User talk:Philippe/Archive 1

Latest comment: 16 years ago by Philippe in topic s.o.s for

Welcome to Meta!


أهلا Philippe/Archive 1, ومرحبا بك في ويكيميديا ميتا ويكي! يعمل هذا الموقع على تنسيق ومناقشة كل مشاريع ويكيميديا. ربما سيكون مفيدا لك مطالعة صفحة السياسات هنا. إذا كنت مهتما بأمور الترجمة، راجع ميتا:بابلون. يمكنك أيضا ترك ملاحظة في ميتا:بابل (من فضلك راجع أولا التعليمات هناك قبل ترك الملاحظة). إذا أردت الاستفسار عن شئ ،لا تتردد في سؤالي في صفحة نقاشي. تمتع بالتحرير هنا!

Hello Philippe/Archive 1, and welcome to the Wikimedia Meta-Wiki! This website is for coordinating and discussing all Wikimedia projects. You may find it useful to read our policy page. If you are interested in doing translations, visit Meta:Babylon. You can also leave a note on Meta:Babel (please read the instructions at the top of the page before posting there). If you would like, feel free to ask me questions on my talk page. Happy editing!

Hallo, Philippe/Archive 1, und Willkommen bei Wikimedia Meta-Wiki! Diese Website ist zur Koordination und Diskussion aller Wikimedia-Projekte gedacht. Vielleicht findest du es nützlich, unsere Regelseite zu lesen. Wenn du daran interessiert bist, etwas zu übersetzen, besuche Meta:Babylon. Du kannst auch eine Notiz auf Meta:Babel hinterlassen (bitte lies die Anleitung am Anfang der Seite, bevor du etwas schreibst). Wenn du möchtest, kannst du mir auf meiner Diskussionseite Fragen stellen. Fröhliches Bearbeiten.

Hei Philippe/Archive 1, ja tervetuloa Wikimedian Meta-Wikiin! Tämä nettisivusto on kaikkien Wikimedia-säätiön projektien koordinointia ja keskustelua varten. Saattaa olla hyödyllistä lukea käytäntömme. Jos olet kiinnostunut käännöksistä, käy Meta:Babylon-sivulla. Voit myöskin jättää huomautuksen Meta:Babel-sivulle (ole hyvä ja lue ohjeet sivun yläosassa ennenkuin kirjoitat sinne). Jos haluat, saat vapaasti kysyä minulta kysymyksiä keskustelusivullani. Iloisia muokkaushetkiä!

Bonjour Philippe/Archive 1, et bienvenue sur le Meta-Wiki de Wikimédia ! Ce site a pour but de coordonner et discuter de l’ensemble des projets Wikimédia. Il vous sera utile de consulter notre page sur les règles de Wikimédia. Si vous êtes intéressé par des projets de traduction, visitez Meta:Babylon. Vous pouvez aussi laisser un message sur Meta:Babel (mais veuillez d’abord lire les instructions en haut de cette page avant d’y poster votre message). Si vous le voulez, vous pouvez me poser vos questions sur ma page de discussion. À bientôt !

נכתב בלשון זכר למען הנוחות
היי Philippe/Archive 1, וברוך בואך ל- ויקימדיה מטא-ויקי! אתר זה נועד בכדי לתאם פעולות ולדון בפרויקטים של וויקימדיה. יש להניח שדפי המדיניות שלנו יהיו שימושיים עבורך. אם הנך מעוניין לבצע עבודות תרגום, בקר ב-Meta:Babylon. תוכל גם להשאיר הערה ב-Meta:Babel (אנא קרא את ההוראות בראש הדף לפני כתיבה שם). אם תרצה, הרגש חופשי לרשום לי שאלות בדף השיחה שלי. עריכה נעימה!

Hallo Philippe/Archive 1, en welkom op de Wikimedia Meta-Wiki! Deze website is voor het coördineren en bespreken van alle Wikimedia-projecten. Waarschijnlijk vind je het handig om onze beleidpagina te lezen. Als je geïnteresseerd bent in het vertalen van teksten, ga da naar Meta:Babylon. Je kunt ook een bericht achterlaten op Meta:Babel (lees wel de instructies aan het begin van de pagina voordat je een bericht achterlaat). Als je nog vragen hebt stel ze me dan op mijn overlegpagina. Veel plezier met bewerken!

Cześć Philippe/Archive 1 i witaj w projekcie Wikimedia Meta-Wiki! Ta strona została stworzona do koordynacji i dyskusji nad wszystkimi projektami Fundacji Wikimedia. Proszę Cię o przeczytanie naszych zasad. Jeżeli chcesz się zając tłumaczeniem stron, odwiedź Meta:Babylon. Możesz również zostawić notkę na stronie Meta:Babel (proszę jednak, abyś najpierw przeczytał instrukcje na górze tej strony). Jeżeli będziesz potrzebował pomocy zostaw komentarz na mojej stronie dyskusji. Miłego edytowania!

Olá Philippe/Archive 1! Seja bem-vindo ao Meta! Este site/sítio é dedicado à discussão e à coordenação de todos os demais projetos da Fundação Wikimedia. Talvez lhe seja útil ler a página contendo a nossa política (em inglês) antes de começar a editar. Se tiver dúvidas, sinta-se à vontade para me fazer perguntas em minha página de discussão, ou deixe uma mensagem para toda a comunidade na Babel, a versão do Meta da Esplanada. Boa sorte!

Hola Philippe/Archive 1! Bienvenido a la Meta-Wiki de la Fundación Wikimedia! Este sitio es para coordinar y discutir todos los proyectos de la Fundación Wikimedia. Tal vez le sea útil leer nuestra página de políticas (en inglés). Si le interesan las traducciones, visite Meta:Babylon. También puede dejar un mensaje en Meta:Babel (pero antes de hacerlo, por favor lea las instrucciones situadas en lo alto de la página). No dude en preguntar si tiene cualquiera duda, o pregunte en mi página de discusión. Buena suerte!

Ciao Philippe/Archive 1! Benvenuto sulla Meta-Wiki della Wikimedia Foundation! Questo sito serve a coordinare e discutere di tutti i progetti della Wikimedia Foundation. Potrebbe esserti utile leggere le nostre policy (in inglese). Se sei interessato a fare traduzioni, visita Meta:Babylon. Puoi anche lasciare un messaggio su Meta:Babel (ma per favore, leggi le istruzioni che si trovano all'inizio della pagina prima di scrivere). Se vuoi, puoi lasciarmi un messagio nella mia pagina di discussione. Buona fortuna!

Ciao Philippe/Archive 1, şi bine aţi venit la Wikimedia Meta-Wiki! Acest website este pentru coordonarea şi discuţiile tuturor proiectelor Wikimedia. Este folositor să citiţi pagina despre politica noastră.. Dacă sunteţi interesaţi de traducere, vizita-ţi Meta:Babylon. De asemenea puteţi lasa o notă pe Meta:Babel (vă rugăm citiţi instrucţiunile de la începutul paginii înainte de a posta acolo). Dacă ai întrebări, nu ezita să mă întrebi pe pagina mea de discuţii talk page. Editare cu succes!

Hej Philippe/Archive 1, och välkommen till Wikimedia Meta-Wiki! Den här sidan är till för att diskutera och samordna alla Wikimedias projekt. Vill du veta mer om sidan, kan vår policy-sida komma väl till pass. Är du intresserad av att hjälpa till med översättningar, besök Meta:Babylon. Du kan också lämna ett meddelande på Meta:Babel (vänligen läs instruktionerna överst på sidan innan du skriver något där). Om du vill, är du välkommen att ställa frågor på min diskussionssida. Lycka till med redigerandet!

Hei Philippe/Archive 1, og velkommen til Wikimedia Meta-Wiki! Denne siden er til for å diskutere og samordne alle Wikimediaprosjektene. Vil du vite mer om siden, kan vår policy-side komme til nytte. Er du interessert i å hjelpe til med oversettelser, besøk Meta:Babylon. Du kan også legge igjen en beskjed på Meta:Babel (vær vennlig og les instruksjonene øverst på siden før du skriver noe der). Hvis du vil, er du velkommen til å stille spørsmål på min diskusjonsside. God redigering!

Helló Philippe/Archive 1, és üdv a Wikimedia Meta-Wikijén! Ez a weboldal az összes Wikimedia projektet érintő ügyek megtárgyalására és koordinálására szolgál. Hasznosnak találhatod elolvasni az irányelveinket (angolul). Ha szeretnél fordításokat végezni, látogasd meg a Meta:Babylon-t, vagy a Meta:Babel oldalon hagyhatsz üzenetet (mielőtt ide írsz kérlek olvasd el a lap tetején található utasításokat). Ha szeretnél, nyugodtan kérdezz tőlem a vitalapomon. Jó szerkesztést és tartalmas szórakozást! Jó szerkesztést és tartalmas szórakozást!

Здравствуйте, Philippe/Archive 1, и добро пожаловать на Meta-Wiki Фонда Викимедиа! Этот сайт предназначен для координации и обсуждения вопросов, связанных со всеми проектами фонда. Для начала Вы можете ознакомиться с нашими правилами. Если Вы заинтересованы в работе над переводами, посетите Meta:Babylon. Вы также можете обсудить различные вопросы на странице Meta:Babel (пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с инструкцией сверху, прежде чем писать). Если возникнут вопросы, не бойтесь задавать их мне на моей странице обсуждения. Удачи!

Hola Philippe/Archive 1! Benvingut a la Meta-Wiki de la Fundació Wikimedia! Aquest lloc està fet per a coordinar i discutir tots els projectes de la Fundació Wikimedia. Potser us serà útil llegir la nostra pàgina de polítiques (en anglès). Si us interessen les traduccions, visiteu Meta:Babylon. També podeu deixar un missatge a Meta:Babel (però abans de fer-ho, llegiu les instruccions situades al principi de la pàgina). No dubteu en preguntar si teniu qualsevol dubte. Si cal ho podeu fer en la meva pàgina de discussió. Bona sort!

Здраво Philippe/Archive 1, и добро дошли на Викимедијин мета-вики! Овај сајт служи за координацију и дискусију око Викимедијиних пројеката. Вероватно ће Вам бити корисно да прочитате наше странице везане за политику рада. Ако сте заинтересовани за превођење, посетите Meta:Babylon. Можете такође и оставити поруку на страници Meta:Babel (молимо погледајте упутства на врху те странице пре него што пошаљете свој коментар тамо). Ако имате неко питање, можете да ми поставите на мојој страници за разговор. Срећно уређивање!

Philippe/Archive 1, 你好!歡迎光臨維基媒體元維基!這個網站是為協調和討論所有維基媒體項目而設。我們的政策頁可能對您有用。如果您有興趣協助翻譯工作, 請參觀Meta:Babylon。你可在 Meta:Babel 留下口訊 (張貼之前請先讀該頁上指示)。若有問題, 請在我的討論頁問我 。祝

வணக்கம் Philippe/Archive 1, விக்கிமீடியா மேல்விக்கி! இற்கு நல்வரவு. இவ்விணையத்தளமானது கூட்டாகச் சேர்ந்து விடயங்களை விவாதிப்பதற்கென உருவாக்கப் பட்டது. விக்கித்திட்டங்கள். நீங்கள் எங்களின் பாலிசிகளையும் பாலிசி பக்கம் படித்தறியலாம். நீங்கள் மொழிபெயர்பில் ஆர்வமுடையவராகின், Meta:Babylon ஐப் பார்வையிடவும். நீங்கள் Meta:Babel இல் குறிப்பொன்றையும் விட்டுச் செல்லலாம். (பக்கத்தின் மேலேயிருக்கும் அறிவுறுத்தல்களை வாசித்தபின்னரே அங்கே செய்திகளை இடவும்). நீங்கள் விரும்பினால் எனது பக்கத்தில் செய்தியொன்றை விடவும் talk page. உங்கள் ஆக்கங்களை வரவேற்கின்றோம்!

ވިކިމީޑިޔާގެ މީޓާ-ވިކީ އަށް މަރުހަބާ! މިވެބްސައިޓަކީ ވިކިމީޑިޔާގެ ހުރިހާ މަޝްރޫޢުތަކާއި ބެހޭގޮތުން ވާހަކަތައް ދެކެވި އެ މަޝްރޫޢެއް ހިންގައި ހަދާ ވެބް ސައިޓެވެ. އަޅުގަނޑުމެންގެ ޤަވާއިދުތައް ފުރަތަމަ ވިދާޅުވުމަކީ މުހިންމު ކަމެއް ކަމުގައި ދެކެމެވެ. ތަރުޖަމާކުރާ ހިތްޕުޅުވެވަޑައިގަންނަވާ ނަމަ މީޓާ:ބެބިލޯން އަށް ވަޑައިގަންނަވާށެވެ. އަދި ހަމަ އެހެންމެ މިކަމާއި ބެހޭ ލިޔުމެއް މީޓާ:ބޭބެލް ގައި ލިޔުއްވަވާށެވެ. (އެހެންނަމަވެސް އެޞަފްޙާގައި އެއްވެސް އެއްޗެއް އިތުރު ކުރެއްވުމުގެ ކުރިން އެ ޞަފްހާގެ މަތީގައިވާ ޢިބާރާތް ވިދާޅުވެލައްވާށެވެ.) މިއާއި މުދު ހިތްހަމަޖެހިވަޑައިގަންނަވާ ނަމަ އިތުރު އެހީ އަށް އެދުމަށް މި ޞަފްހާ ގައި އެދުމަށް ފަސްޖެހި ވަޑައި ނުގަންނަވާށެވެ. އުނިއިތުރު ގެނައުމުގައި އުފާވެރި ވަގުތުކޮޅެއް ހޭދަ ކޮށްލައްވާށެވެ!!

Philippe/Archive 1さん、ウィキメディア メタ・ウィキへようこそ!このサイトは、ウィキメディアのプロジェクト間の調整や話し合いを目的としています。もしよろしければ、ポリシーページを是非ご一読下さい。もし翻訳に興味をお持ちなら、Meta:Babylonをご覧下さい。Meta:Babelにメッセージを投稿していただくことも可能です(投稿前にページ上部の説明をお読み下さい)。もしよろしければ私のノートページに質問をお寄せ下さい。

Philippe/Archive 1님, Wikimedia Meta-Wiki에 회원가입하신 것을 환영합니다! 이 사이트는 모든 위키미디어 프로젝트들 간의 상호조정(coordinate)과 토론을 위한 공간입니다. 우리의 정책을 보면, 도움이 되실 겁니다. 만약 번역에 관심이 있으시다면, Meta:Babylon을 방문해 보세요. 또한 Meta:Babel을 사용하실 수도 있습니다. (사용하시기 전에 바벨의 사용설명란을 먼저 읽어주세요). 만약 궁금한 것이 있으시면, talk page에 질문을 올려주세요. 즐거운 편집이 되시길 바랍니다!

And many thanks for your tweaking on FAQ draft. Cheers, --Aphaia 11:20, 25 May 2007 (UTC)Reply

IRC cloak request


I am Philippe|Wiki on freenode and I would like the cloak wikimedia/Philippe. Thanks. --Philippe 04:43, 13 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Cloak received, thank you. Philippe 17:48, 18 June 2007 (UTC)Reply



hello, I see your answer on jon talk page[1]. two point, first in I had been checked with check user and user fa:user:شیرین have same ip and agent with me and had put my sockpuppet in and my really id blocked for two week. she isn`t really my sockpuppet, but I punished for that account and شیرین have had contribution from 22 november 2006. you can put her contribution for me? then in, some of my contributions be patroling and puting the speedy deletion template on the articles and usually they had deleted with history, and also my contributions!! at the end I had two proposal in the pathoschild talk page, if you can guide me for those. regards,--Gordafarid 07:32, 18 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

I'm sorry, but we're not able to move contributions from one account to another for the purposes of the election. The edits must be made on a single account. Regarding the en-wiki contributions, we are aware that Speedy Delete tags disappear with the articles - but user talk page comments don't. Hopefully you left a user talk page comment for the user who created the article - that would then count towards your total, but there's no way for us to go back and give you credit for speedy deletes (I would want the same thing - I probably have thousands of speedy deletes that I've done!). Philippe 17:46, 18 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
spicial thanks from you for your attentions and understood answers. I have another help that will write bellow. plz help me if you can.--Gordafarid 19:11, 8 August 2007 (UTC)Reply

Confirmation for Board candidacy/endorsements


I sent an e-mail to the proper address...When do they check it? DragonFire1024 03:35, 19 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Sorry for confusion and our misunderstanding, DratonFire1024. You were already confirmeddiff. --Aphaia 03:45, 19 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, Aph! Philippe 03:50, 19 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
One day? Just one day? That a little extreme...but i guess its a rule, but still just amazes me. DragonFire1024 11:45, 20 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
I have to tell you, I had the same concern - I was worried about disqualifying it based on one day, so I asked the election committee to be sure we were in agreement. Based on the response, I disqualified him. I don't think you'll have a problem coming up with a 12th endorsement (in fact, I note that you already have). Philippe 14:30, 20 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Election commitee


It would be appreciated if you could take a look at the section of Danny's questions, entitled whistleblower policy. It contains a few negative statements which are not, in fact, questions. The first is a complaint from User:WiseWoman in which the entire content is a rant about women's rights and equality, not a bit about danny's candidacy. The second is a complaint from GerardM demanding the withdrawal of Danny's candidacy, which does not contain a single question or a single inquistitive statement. I have struck the latter, but was reverted and told "I do not have the right" so I am bringing it up here. I believe that having the committee maintain the integrity of the candidate's question sections is critical to ensuring a fair election:While candidates may sling mud at each other, it is entirely unfair for people qualified to give endorsements (i.e. excluding the board) to sling mud at them on their article. The segments in question should be moved to Danny's talk page. Also, I believe some sort of statement at the top of each candidate's question page should be made stating "This page is for actual questions to the candidates, not commentary on their platform"

Copying to the other members of the committee. Thank you for your attention and time.Swatjester 15:02, 19 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Swatjester, thank you for bringing your concerns to my attention. I'll speak with other members of the committee today so that we can come to an agreement on how to proceed. In the interim, please do not strike or otherwise changes comments from other users on the candidate pages. We appreciate your interest in the election. Philippe 16:34, 19 June 2007 (UTC)Reply



Hi, my home wiki is nl: as linked from User:Erwin85. My username there is Erwin and I have > 400 edits. Could you please reinstate my endorsement for Oscar? Thanks. --Erwin85 17:34, 20 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Yep, doing it right now. Philippe 17:37, 20 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. --Erwin85 17:38, 20 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Done, thanks for the contact. Philippe 17:40, 20 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Another endorsement


Hi Philippe. Yesterday you struck an endorsement for Ausir's candidacy made by User:Marcin Suwalczan because the link to his home userpage was nonexistent. With the help of en:user:Piotrus (he found a link for me), I did a bit of sleuthing and found Marcin merely mistyped the link. pl:Wikipedysta:Marcin Suwalczan, which has over 400 edits and links to his meta userpage, is almost certainly what he meant to link to, so could you please reinstate his endorsement? Picaroon (Talk) 19:21, 20 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

If he'll correct the link, I'll be happy to reinstate the endorsement. I really need him to do that, though, so that we know for sure... not guessing... that is the right account. Once that's done, if you'll just leave me a note, I'll get the endoresment reinstated almost immediately - I tend to always be online. Philippe 22:56, 20 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
He diddiff :) --Aphaia 00:33, 21 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, Aphaia - I reinstated all of his endorsements. Philippe 02:00, 21 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Third part election assistance


Philippe, I just wanted to offer some assistance in the search for a third party to assist with the election. I've got some significant experience in this area and could make some recommendations if you're interested, or if you need any help evaluating what you should be looking for in an election services company. Feel free to contact me via Wiki or email me, ElectionTechnology at Gmail. --Election Technology 16:46, 21 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

I very much appreciate the offer. I think we've found the company we're going to use, and should have an announcement out fairly soon. Thanks for the interest, and for the offer of help! Philippe 17:50, 21 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

You're welcome. Best of luck then. If I can be on any assistance down the road, feel free to ask. -- Election Technology 14:16, 22 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Philippe, I am curious if maybe I missed an announcement about the voting process. The main page says voting begins "Thursday, 0:00 June 28, 2007." Tomorrow yes? --Election Technology 16:09, 27 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
The voting does begin tomorrow (well, tonight at midnight), yes, and the election announcement is being edited now. Philippe 16:12, 27 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Looks like the voting site is down. Any word on when it will be back up? -Election Technology 21:18, 28 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
I wasn't aware that it was down - it's up for me. Thanks for letting me know. Philippe 23:47, 28 June 2007 (UTC)Reply



Could you please reinstate my 3 endorsements? I don't understand your problem with the link. pl:Wikipedysta:SETI3, SETI3 08:05, 22 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Do you have a link from pl:Wikipedysta:SETI3 to SETI3 somewhere? If so can you show me where on the page? Once I've located that link, I'd be happy to reinstate the endorsements. Philippe 14:55, 22 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Account creation


Why do you request that I create an account here, when I already have an account on both Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons!!? -- 22:50, 22 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

I apologize for the inconvenience - that's one of the requirements that was set for this election. In order for us to cross-verify accounts, we really do need you to have a meta account set up. Philippe 01:24, 23 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

users that are not qualified to endorse in the election


Hi Philippe :),

I found something (# 23) ;). Till then. — Manecke 02:16, 23 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Thank you for finding it and letting me know. I struck it. I appreciate your help! Philippe 03:19, 23 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Good morning Philippe, I am woundering if this user (# 1) is qualified to endorse in the election. Because Endorsements must be from a meta account, with a link to the local wiki on their userpages. — Manecke 07:25, 23 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Nope, you're correct. Struck it. Philippe 07:30, 23 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Home to meta wiki


Link from home to meta wiki inserted [2]. Please reinstate my votes or let me know on my en:User_talk:Mailer diablo if there is any further requirement. - Regards, Mailer Diablo 11:14, 23 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Thanks - will get you reinstated immediately. :) Philippe 15:20, 23 June 2007 (UTC)Reply



MY endorsement of ^demon did come from a meta account. Check my contribs or the endorsement page history, please. I was under the impression that I had to also give my en user identity so you could verify it. Thatcher131 12:48, 23 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Replying instead of Philippe, we would like you to have meta user page. --Aphaia 13:23, 23 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Yep - there are three requirements: 1) be from meta 2) have a link from meta to local wiki on the meta userpage and 3) have a link from local wiki to meta on the local wiki user page. Once those are done, we're happy to reinstate. Philippe 15:20, 23 June 2007 (UTC)Reply



Please restore my endorsements. I think that it's all ok with my links on user pages. Fjl 17:33, 23 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Done, thank you. Philippe 20:28, 23 June 2007 (UTC)Reply



I added the link on my user page here. Now my vote is valid. --Broc 20:26, 23 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Thank you - reinstating your endorsements now.  :-) Philippe 20:29, 23 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Endorsement 4


You can find that link on the "altri progetti" menu, on the left side. Another link is in the page, into that blue box. Thank you, --piero tasso 20:31, 23 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Thank you - endorsement reinstated. Philippe 20:38, 23 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
you are welcome! --piero tasso 21:00, 23 June 2007 (UTC)Reply



Hi, actually i have a link to meta on various userpages, incl. fr:. It is somehow hidden into the "Accès rapide trans-wikimedia" box (since having a lot of transwiki links in the sidebar is awful) so you have to unfold it. (My sole endorsement was for Frieda). (:Julien:) 08:38, 24 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Thanks, Julien, I'll pass this on to someone who can access the protected pages. Philippe 19:38, 24 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

i need your help


another steward is acting in my eyes very harsh and biased what do i do to be heard?--יודל 19:41, 24 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

I can't even begin to help you with that. I'm not an admin, or a steward - I'm a regular old user. Sorry. Philippe 22:09, 24 June 2007 (UTC)Reply



Hello. I noticed that you struck one of my endorsements here. My other 2 endorsements above (here and here) have not been stricken. What exactly do you mean with "No link from local wiki to meta"? Thank you. Best regards, Húsönd 02:44, 25 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

"No link from local wiki to meta" means a given user page lacks or seems to lack a link to the meta user page. In this case the claim of identification on meta cannot be established. --Aphaia 02:54, 25 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
I'll create a user subpage later with links to all my accounts in different projects. For the moment, would this suffice to confirm my identity?--Húsönd 16:02, 25 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Hmm, is there an equivalent on the English Wikipedia for this "altri progetti" template the user below is using?--Húsönd 16:15, 25 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Thank you for bringing it up. I am aware you will be not happy, but from three reasons 1) we finished to validate candidates 2) the fact if your endorsement is valid or not, that never affects our validation at this moment and 3) we are already busy and there are only three days to set up the voting, I am personally reluctant to reconfirm your endorsement per request as well other similar request (see the below). Thank you for your understanding, Husond, while I don't oppose Philippe to do it from his genuine goodness. --Aphaia 16:22, 25 June 2007 (UTC)Reply
Oh well, that's okay.--Húsönd 17:23, 25 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

my endorsement


Hi, the link to my meta userpage is already on my it.wikipedia userpage. On the left, in "altri progetti" ("other projects") section. Thanks. - Laurentius 13:00, 25 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

Question about Board elections/2007/Interface translation/diff/zh and the existing vote.


Hello Philippe, I would like to know how do you put the text into the page of voting in Chinese. In fact, there are lots of mistake, and the list of the candidate is totally wrong, it is the 2006 one. There are many problems. Could you show me where I can edit it? Thank you very much.Chanueting 04:24, 28 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

THanks for letting me know - I'll look right into it. Philippe 05:00, 28 June 2007 (UTC)Reply



Heh, I've come to harrass you at Meta! ;) Thunderhead 06:35, 1 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

Uh-oh, I'm being stalked!!  :-) Philippe 17:41, 1 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
No, no, i'm the WN-Meta liason. The stalker is Brian :-) Thunderhead 23:33, 1 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
And here I was all excited about it and everything. I guess I'll settle for being ... liasoned? That can't be a word. /me scurries off to wiktionary. Philippe 03:20, 2 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
You're supposed to be checking the vote logs! Get back to work! :) Thunderhead 03:32, 2 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
Geez, between you and that pesky election committee, everyone expecting me to do WORK!! Had I know that, I never would have volunteered.... <grin> Philippe 03:33, 2 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
Heh, well I'll take your spot next time, course the Foundation might not lemme... Thunderhead 03:37, 2 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
You hate work too, eh? (Actually, just in case anyone with no sense of humor is reading this... I really am doing quite a lot of work and enjoying it.) Philippe 03:40, 2 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
No, it depends on if it falls under Access to non-public data. Thunderhead 03:42, 2 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
I'd say probably so, but the good news is, I don't make the rules. Well, except election rules. I help make those. Philippe 03:49, 2 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
Well, it doesn't matter. You can keep being the election coordinator. Over and over and over... :) Thunderhead 03:51, 2 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
One of SEVERAL election coordinators, actually.  :-P Philippe 03:58, 2 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
How many are there this year? 4 election cabal members? Thunderhead 04:01, 2 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
Yes, but one of them is Newyorkbrad, and he should count as two. He's that smart. But remember, there is no cabal. Philippe 04:07, 2 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
No, there is no cabal. --Aphaia 07:17, 2 July 2007 (UTC)Reply
But what about #wikimedia-cabal? Thunderhead 07:21, 2 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

s.o.s for


hello Philippe, I`m sorry for take your time again. I have problem with that I requsted u to solve it. I make fa:کاربر:gordafarid for correcting the interwikis category and templates. but after the less than ten contribution, the sysop fa:کاربر:حسام blocked my ID! he is deep revengeful with me and block me without doing any mistake or vandalism from me for infinite time!! all the discussions exist in the fa:ویکی‌پدیا:تابلوی اعلانات مدیران/اوت ۲۰۰۷#قطع دسترسی بی‌پایان کاربر:گردآفرید and u can want from the another NPOV sysop Mr User:Behaafarid for translate them for you. حسام is a very olligarchy and anarchy sysop and didn`t like the have improved and goes to NPOV point. he blocks the active and oposse his POV users without any wiki rules. unfortunately the burocrats are his very closed friends and didn`t pay attention to his opposite the law operations. thanks for your attentions.--Gordafarid 19:20, 8 August 2007 (UTC)Reply

I'm sorry, but this is something over which I have no control. I'm not at all involved with that wiki, and my activities as an election committee member wouldn't have covered that - even had they not already ended. Philippe 03:41, 14 August 2007 (UTC)Reply
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