This is a proposal for a new Wikimedia sister project.
Status of the proposal
Reasonno interest. Pecopteris (talk) 05:14, 19 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Details of the proposal
Project descriptionMore often then not, when studying an event, a persons life, evolution of certain things, one does not get to see the complete view of what was happening in other parts of the world. WikiEvolution will show world map against time lines, and a person could get a holistic view of what was happening in all parts of the world by clicking on that region. For example, if a person wants to know what was happening in Asia during the reign of Cleopatra, it should be possible to understand. Wiki evolution would allow traversing through timelines and through regions of the world.
Is it a multilingual wiki?Open to suggestions. I did not think about languages honestly.
Potential number of languagesWelcome suggestions
Proposed taglineSee it all evolve here.
Technical requirements
New features to requireDon't know. Have never used the tool.
Interested participants
krishna.shingala, subhankar.saha.


Most often than not, I do feel the need to see what was happening in other parts of the world when studying in detail some event in history, learning of a discovery made by scientists, reading about life of a painter or understanding evolution of a genre of art. In general, one would want to know contemporary events and people around the world in conjunction with the details of subject being studied.

WikiEvolution will have a world view against timelines on X axis, allowing the reader to easily traverse through timelines. The reader will also be able to select a region in the world. On clicking this region important people, happenings will show up. And reader can based on their area of interest pursue one or more of those.

While it is possible that one reader is interested in important scientific progress made during a certain time, another may only have interest in art, or their could another who wishes to study dressing in various parts of the world during lets say the Victorian era, hence WikiEvolution should allow setting filters according to readers taste.

The content that the person gets directed to can be existing wiki pages, hence new content creation may not be needed. Existing pages will need to linked however.