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有啲內部嘅程式碼修改可方便加新嘅 maplayers。第一版係來自 Landsat MODIS sets 嘅每日新鮮衞星資料。範圍就視乎粒星嘅軌道。

WikiMiniAtlas 隻 Javascript plugin,用來響 geocoded 嘅維基百科文顯示一幅拖得、放縮得、撳得嘅世界地圖。 幅地圖連曬去維基百科第啲地碼咗(geocoded)嘅文,全球嘅解析度可以放大到 100米。雖然有啲似 GoogleMaps,呢套程式係我地自己嘅,而啲資料都係自由嘅。
去Washington Monument。睇下右上角粒-icon。 撳下渠,就會見到幅圖彈出來。拖下幅圖周圍走。用+/-掣放大縮細,撳下箭嘴開 config 版改設定。
Map data courtesy of GSHHS Coastline Data (public domain), VMAP0 rendered using the Mapnik toolkit, additional data couresey of the US National Park Service, Landsat7 data courtesy of NASA.
edit- The textual labels on the map are generated from a database by de:User:Kolossos filled with data from de:User:Stefan Kühn combining coordinate data from several different language versions.
- Thumbnails from commons are extracted perioidically from database dumps
- The default base map is generated from VMAP0 rendered using the Mapnik toolkit. The folowing VMAP0 layers are plotted
- grounda (landmass)
- oceansea (ocean)
- seaicea (shelf ice , drift ice)
- coastl (coastlines)
- grassa (grassland )
- treesa (trees )
- inwatera (lakes )
- landicea (landice )
- builtupa (built-up areas (all settlements ))
- watrcrsl (rivers , intermittent rivers )
- polbndl (country borders , regional borders )
- aquecanl (canals )
- railrdl (railroads )
- roadl (roads with median , roads without median )
- As a big fan of the NPS I also added all US National Parks and Monuments to the VMAP0 base map (thanks for the freely available Geodata!)
- The reduced bandwith map (coastline) is based on GSHHS Coastline Data (public domain)
- The Landsat7, daily aqua, and daily terra satellite modes use data by the National Air and Space Administration
editPut this anywhere in your monobook.js file:
var wma_settings = { height : 400, width : 700 }
to set the size of the MiniAtlas window.
Article | |
Mountain | |
Village < 10000 inhabitants | |
Town < 100.000 inhabitants | |
City < 500.000 inhabitants | |
City < 1.000.000 inhabitants | |
City > 1.000.000 inhabitants |
Special map symbols for cities and mountains. Country names now have no symbol but are set in bold face.
editThe new version wikiminiatlas2.js now uses AJAX to display markers with WikiLinks to other geocoded articles. This means you can now see which articles are geographically nearby and you can browse Wikipedia spatially. The german Wikipedia extensively uses templates of the {{coor_title_dms}} family (and derived ones). It actually is a lot of fun just to scroll to some remote region on earth, zoom in and follow the links that magically appear!
Frequently Asked Questions
edit- Why is the red dot not exactly at the position of the article marker?
- The coordinates of the article markers are not necessarily the same as the coordinated coded in the actual article you are viewing. This may have diffent reasons:
- The coordinate has been changed since the last extraction run
- The coordinate in the database was extracted from an article version in a different language. Articles linked by interwikilinks are assumed to have the same coordinates, however, the geocoding accuracy can vary considerably across projects)
- Numerical errors in the Javascript interpreter restrict the matching accuracy (they shouldn't in a perfect world...)
- I am from and would like to enable the WikiMiniAtlas on our project
- Great, a bare map without any clickable links should work out of the box, just add code to include MediaWiki:Wikiminiatlas.js in your local MediaWiki:Common.js file. Please do not copy the whole javascript code to your project as you will not get automatic updates, and the interaction protocol between the client javascript and the server may change any time.
- If you'd like clickable links in your project language on the map contact me and I'll add server-side support. But your project should have an active geocoding effort going on and must be supported by Wikipedia-World.