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WikiMiniAtlas é um Javascript plugin para indicar (-icon) um worldmap como GoogleMaps: draggable, zoomable, e clickable, geocoded dentro artigos de Wikipédia. O mapa contem as ligações a todas as outras geocoded artigos em Wikipédia e pode ser ampliado para baixo para aproximar a definição de 100m.

WikiMiniAtlas na ação
Pirâmides do Egito na modalidade satellite

Data Sources

  • The textual labels on the map are generated from a database by de:User:Kolossos filled with data from de:User:Stefan Kühn combining coordinate data from several different language versions.
  • Thumbnails from commons are extracted perioidically from database dumps
  • The default base map is generated from VMAP0 rendered using the Mapnik toolkit. The folowing VMAP0 layers are plotted
    • grounda (landmass)
    • oceansea (ocean)
    • seaicea (shelf ice  , drift ice)
    • coastl (coastlines)
    • grassa (grassland  )
    • treesa (trees )
    • inwatera (lakes  )
    • landicea (landice  )
    • builtupa (built-up areas (all settlements  ))
    • watrcrsl (rivers  , intermittent rivers  )
    • polbndl (country borders  , regional borders  )
    • aquecanl (canals  )
    • railrdl (railroads  )
    • roadl (roads with median  , roads without median  )
  • As a big fan of the NPS I also added all US National Parks and Monuments to the VMAP0 base map (thanks for the freely available Geodata!)
  • The reduced bandwith map (coastline) is based on GSHHS Coastline Data (public domain)
  • The Landsat7, daily aqua, and daily terra satellite modes use data by the National Air and Space Administration