IPBE Request
Unblock request granted
This blocked user asked to be unblocked, and one or more administrators has reviewed and granted this request.
Request reason: User in Mainland China, request to use a proxy for editing(to bypass the firewall), Block Infomation:
Unblock reason: I have softened the block here at metawiki. Please read Global blocks/FAQ and SRGP and follow that instruction to address your issue with stewards — billinghurst sDrewth 10:25, 26 November 2021 (UTC) This template should be archived normally. English | español | français | italiano | 日本語 | 한국어 | Plattdüütsch | Nederlands | 中文 | edit |
我们向您发送这个消息的目的在于通知您中国大陆维基媒体用户组第三次全体会议兼年度会议将于 2023年1月27日下午2:00(UTC+8)正式举行。
- 修改用户组章程
- 选举“常务委员会”成员(若修订章程得通过)
- 讨论用户组通讯委员会改组程序
- 讨论用户组技术委员会与技术支持组改组程序
- 讨论本组近期发展规划与编辑松计划
- 讨论是否设立组报
- 讨论新成员准入标准事宜(合并入章程)
- 讨论并确定用户组会议未来举行方式及通讯方式
- 讨论并确定用户组全体会议在每年度的举行时间及举行次数
- 其他用户组成员或与会人员认为有必要进行讨论的内容
(本讯息由BureibuNeko于14:18, 26 January 2023 (UTC)在Meta-wiki通过大量讯息发送工具向所有用户组成员发送,如果您有意拒收本类型讯息,请与通讯委员会联络。)
Reminder to vote now to ratify the Wikimedia Movement Charter
edit- You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language
Dear Wikimedian,
You are receiving this message because you previously voted in the 2021 Movement Charter Drafting Committee (MCDC) election.
This is a reminder that if you have not voted yet on the ratification of the final Wikimedia Movement Charter draft, please do so by July 9, 2024 at 23:59 UTC.
You can read the final text of the Wikimedia Movement Charter in your language. Following that, check on whether you are eligible to vote. If you are eligible, cast your vote on SecurePoll.
On behalf of the Charter Electoral Commission,
Notice of expiration of your ipblock-exempt right
editNotice of Patch Demo Wikis Cleanup
editYou are receiving this message because there is/are wiki(s) on Patch Demo associated with your account. Per our records, the patches associated with them have been merged or abandoned. In an effort to manage space and ensure our systems have the capacity to continue providing the best service and experience for our users, we will be auditing and deleting wikis with merged or abandoned patches on Friday, March 14 2025.
Please refer to the list of wikis we will be deleting [1] and if you wish to keep any of the ones that belong to you, edit the table accordingly before Thursday, March 13 2025 11:59PM UTC. If we do not hear from you by then we will assume you are not opposed to this action and will proceed as planned. EBomani-WMF (talk) 22:23, 6 March 2025 (UTC)