This is the Wiki99 list for topics about software.



Wiki99 is the idea to have a list of about 99 Wikipedia articles which should be translated into as many languages as possible in order to establish common understanding in a field.

If the Wikipedia articles have at least been started, then access them in available languages by clicking through.

Translations start with structured data translation in Wikidata, then proceed to translation of prose in Wikipedia.

Wiki99 list by topic



Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1Internet (1969–)global system of connected computer networks based on IP addressing and routing protocols139Q75234
2operating systemsoftware that manages computer hardware resources114Q9135201
3World Wide Web (1989–)global system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet113Q466234
4softwarenon-tangible executable component of a computer110Q7397263
5artificial intelligencefield of computer science that develops and studies intelligent machines119Q11660262
6algorithmsequence of instructions to perform a task108Q8366162
7computer hardwarephysical components of a computer97Q3966132
8databaseorganized collection of data in computing93Q8513142
9computer programsequence of instructions written in programming language to perform a specified task with a computer89Q40056111
10compilercomputer program that transforms source code into object code84Q47506111
11virtual realitycomputer-simulated environment simulating physical presence in real or imagined worlds84Q170519142
12communication protocolsystem for exchanging messages between computing systems66Q13236461
13user interfacemeans by which a user interacts with and controls a machine66Q47146141
14word processordevice or computer program for input, editing, formatting, and output of text63Q5427781
15computer securitythe protection of computer systems and networks from theft, damage, misuse or data leak66Q3510521121
16big datainformation assets characterized by such a high volume, velocity, and variety to require specific technology and analytical methods for its transformation into value64Q85881091
17spreadsheetcomputer program for organization and analysis of worksheets (data in a tabular form)62Q18319771
18device drivercomputer program that operates or controls a particular type of device55Q10339513
19parallel computingprogramming paradigm in which many calculations or the execution of processes are carried out simultaneously55Q23266191
20software library (1947–)collection of non-volatile resources used by computer programs, often for software development48Q1888608
21file formatformalized structure of information stored on a computer42Q235557121
22dataquantities, characters, or symbols on which operations are performed by a computer35Q4947566
23vulnerabilitysecurity weakness which allows an attacker to reduce a system's information assurance31Q63142591
24scalabilityproperty of a system to handle a growing amount of work by adding resources to the system32Q7274904
25legacy systemold computing technology or system that remains in use and may be out of date or in need of replacement17Q4459625
26software sustainabilityassurance of availability and functionality of software over its lifetimeQ1083046803
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(44 %)

Markup and data languages

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1HTML (1989–)family of markup languages for displaying information viewable in a web browser108Q8811285
2Cascading Style Sheets (1996–)declarative language for styling web pages80Q46441172
3XML (1998–)markup language by the W3C for encoding of data74Q2115253
4SVG (1998–)open standard for two-dimensional vector graphics60Q2078202
5JSON (2001–)text-based open standard designed for human-readable data interchange49Q2063162
6TeX (1978–)typesetting system44Q5301241
7Standard Generalized Markup Language (1986–)markup language39Q207819101
8wiki markuplightweight markup language used to write pages at wiki-based websites34Q82630831
9MathMLmarkup language allowing to express mathematical formulae in a linear text form, with an XML-based notation and a standardized schema30Q8239829
10Markdown (2004–)plain-text formatting syntax, which is popularly used to format readme files32Q1193600162
Σautolist gallery timeline10633102162687359131101351056108710911026273186696410279102351102511771563152281104121021102710114466259925237329110541011411610550avg.:  3 \ 55
(34 %)

Programming languages

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1Java (1995–)object-oriented programming language102Q251283
2C (1972–)general-purpose programming language104Q15777224
3PHP (1995–)scripting language focused on web development99Q59397
4Python (1991–)general-purpose programming language97Q28865374
5JavaScript (1995–)high-level programming language90Q2005285
6C++ (1983–)general-purpose programming language97Q2407265
7SQL (1974–)relational database language that allows to extract from data tables a series of records with selection, sorting and computation criteria, or to update, delete or add records80Q47607251
8BASIC (1964–)programming language for beginners, mainly using familiar English words or abbreviations of them79Q42979111
9Perl (1987–)interpreted programming language first released in 198778Q42478273
10C# (2001–)multi-paradigm (object-oriented) programming language75Q2370183
11Fortran (1957–)general-purpose programming language73Q83303191
12Pascal (1970–)programming language74Q8157112
13Ruby (1995–)general-purpose programming language72Q161053322
14COBOL (1959–)programming language with English-like syntax71Q131140192
15Lua (1993–)lightweight programming language70Q207316231
16Lisp (1958–)functional programming language based on the lambda calculus68Q132874182
17assembly language (1949–)any low-level programming language in which there is a very strong correspondence between the instructions in the language and the architecture's machine code instructions67Q165436101
18Ada (1980–)programming language63Q154755161
19Prolog (1972–)programming language that uses first order logic55Q16346810
20R (1993–)programming language for statistical analysis58Q206904303
21Go (2009–)programming language developed by Google and the open-source community57Q37227241
22Unified Modeling Language (1995–)software system design modeling tool53Q169411102
23Haskell (1990–)purely functional programming language55Q34010242
24ALGOL (1959–)family of imperative computer programming languages51Q188436101
25Scheme (1975–)dialect of the Lisp programming language47Q187560131
26Logo (1967–)computer programming language46Q20143610
27Swift (2014–)general-purpose, multi-paradigm, compiled programming language47Q17118377211
28Rust (2006–)memory-safe programming language without garbage collection47Q575650322
29D (2001–)multi-paradigm system programming language42Q319268131
30Kotlin (2011–)general-purpose programming language derived from Java47Q3816639231
31PostScript (1982–)programming language38Q218170151
32TypeScript (2012–)programming language, superset of JavaScript that compiles to JavaScript36Q978185221
33Eiffel (1986–)programming language35Q732089152
34Simula (1962–)programming language33Q212569111
35Erlang (1986–)programming language35Q334879182
36Forth (1970–)programming language34Q275472101
37OCaml (1996–)extension of the Caml programming language34Q212587201
38Dart (2011–)programming language35Q406009221
39Unix shellcommand-line interpreter for Unix operating system34Q1466361
40F# (2005–)Microsoft programming language33Q648619171
41ML (1973–)functional programming language29Q8606547
42Modula-2 (1978–)programming language27Q77735812
43Hack (2014–)programming language23Q15971618131
44Racket (1995–)functional and contractual programming language, with strong, dynamic and reflective typing, derived from Scheme17Q1254148172
45Modula-3 (1989–)programming language13Q192822261
46Chapel (2009–)programming language4Q403605117
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(34 %)

Programming tools and environments

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1Git (2005–)distributed version control system63Q186055352
2integrated development environmentsoftware application used to develop software55Q13741101
3Apache Subversion (2000–)advanced version control system48Q46794231
4debuggercomputer program used to test and debug other programs44Q19323152
5Docker (2013–)open-source software for deploying and running of containerized applications36Q15206305282
6linkercomputer system program which produces loadable and executable programs from object files or libraries, compiled and assembled separately31Q5237966
7hypervisorpiece of computer software, firmware or hardware that creates and runs virtual machines32Q10774802
8build automationprocess of automating the creation of a software build that defines how to compile, package, and test the code16Q272746810
9Project Jupyter (2014–)nonprofit organization that developed and supported the interactive computing products Jupyter Notebook, JupyterHub, and JupyterLab14Q55630549151
Σautolist gallery timeline9611714163573978448649683118558142189251913325612771792393442454113719225239339avg.:  2 \ 38
(23 %)

Business and career

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1computer sciencestudy of computation114Q21198171
2cryptocurrency (2009–)Digital currency not reliant on a central authority92Q13479982151
3machine learningscientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform tasks without explicit instructions82Q2539172
4e-commercetype of business industry usually conducted over the Internet67Q484847123
5computer engineeringengineering discipline specializing in the design of computer hardware and software systems68Q42869181
6programmerperson who writes computer software (subclass of software developer)64Q5482740131
7enterprise resource planningcorporate task of optimizing the existing resources in a company48Q13150861
8software developmentcreation and maintaining of programs and applications49Q6386089
9agile software developmentgroup of iterative and incremental development methods47Q302323
10business intelligencetechniques and tools for acquisition and transformation of raw data into meaningful and useful information for business analysis purposes43Q33531854
11system administratorperson who maintains and operates a computer system and/or network39Q32735311
12version controlactivity of managing the versions of one or more files31Q1894395
13algorithmic tradingmethod of executing orders using automated pre-programmed trading instructions21Q1394452
14information technology consultingfield that focuses on advising businesses on how best to use information technology12Q15408633
15Software supply chain6Q25051452
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(32 %)

Technical concepts

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1HTTP (1989–)application protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems77Q877720
2blockchaindistributed data store for digital transactions79Q20514253131
3object-oriented programmingprogramming paradigm based on the concept of objects73Q7987261
4Turing machine (1936–)abstract computation model; mathematical model of computation that defines an abstract machine which manipulates symbols on a strip of tape according to a table of rules62Q163310122
5HTTP cookiesmall piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer by the user's web browser58Q17899571
6application programming interfacesoftware interface between computers and/or programs67Q165194111
7data compressionprocess of encoding information using fewer bits than the original representation62Q249310
8data miningthe process of extracting and discovering patterns in large data sets63Q1724912
9interpreterprogram that executes source code without a separate compilation step61Q1830657
10natural language processingfield of computer science and linguistics64Q30642102
11digital signaturemathematical scheme for verifying the authenticity of digital documents53Q22084971
12software bugerror, flaw, failure or fault in a computer program/system that produces an incorrect or unexpected result or causes it to behave in unintended ways53Q17955091
13functional programmingprogramming paradigm based on applying and composing functions51Q19307672
14high-level programming languageprogramming language with strong abstraction from details of hardware51Q2114964
15programming paradigmcategory of programming languages according to what methodology of designing and implementing programs their features support50Q18826781
16public-key cryptographycryptosystem that uses both public and private keys51Q20133981
17character encodingsystem using a prescribed set of digital values to represent textual characters52Q1847595
18command-line interfacetype of computer interface based on entering text commands and viewing text output51Q18905372
19data typeWikidata metaclass of data, including classification type of data in computer science53Q19008710
20recording mediumphysical storage medium for recording information40Q19339511
21subroutinesequence of instructions that can be called from other points in a computer program45Q1906866
22system softwarecomputer software that provides a platform for running application software49Q6762023
23computer visioncomputerized information extraction from images50Q8442405
24error detection and correctiontechniques that enable reliable delivery of digital data over unreliable communication channels35Q106283981
25ontologyspecification of a conceptualization in computer science and information science35Q32425416
26computational complexity theorytheoretical computer science and mathematics theory that classifies problems according to their inherent difficulty, and relates those classes to each other36Q2050848
27cellular automatondiscrete model studied in computability theory, mathematics, physics, complexity science, theoretical biology and microstructure modeling33Q18915682
28coding theorystudy of the properties of codes and their fitness for a specific application according to its environment constraints36Q6021365
29Representational State Transferarchitectural style for client-server applications31Q7495685
30recursionalgorithmic technique in computer science of solving a problem by reducing it to a smaller instance of the same problem28Q2641647
31data modeling(in software engineering) process of creating a data model for an information system by applying certain formal techniques23Q3676643
32software crisisterm used in the early days of computing science for the difficulty of writing useful and efficient computer programs in the required time14Q10659382
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(30 %)

Ethics and values

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidataensim
Wikidata item
1free softwaresoftware distributed under terms that allow users to freely run, study, change and distribute it and modified versions84Q341174
2source codecollection of computer instructions written using some human-readable computer language70Q128751131
3free contentcreative work with few or no restrictions on how it may be used67Q1407551
4hackerperson who uses technical knowledge to achieve a goal within a computerized system by non-standard means68Q148781
5open-source softwaresoftware that anyone is free to use and redistribute in its current state with a permissive licence giving a libre access to its original source code (but no necessarily to modify it)61Q1130645101
6proprietary softwarecomputer software released under a license restricting use, study or redistribution49Q2186166
7free and open-source softwaresoftware that is both free (as in freedom) and open-source49Q50688310
8white hatcomputer hacker who hacks ethically35Q189227614
9free software licenselicense by which a software package can be defined as free software20Q39434145
10women in computingrole of women in computing around the world14Q959051
11ethics of technologyconcepts of right & wrong conduct concerning technē & technological developments7Q54034932
Σautolist gallery117511041713571159189126966116711691371111774166191668812221025236513542944618211481183892457616962523821019658515102524avg.:  3 \ 48
(29 %)

See also
