Hey there!
I was wondering....did you ever get the PageProtection working with XAMPP in Windows? I saw that you said you have an archive containing everything needed to get this working. Is there any way you can email me with info on how to get this going? I'm getting the same errors you were. My email address is Thanks!
- I hadn't get the PageProtection working with XAMPP in Windows. From my point of view XAMPP is too huge.
- I use Denwer or AltDenwer as portable Web-servers, containing Appache, MySQL, PHP, Perl and sendmail...
- Requested archive is the result of actions, described on m:Talk:PageProtection. So, maybe it would be easier to do everything by your own:
- Download PEAR, open archive and extract PEAR.php and /PEAR dir to your wiki dir (Where your Localsetting.php is).
- Then download Crypt_RSA-1.2.0b.tgz (afaik, Crypt_RSA-1.0.0 fails - see below).
- Extract RSA.php and /RSA dir into your_wiki/Crypt dir.
- Edit LocalSetting.php: add folowing lines
// disable caching $wgCachePages = false; $wgCacheEpoch = 'date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S'; // Activate PageProtection extension. require_once("extensions/PageProtection/PageProtection.php");
"I'm working with FCKeditor whitch supports last versions of Opera and (afaik) KHTMl too. If you feel interested to see the results of my integration - contact me."
I am interested in seeing results. Where can I see thm?
Help me for install fckeditor
I have a problem to install FCKeditor in wiki. Please help me :)
I have the last wiki version I run wiki in easy php
I execute this step:
1- I install WIKI === OK it's run
2- I copy the folder FCKeditor in subfolder wiki :
3- I replace the content of the file fck_imgae.html
4- I replace the content of the file fck_image.jsp
5- Add section in fckconfig.js
6- I test fckeditor installation with sample == OK it's run
7- I put fckeditor.php (not modified) in directory wiki-1.6.7\extensions
8- I modify my localsetting.php in wiki
Please help me
FCKEditor intergration
I'd be interested in seeing the results of your FCKEditor/MediaWiki integration.
--Dmh 16:14, 25 October 2006 (UTC)
>That's great! But I wonder again, why only server-side scripts? >I believe that it would be better to do it on client-side and let the >user to switch between the views dynamically. There is already >very limited but working prototype for it. For further information - contact me. -
i'd be very interested in learning more about what you've got for your prototype... i've just installed mediawiki for a site that's supposed to be userfriendly and i'm very depressed to see there is ny wysiwyg...
... matt :: mlb //at//
re. editor: dhtml based wysiwyg
editclient side html preview... (full-screen the browser window, or preview goes below)
fck-editor integration into mediawiki
da Sie in Ihrem Profil geschrieben haben, Sie hätten Deutschkenntnisse, schreibe ich Ihnen mal auf deutsch.
Ich habe in eine Mediawiki-Installation den FCK-Editor integriert und habe festgestellt, daß er noch nicht so perfekt arbeitet. Habe einige Bugs festgestellt. Z.B, wenn man ein Bild eingefügt hat, und dieses in der Größe verändert (über Angabe "width" im Kontextmenu des Images) und danach den Artikel verändert, ist das Bild wieder ursprünglich gross...
Haben Sie einen besseren Integrationsstatus erreicht? Oder haben Sie sonstige Lösungen bezüglich Bugs gefunden?
Schönen Gruss,
editHi I am a web developer with a comp sci degree. Would like to contribute on fck editor.
HTML to wiki language
I have a HTML code i want to convert it into wiki but not using an online converter. Is there a way to do it?
I though i could use something like: <wiki> my_HTML_text </wiki>
Thank you in advance. -riadh Zaddem