Wiki Loves Broadcast/Stakeholders

On this page we will have a list of spokespersons at the Wikimedia chapters and their responsibilitys. There will also be a list of the existing international cooperations (excluding national WLB chapters). We will also mention the key persons of the WLB team and the telegram group. There will be links to existing national chapters of WLB (for now only Germany).

Main Page Stakeholders Documentation FAQ Media

Community members

User Active in language versions Area of activity
New York-air German Head of international community
Wikiolo German Co-Head of international community?
Medea7 German ?

Wikimedia Chapters


The Wikimedia chapters support the WLB community by persuading broadcasters in their area of the benefits of free licences, so that the community can then explain their requirements so that as much content as possible can be included in Wikipedia articles.

Chapter Person Broadcasters they are in contact with
WMDE Jan-David Franke
WMUK Lucy Crompton
WMCZ Vlastimil Slovák
WMUA Valentyn Nefedov, Anton Protsiuk
WME Michele Failla

National Chapters


The international WLB community acts as the umbrella organisation. Once there is enough activity and content in a particular language, we encourage community members to start a national chapter. Already existing chapters:

Chapter Languages Countries
German Wiki Loves Broadcast German Germany, Austria, Switzerland