WikiIndaba konferensiyasi 2024/Ishtirokchilar

Program |
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Wiki Indaba Conference 2024 2024-yil 4–6-oktyabr kunlari Janubiy Afrikaning Yoxannesburg shahrida boʻlib oʻtadi va Wiki Indaba konferensiyasining 10 yilligini nishonlaydi. Konferensiyaning asosiy mavzusi - !ke e: /xarra //ke - xilma-xillikda birlashish.
Muhim sanalar
- Ariza taqdim etish uchun chaqiruv ochilish sanasi: 5-iyun, 2024-yil
- Arizalarni topshirish muddati tugaydi: 2024-yil 30-iyun
- Taqdim etilgan hujjatlarni tekshirib chiqish: 2024-yil iyul
- Taqdim etilgan hujjatlarni qabul qilish yoki rad etish to'g'risida xabarnoma: TBC
Seans turlari
Quyidagi sessiya turlaridan birortasi uchun taklif yuborish haqida o‘ylab ko‘ring
Turi | Tavsif | Tavsiya etilgan uzunlik |
Plakat | Ishtirokchilar ko'rishlari mumkin bo'lgan qog'oz plakatdagi ma'lumotlarning taqdimoti | 7-10 daqiqa |
Chaqmoq suhbati | Bir necha daqiqa davom etadigan qisqa taqdimot | 7-10 daqiqa |
Leksiya | Lecture/presentation on any topic within the tracks covered by the conference | 30 minutes |
Workshop | Facilitated group-wide tutorial and/or working session on a pre-selected topic | 60 minutes |
Panel | Facilitated discussion among three or more on a pre-selected topic | 45 - 60 minutes |
Roundtable | Group-wide discussion on a pre-selected topic | 60 - 75 minutes |
Session tracks
You can submit a proposal (in English or French) for any of the following tracks
Equity, Inclusion, and Community Health/Initiatives
GLAM, Heritage, and Culture
Research , Education & Technology
Movement Governance (Includes Legal, Advocacy & Risks)
Submit your session proposal
Submissions Closed
Proposal review process
Proposals will be reviewed by the Programme Committee.
Each submission will be rated on a variety of factors including the likely level of impact and expected outcomes; expected community interest; and how well-connected the submission is to the theme or a focus area. Committee scores are averaged, and the top portion of submissions will be accepted as they fit into the schedule.
If there are multiple similar submissions on the same topic, the program committee may suggest combining these submissions
You will be notified about the Programme Committee's decision regarding your submission via email.
Contact us
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us : wikiindaba2024wikimedia
za or use the meta talk page