Шумбрат, кялень содай. Тон костоннет? Мялезель интернетса мокшень сайт тиемс, ванца тон тяса. Мес аф латиницаса? Эльбятькста лама тонь "азондомбялькснень" эса :) Kranch

Стане. Эряволь латиницаса тиемс. Няине тоса миндейнек аргумента кржа. Эряви тяса Метаса поладомс мезе-бди кяльть колга. Сёрматт, ялгай. Неемазонк. Kranch

Шумбрат! Мон думан аргуметт каршес аф эрявихть. историять квалма тонь мезеге ули? Мокшень флаг ули- аф, содасак? Kranch

Shumbrat, Numulunj Piljgae, monj anglijskjaj kjaljsa af pjak para mashtan. Leztt, sjormadk meze erjavi Metasa tjashtems.--Kolaksaj 12:30, 14 December 2007 (UTC)Reply

Final translation needed for creation of Moksha Wikipedia


Hello Numulunj pilgae. Please see Requests for new languages/Wikipedia Moksha#Final translation. Although the Moksha Wikipedia has been approved, it cannot be created until those translations are provided. —{admin} Pathoschild 07:14:01, 23 May 2008 (UTC)

IRC help


Hi. You may want to read IRC instructions and IRC channels. Those pages might be helpful. Also note that being on IRC channel is not something a sysop has to do. It's just a convenient and fast way of staying in contact with other Wikimedia people. Cheers, FiliP × 09:38, 26 June 2008 (UTC)Reply

It's OK. Being on IRC is not obligatory. :) --FiliP × 15:53, 2 July 2008 (UTC)Reply

Superprotect status


Dear Numulunj pilgae, since you are an administrator on a wiki from which no user participated in this discussion, I'd like to make sure you are aware of some recent events which may alter what the Wikimedia Foundation lets you do on your wiki: Superprotect.

Peteforsyth 09:35, 12 September 2014 (UTC)Reply