used irc channel --Ego and his own 23:34, 11 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Block for 7 days


You are blocked for 7 days for trolling Meta. You can still talk on your talk page. --Millosh 10:14, 13 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Wikipedia on Montenegrin language


My Interest in Wikipedia


Almost a year a go in Montenegro was formed a "IT Association of Montenegro" which now counts around 80 members and many more supporters. Main goal of ITAM is to promote and implement Information technology achievement to help Montenegrin society progress toward world integration and general better life.

Many projects are started with this goals beside monitoring and contribution to other activities in this field like development of telecommunication infrastructure and legal regulations. In this field we did a good job and we will continue to do so.

One of the projects that we started was Montenegro wikipedia, as we had knowledge that wiki is great system for expanding and sharing knowledge in which anyone can participate. This seemed like a great tool for our goal and we started to work on it. We had setup a test application on server and started to explore possibilities. In context of this we have called public to participate and spread informations about possibilities and benefits which this system provides trough Montenegrin newspapers and TV.

The statistic of test database:

name Good Total Edits Admins Users Images Stub Ratio Version Last updated










2006-11-14 18:37:47

Beside benefits of having wikipedia on our own language to share our knowledge wikipedia on Montenegrin language will give opportunities to share our and gain access to culture of other people in the world. Montenegro is Mediterranean country with 1000 years old history and 5000 years old marks of civilization which is mainly unreveild to wide domestic and almost complete foreign public. Beside historical there are also natural and human art resources that could be interesting to other wikipedians, users or contributors. In same way we see reverse process.

That is my basic interest in Wikipedia on my own language.

You forgot to mention that Montenegrin is not a language, it's a dialect of Serbian. --Paunović 19:50, 15 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

ITAM - IT Association of Montenegro


As I sad before this organization was formed to promote and to use IT for making progress of Montenegrin society. I was elected by members to lead organization with 4 members of Executive Board.

ITAM now has around 80 members and many supporters as individuals or organizations.

ITAM is non-profit organization.

You can't make organizations to manipulate Wikipedia. --Paunović 19:51, 15 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Personal Reference


I have over 24 years experience in Information Technology field. I have specialized in many fields such are telecommunications, media, design, programing, networking,...

Noone cares how much experience you have, anyone can edit Wikipedia, and we don't select only the best and brightest. --Paunović 19:51, 15 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
This was response to another comment where someone discuses our skills, and I am not only one who is well skilled ether. So some one cares, don't talk like you are all people and that you know what all people cares or not. It is not all about editing --Ego and his own 22:56, 15 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Situation on request page


In the meanwhile user:CrnaGora has put request on metawiki for new language "Montenegrin". We had a conntact with Montenegrina organization and talked about our involvement in future development of montenegrin wikipedia. We got support from them and continued to work on our project. As I had visted request page I couldn't believed that so many votes are against, as there is wikipedia on other former Yugoslav republic languages. I have tried to put some objective facts about why montenegrins should have wikipedia on ther own, but many users voted against. When I have consulted with other wikipedians they told me that there is no way that Montenegro gets wikipedia with that vote situation. It was needed a consensus. As I know how much people wished to have their wikipedia, and this request page was not know to them, I decided to call them and ask them to support this request, as I found on procedure page where state:

  • Encourage anyone who wants to contribute to your proposed language to come to this page and add their support for your proposal.

I was thinking that which votes are more important than people who will use wikipedia on their native language. Many people responded and the result was 89 votes for montenegrin wikipedia. When that happen many of opposer's started to call me a layer and deleted the votes. I have called them to wait and to call Sysop to check this votes, but they (in this case first:Paunovic) repeatedly deleted the votes. Many attributes are given to me with no evidence just because they have opposite opinion. I stayed calm and call stewards to help solve this problem. Yannf promised to look into this, and confirmed that votes-users are registered try different IP numbers but in same range and that it seems normal because all users come from Montenegro. But that wasn't good enough for them and they started to delete again and claim that they are meatpoppet-sockpoppet votes. On other side there was continuous attack on our test wikipedia for several days - which all came from Serbia. In meanwhile i was threaten to be blocked even i was not use any of bad words or I insulted anyone - on other side it was quite different. I was Accused to be lier, cheater and troller. In all cases i stayed calm and I have tried to explain my self. First to stewards than to other users on discussion page.

Case - Blocked for 7 days


I have listed my self on Native Speaker section, and user Millos marked my name as invalid, and repeated me that only active wikipedians can vote. Note to this place that English is not my native language and in active I thought - one who use wikipedia. When he marked my name I realized what he meant and I didn't change again and leave it as invalid vote. Than I was trying to find section about native users on other requests for new language. I could not find any similar reference. i asked Millos why he set that rule, he didn't answer me. I repeated the question, than he threaten me to block me if I continue to use false accounts. This was off topic and without proof at that time I didn't know that he is a Serbian Sysop.

here is the related dissusion part:

I have talked again with stewards and they unblocked my account(I was unable to write even on my talk page) in promise just to explain my self - this text what you are reading.



many people responded from Montenegro about their votes being marked as sockpoppets, so I will not talk more about that.

Yes, despite the fact that Checkuser proved they were sockpuppets, they're real people... yes.. --Paunović 19:51, 15 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
Read rules from Process page and you don't know what CheckUser result was. --Ego and his own 02:39, 16 November 2006 (UTC)Reply



I was not cheating I just cleaned page from bad formating. Anyone can check that. Also there is no problem to call users to confirm their votes. Also there was some deletion that i have restored.

Yes, you were cheating, anyone can check by going to the history of the article. You can't hide that. --Paunović 19:52, 15 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
If Admins find it true you will have the honor to put first nail on the cross, until that please stop to make false accusations on me and check history. --Ego and his own 02:37, 16 November 2006 (UTC)Reply



I will not mention political aspect of this story as I have promised that I should write this NPOV. I am sorry about whats happen to this request and I did all I could to avoid it, but I wasn't looked by opposer's like a honest man who just wonts good for his people.I will let that stay on their honor.

To Millos


Millos I don't have any harsh feelings toward you and thank you for supporting Montenegrin Wikipedia, I understand your doubts I hope you will find them unnecessary this time as we are determined to make this happen. Thank you again.

  • Someone representing like you vandalize our test wikipedia. All IP logs will be sent to ISP to reveal this user who seems don't have nothing smart to do. He is probably not aware that this is criminal activity. --Ego and his own 01:01, 15 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
    • A few advices: Google for "open proxy". You'll find a number of lists of open proxies. Block indefinitely all of them. If you know to use pywikipediabot, it would be helpful (give to it admin privileges). Other IPs are easy to solve (if not open proxy, it is some provider and the amount of their IPs are much smaller). If you have MacOS X or GNU/Linux, use command "whois <IP ADDRESS>" to find from where IP is. I.e., if it is from Singapore or some other coutry unrelated to Montenegro/Serbia and Monenegrin/Serbian diaspora, it is open proxy for sure. --Millosh
    • Unfortenatelly, it is not a criminal act. But, defense is possible. Also, you may come to #wikipedia-sr to ask people for help. --Millosh 01:36, 15 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
    • Also, I am glad that I am wrong about the number of people who declare that their native language is Montenegrin. And I am sorry because I thought that you are a sockpuppet. (Even it is clear that you are a real person, it is still not clear to me why don't you edit on other Wikipedias.) --Millosh 01:36, 15 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
      • Milloshe my primary concern is to build up Montenegrin Wikipedia as we need benefits from knowledge sharing and collaboration as there is no similar way to do so. We have big base for eventual translations from other languages - for reverse process It will come time when we build good article base. We have lot of ideas how to make this happen in a organized and fast way.--Ego and his own 06:46, 15 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Citas li ti email?


Ako si ovde stavio pogresnu adresu, posalji mi email na --Millosh 03:17, 27 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Nisam Milose, vidio sam tvoj e-mail, vec sam prebukiran sa obavezama u vezi organizacije a i privatno. Ocekujem uskoro da cemo organizovati sastanak i uvrstit cu tvoj predlog u sklopu dnevnog reda. Javicu ti sta se bude odlucilo (jer o tome ne mogu da odlucim sam). --Ego and his own 06:27, 27 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
Ja za sad radim u sklopu onoga sto mi je obaveza, a mislim da bi i mi imali neke interesantne ideje u vezi saradnje. --Ego and his own 06:27, 27 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Montenegrin wikipedia


Join me to help expand the Montenegrin test wikipedia. Let's prove these Serbs were wrong. --Crna Gora 21:12, 7 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Probably chase to StevenJ81?


While I support this request now, it's unlikely that those supporters can be reasons for you, to coerce someone who have privilege to say same sentences from you. Comments like this are at least no longer valid reasons to aganist political things, but rather a thief crying "Stop thief".

Personally, the continuing Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia won't make actual hurts to your loved Montenegrin Wikipedia test-wiki (if that's true, then Hebrew Wikipedia is hurting Arabic Wikipedia, Akan Wikipedia is hurting Twi Wikipedia, Czech Wikipedia is hurting Slovak Wikipedia, Nahuatl Wikipedia is hurting a lot of Nahuatl dialects, and when discussing the renaming of incorrect codes wikis, I always pointed that Norman Wikipedia is hurting the Narom people which clearly from Malaysia). It kindly will be inactive in some points, but then what? How can that be the reason to close that Wikipedia? We the wiki peoples always say "inactive is not the reason to close XXX project".

Wish you to have time to understand my comments, and Happy Xmas. --Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 12:51, 26 December 2017 (UTC)Reply

I did have time but didnt help. Where did you get idea that I have anything against any wiki? For the rest its not your business and not a way to ask about it. --Ego and his own (talk) 02:09, 28 December 2017 (UTC)Reply
I have laid out the process at incubator:Talk:Wp/cnr/Početna stranica#Rules and timeline going forward. I hope that will cover everything in a satisfactory manner.
As far as adding cnr to the Babel templates, that can happen as soon as the code approval is final. StevenJ81 (talk) 16:17, 26 December 2017 (UTC)Reply
Adding such codes, IMHO, don't really need to wait for the official publishing of codes. Those language codes of Babel are derived from Names.php, so it can be added when you have complete the (necessary) interface messages translation, will you have time on in order to do it as possible as early? --Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 04:31, 27 December 2017 (UTC)Reply
Translatewiki won't activate a portal on this until there's an official code, I don't think. StevenJ81 (talk) 05:07, 27 December 2017 (UTC)Reply

Your user page


I hacked it a little bit. Go in and fill in the missing text. StevenJ81 (talk) 04:12, 28 December 2017 (UTC)Reply

Veliko fala! (Thank you very much) --Ego and his own (talk) 09:51, 29 December 2017 (UTC)Reply

Hi. See how I changed the format of the links within Wikipedia? Try to write your links that way instead. Thanks. StevenJ81 (talk) 17:37, 22 January 2018 (UTC)Reply

I just did. Thank you for showing me. --Ego and his own (talk) 18:04, 22 January 2018 (UTC)Reply
Glad to help. If you add anything else, note that underscore characters (_) can be replaced by spaces when you do it that way. Don't fuss now, but if you make any other edits, you can fix that. StevenJ81 (talk) 18:20, 22 January 2018 (UTC)Reply

Response from Evertype


It isn't his place to judge the Montenegrins' opinions. So please do not hurt him, can you? -- 23:30, 4 November 2018 (UTC)Reply