WikiJournal User Group/Meetings/2020-01-28

WikiJournal User Group
Open access • Publication charge free • Public peer review • Wikipedia-integrated

WikiJournal User Group is a publishing group of open-access, free-to-publish, Wikipedia-integrated academic journals. <seo title=" WJM, WikiJMed, Wiki.J.Med., WikiJMed, Wikiversity Journal User Group, WikiJournal WikiMed, Free to publish, Open access, Open-access, Non-profit, online journal, Public peer review "/>

Minutes originally drafted in Google doc and copied here after 48 hours



Date: 8:00 pm UTC Monday, 27 January 2020
Location: (open-source zoom alternative)


  • Mikael Häggström (not able to attend)


  • 5 min - Update on action items from December
  • 5 min (Sarah and Kelee) -Presenting at ACRL 2021- engaging with librarians
  • 5 min - Should we rotate meeting facilitators? Any volunteers?
  • 5 min (Jack) - Update from Wikimedia Strategy Liaison
  • 5 min - application of Mohammed Sadat Abdulai for the technical editor position?
  • 10 min - (Thomas) Status report and deadline? Anything to add to 2019 report?
  • 15 min - Priorities for 2020
    • New things we could do?
    • Things we want prioritise in journal structure/indexing/outreach/peer review process
    • Content
  • 5 min (Thomas) - Dimensions and Altmetrics badges and readcube indexing (link)
  • 5 min - Video items
    • Mini instruction videos for editors?
    • Invitation for QandA interview by Leigh Blackall?
  • -60 min mark-
  • 5 min - Better ways to nominate next year’s Strategy Summit rep X

X indicates items not discussed


  • TS (reviewing past action items):
    • looking into moving nonprofit status to US from Sweden, hopefully by next meeting we'll know more
    • getting a quote on a backend for openjournals system to handle some stuff we currently do manually
    • Gwinyai: looking into re-applying for pubmed central for wikijournal of medicine in the next one or two months
  • Sarah & Kelee, presenting at ACRL 2021:
    • K: Large academic librarian conference every 2 years; interested in doing a presentation, hoping to have librarians involved. Call for participation due in May.
    • S: Call this year speaking to open access, so seems like a perfect year.
    • TS: Sounds like an excellent idea & there are some people on the editorial boards that are librarians or related positions. Question – application fee, should we write a grant to WMF?
    • K: no application fee needed. And both of us are likely to have our own travel covered through our current positions. Is it possible to apply for travel funding, if we need it? TS: If accepted and funding is needed, I suspect it could be within scope for a WMF rapid grant. I can check what grant would be applicable.
    • K: please reach out to us (emails above) if you're interested, want to be involved
  • TS: should we rotate meeting facilitators?
    • JN: open question, let us know.
    • ET: I have never really done remote meeting facilitation before but I’d be happy to assist someone more experienced in the first instance and then be in a position to do this properly in future.
  • JN: Strategy summit coming up in April, I'll be attending for the first time.
    • If you have any strategy ideas, etc. please let me know
    • Was considering an online process for feedback, and aim to have that ready by meeting next month
  • JN: working on STARDIT (draft publication)
    • (?) working on a paper, would welcome more authors
    • There's a loomio discussion group as well
  • TS:  application for technical editor
    • Making sure when a new application is made, email is sent around. Making sure the appropriate reviewer is informed and updated, etc.
    • Question is if this applicant (Mohammed Sadat Abdulai) looks good?
      • Please vote on the page linked above (support, oppose, neutral)
      • TS: My own take is that their experience looks fine to me.
    • Also would some people be interested reviewing if the pay and tasks are fair?
      • JN: I wonder what would be expected – e.g. would we talk, or interact via text?
      • TS: all text-based tasks, not verbal
      • Interested folks: Jack Nunn
  • TS: 2019 report
    • JN: questions – who is this for? How done is it? deadline?
    • TS: primarily for WMF to justify grant funding received over the last year, secondary audience for people generally interested in what WikiJournals has been doing. How finish – I think 80 to 90%, remaining items mainly specific targets we'd had. Deadline is in 2 weeks when we apply for the 2020 grant.
    • Action: Jack to add section on STARDIT
    • JN: what help is needed from others?
      • TS: a couple people to review it to check that there doesn't seem to be gaps, that it's clearly written
      • IA: Happy to review it for you, Thomas. Just ping me.
      • And if anyone has WikiJournal activities they've done in the last year, make sure they're listed
  • EY: journal specific question
    • With an article that has had one review, and no activity since – would it be helpful to find additional reviewers?
    • TS: it's helpful, you can do this by emailing the handling editor with suggestions, or encouraging people to reach out to them
    • I'm reaching out to people sharing Wikijournal Medicine, hoping they'll create articles – hoping for 4 to 6 articles come May or June. Heads up as I don't mean to create too much work.
  • JN: when are we looking to close the application for technical editor?
    • TS: hopefully in one week
  • TS: 2020 priorities
    • Interested in thoughts on (a) new things we could be doing that we haven't been doing previously in 2019, and (b) things to prioritize with journal structure, indexing, reaching out to authors, reviewers, process and content.
    • JN: let's open this up to suggesting ideas!
    • JN: I'm going to keep working on STARDIT and work to integrate it into journals (and get Wiki Journals more involved)
    • TS: getting more people writing, we've had a lot of success with reaching out to authors that we think could write a page – i.e. identifying a Wikipedia page that could benefit from attention, finding someone via academic literature that would be a good candidate for writing it, and reaching out to them.
      • Google doc of possible topic invitations (tabs for all journals) [link redacted]
    • WikiJournal of Humanities seems like it doesn't have many upcoming articles in the pipeline so it might be a good area to make a specific effort
    • JN: maybe we want to try to formalize some relationships with universities – like credits for writing a paper/article. Has this been done before?
    • K: I've taught writing for wikipedia in the past, and planning to reach out to departments & overview how to write for wikipedia & plug wikijournals. Talking points would be helpful.
    • JN: is there anyone here that thinks credit in classwork could be integrated as an incentive?
    • Eric: I'm trying to get students working on ~8 topics, I've had students writing 3000 word papers in the past – this is going to be my first time trying to get them to do it in the wiki format
      • To Kelee, I would love to talk to you and have your input on what I'm doing with the students
      • K: sure, I've done 6 or 7 classes that were basic articles, would love to help. I have powerpoints I can share.
      • E: I could add your wiki account to the class if you'd like to lurk
      • JN: I'm interested in lurking
    • JN: if we could have a template email that could be shared with academics, and offer of support that exists
      • K: I think that would be very helpful
      • TS: I can add a couple contacts at WikiEdu to expand from just courses for students to courses for academics & researchers
      • E: who at WikiEdu? TS: I think Sage Ross. TS: I think there's potential connections with WikiEdu & WikiJournals
    • TS: Another item – something came up in WikiJournal of Medicine was a new format of article that came up by chance but might be useful
      • Previously focus was review articles that could become wikipedia articles in their own right. But sometimes a topic may need a far more technical article, or far less.
      • In this case, it was about dioxins – but the WikiJournal article ended up being much more technical than appropriate for a Wikipedia page. So it became a "partner article" with more information beyond the main wikipedia page (and the author went through the main page to ensure there's nothing incorrect in it). See link at base of Wikipedia page
      • A bit like the opposite of Simple Wikipedia
      • Maybe easier for academics to write companion articles – maybe not as valuable as articles in their own right.
    • JN: noticing chat comments:
      • Idea from Angelo: suggestion to add WikiJournal of Medicine to SciMago journal rank and CoFactor
      • Idea from Gwinyai: article prize across the three journals as incentive to recruit more authors? Could add this to the grant.
    • K: welcome to Angelo and Mad
    • JN: moving on from 2020 priorities, but maybe we could set a deadline and forum for discussing and setting these?
  • TS: readcube, altmetrics, dimensions – three related services that we've been testing
    • Dimensions is a citation counter with some added features/stats
    • Altmetrics - mentions of article that are non-academic (social media, news)
    • We currently include raw URLs to these reports. If we want to use their interactive badges, we have to pay a yearly subscription of $800-1200. Is this something we think is a useful priority to put into a grant application? Or too expensive for the benefit it gives?
    • JN: I'd like to suggest making this an online vote. Maybe look it in terms of people that have incentive to publish and won't if these things don't exist. Having things that make us look as good & established as other journals seems good at this stage and I'd support it for that reason.
    • Eric: I like the idea if we can put it in a grant and have it covered, raising visibility & adding value to the journals. As I talk with people about sending things the bigger issue is that WikiJournals are not indexed in Scopus or PubMed – to a traditional academic author, this is the biggest disincentive. This is nice but not the most important thing.
    • Eric: We get a lot of reminders that the academic models are changing, universities pulling away from traditional publishers. E.g. institutions not paying for access to Elsevier articles. So… to me, being indexed seems the last piece of the puzzle.
    • Eric: and reflecting on the incentive to produce open materials – reminders that it's truly open, no publication fee, and it's indexed.
  • Gwinyai is leading on SCOPUS application & PubMed Central application for WikiJournal Medicine
  • For WikiJournal Science, contact Thomas
  • AB: Suggest application for indexing by: and
  • JN: better ways to nominate strategy summit rep – I suggest trying to discuss this online rather than in meeting here
  • TS: some people have suggested 5 minute videos would be helpful to instruct people how to do things
    • Does anyone have skills for producing videos?
    • Anyone interested in being interviewed in video interview?
    • JN: we had students asking why wikipedia is so text-based, why there isn't more video content. Funding for video stuff might be something good to put into grant as well since it can be very labor intensive.
  • JN: reviewing action items below
    • JN: what's it mean to have a "first public meeting"?
    • Kelee: I have no idea, I was going to ask!
    • TS: currently the idea is that these meetings are for editorial board & associates to join, the idea was to have a meeting once every 6 months that could invite others – authors, peer reviewers, others interested
    • K: I'll ask you questions later!
  • JN all done (& reminder to copy from notes to action items!)
    • TS: thanks to JN for keeping us on time!
    • JN: As a final action item: should we send out an email with the notes for everyone, or summary of what was discussed. Kelee, can I ask you to do that?
    • Kelee: highlights of the meeting? I can do that.
    • JN: copying the notes of this meeting is fine, so we all have something to refer to.

Action items

  • Draft application to ACRL 2021 (Kelee & Sarah)
  • Check WMF grant eligibility to cover ACRL 2021 attendance if necessary (Thomas)
  • Share these minutes and action items by email (Mad)
  • Share these minutes to metawiki in 48hr with confidential info redacted (Thomas)
  • Add section on STARDIT to annual report (Jack)
  • Create resources to send out to potential course co-ordinators asking to integrate writing Wiki Journal articles into course credit (mention we’re award winning, have prizes to offer (TBC)
  • Draft WikiJMed applications to SCOPUS and PMC (Gwinyai)
  • Draft applications of WikiJMed to SciMago journal rank and CoFactor (Angelo?)
  • Facilitate between WikiJ and Wikiedu- conversations about the possible collaboration between the two  (Kelee). And organize template email to share with academics
  • Vote on technical editor application (all)
  • Ongoing discussion: 2020 priorities (all)
  • Volunteers to facilitate future meetings (Jack, Eystein, others?)
  • Organise next meeting (Kelee + Thomas)
    • Feb will be first fully public meeting - once every six months
    • Not just editorial board members
    • Include contact other user groups, chapters and thematic orgs to participate