Ig Wiki Librarians Hub/Activities/Wikidata+languages: An introduction to Wikidata lexemes
The Igbo language (Igbo (Q33578)) is the principal native language of the Igbo people, an ethnic group from South-eastern part of Nigeria. Igbo language is spoken by 30 million people as of 2020. The language code is ig
. Igbo is written using the Ọnwụ alphabet, a compromise between the older Lepsius alphabet and a newer alphabet advocated by the International Institute of African Languages and Cultures (IIALC). This event focuses on teaching participants how to create lexemes in Igbo language

edit- Date: 30th September, 2022
- Time: 10.00am - 02.00pm WAT
- Location: Awka, Anambra State
Igbo lexemes
editSince 2018, Wikidata has also stored a new type of data which are words, phrases and sentences, described in many languages. This information is stored in new types of entities, called Lexemes (L), Forms (F) and Senses (S). Lexicographical data can be reused on the Wikimedia projects, and can provide support for Wiktionary. The lemmas of the lexemes should always start with lowercase (unless it's a proper noun, like Chineke or Naịjiria)
Lexical categories in Igbo include nouns, pronouns, numerals, verbs, adjectives, conjunctions, and a single preposition (na, which meaning is flexible and must be ascertained from the context).
Wikidata lexeme forms
editBefore creating a new lexeme, it is very important to search, to avoid creating an already existing lexeme. Use the search box below to search for a lexeme. If word appears, it exists. If it doesn't appear on the search result, go ahead to create the lexemes. To create nouns, verb, or adjectives use the tools below, click on the buttons to navigate to the tools
Click on the button below to search for a lexeme before creating a new lexeme to avoid creating duplicates
editParticipants were shown how Igbo lexemes are created on Wikidata. A total of 60 Igbo noun, verbs, and adjectives were generated for participants to create. After the event, there was a total of 859 Wikidata revision and 131 lexemes/items were created as at 04/10/2022. See tracking dashboard for more details.
List of created lexemes
1. íkpé (judge)- lexical category: verb, grammatical features -present tense
- forms: íkpé íkpé (judging), grammatical features - present participle
- íkpézỊ (to judged)
- kpeziri (judged) past tense, past participle
2. oka íkpé (lawyer),- lexical category: noun, grammatical features -proper noun
3. aka nri (right hand)- lexical category: noun
4. nke ato (third) – lexical category: adjectives, grammatical features -prenominal
5. mkpanaka (mobile)- lexical category: noun, grammatical features: countable, singular
6. nsụ (stammer)- lexical category: verb, form: present tense
- forms: na-asụ nsụ (stammering), grammatical features:present participle
- sụrụ nsụ (stammered), grammatical features: past tense, past participle
- isụ nsụ (to stammer), grammatical features: instrasitive, transitive
7. ikwa iko (fornicate)- lexical category: verb, form: intransitive, present tense
- forms: na-akwa iko (fornicating), grammatical features; present participle
- kwara iko (fornicated), grammatical features; past participle, past tense
8. kpọta (come along)- lexical category: phrasal verb, grammatical features; phrasal verb, intransitive, present tense
- forms: na-akpọta (coming along), grammatical features:present participle
- kpọtara (came along), grammatical features:past participle, past tense
- ikpọta (to come along), grammatical features: intransitive
9. Jenụwarị (January)- lexical category: lexical category: noun, grammatical features:countable, uncountable, singular
10. Febụwarị (February) – lexical category: noun, grammatical features:countable, uncountable, singular
11. Maachị (March)- lexical category: noun, grammatical features:countable, uncountable, singular
12. Eprel (April)- lexical category: noun, grammatical features:countable, uncountable, singular
13. Mee (May)- lexical category: noun, grammatical features:countable, uncountable, singular
14. Juunu (June)- lexical category: noun, grammatical features:countable, uncountable, singular
15. Julai (July)- lexical category: noun, grammatical features:countable, uncountable, singular
16. Ọgọst (August) - lexical category: noun, grammatical features:countable, uncountable, singular
17. Septemba (September) - lexical category: noun, grammatical features:countable, uncountable, singular
18. Ọktoba (October)- lexical category: noun, grammatical features:countable, uncountable, singular
19. Nọvemba (November)- lexical category: noun, grammatical features:countable, uncountable, singular
20. Disemba (Disemba)- lexical category: noun, grammatical features:countable, uncountable, singular
21. wete (bring)- lexical category: verb, grammatical features:present tense
- forms: na-ewete (bringing), grammatical features: present participle
- wetere (brought), grammatical features:past tense, past participle
- iwete (to bring), grammatical features: transitive
22. gụọ (read) – lexical category: verb, grammatical features: present tense
- forms: na-agụ, grammatical features: present participle
- gụrụ, grammatical features:past tense, past participle
- igụ
23. nkeji (minute)- lexical category: noun, grammatical features: singular
24. ugo (eagle) – lexical category: noun, grammatical features: countable
25. bilie (rise)- lexical category: verb, grammatical features: intransitive verb
- forms: na-ebili (rising), grammatical features: present participle
- biliri (rose), grammatical features: past tense
- bilitere (risen), grammatical features: past participle
- ibili (to rise)
26. ọnwa (month)- lexical category: noun
27. ụbọchi (day)- lexical category: noun
28. afọ (year)- lexical category: noun
29. ede (cocoyam)- lexical category: noun
30. ụkwa (African breadfriut)- lexical category:noun
31. fịọ fịọ (pigeon peas)- lexical category:noun
32. ụdara (African star apple)- lexical category:noun
33. ajị ahu (body hair)- lexical category:noun
34. ọgwụ (drugs)- lexical category:noun
35. ọhia (forest)- lexical category: noun
36. mba (no)- lexical category: adverb, grammatical features: determiner
37. mba (region)- lexical category: noun
38. ṅụọ iyi (swear)- lexical category: verb, grammatical features: present tense
- forms: na-aṅụ iyi (swearing), grammatical features: present participle
- ṅụrụ iyi (swore), grammatical features: past tense
- ịṅụ iyi (to swear)
39. ibi úgwù (circumcision- lexical category: noun, grammatical features: singular, plural
40. ibi úgwù (circumcise)- lexical category: verb, grammatical features: transitive
41. ngwucha (end)- lexical category: noun, grammatical features: singular, countable
42. nyocha (survey)- lexical category: noun, grammatical features: present tense, countable
43. újù (plenty)- lexical category: noun
44. ikwighikwighi (owl), lexical category: noun, grammatical features: countable, singular
45. uko (Kitchen cabinet), lexical category: noun, grammatical features: countable, singular
46. atiti (dirt) lexical category: noun,
47. átú ósísí (chewing stick), lexical category: noun, grammatical features: countable, singular
48. dị ányá (far) adjective
- forms: kachasi anya (farthest), grammatical features: superlative
49. bulie (lift)- lexical category: verb, grammatical features:
50. laa azụ (reverse), lexical category: verb grammatical features: present tense
- forms: lara azụ (reversed), grammatical features: past tense, past participle
- na-ala azụ (reversing), grammatical features: present participle
- ila azụ (to reverse)
51. dọghachi azụ (pull back- lexical category: phrasal verb, grammatical features:present tense
- forms: dọghachiri azụ (pulled back), grammatical features: past tense, past participle
- na-dọghachi azụ (pulling back), grammatical features: present participle
- idọghachi azụ (to pull back
52. tachie obi (endure)- lexical category: verb, grammatical features: present tense
- forms: tachiri obi (endured), grammatical features: past tense, past participle
- na-atachi obi (enduring), grammatical features: present participle
- itachi obi (to endure)
53. ịdị (exist), lexical category: verb, grammatical features: intransitive
- forms: diri (existed), grammatical features: past participle, past tense
- na-adị adị (existing), grammatical features: present participle
54. Olisa (God) - lexical category: noun, grammatical features: countable
55. mkpọpụta (spell), lexical category: verb, grammatical features: present tense
- forms: na-akpọpụta (spelling), grammatical features: present participle
- mkpọpụtara (spelt), grammatical features: past participle, past tense
- ikpọpụta (to spell)
56. okirikiri (circle)- lexical category: noun, grammatical features: countable
57. oluku (fool) - lexical category: noun, grammatical features: singular
58. nyoo (peep)- lexical category: verb, grammatical features: present tense
- forms: na-enyo (peeping), grammatical features: present participle
- nyoro (peeped), grammatical features: past participle, past tense
- inyo (to peep)
59. ntabi anya (blink) - lexical category: verb, grammatical features: present tense
- forms: na-atabi anya (blinking), grammatical features: present participle
- tabiri anya (blinked), grammatical features: past tense, past participle
- itabi anya (to blink)
60. ntámù (murmur) - lexical category: verb, grammatical features: present tense
- forms: na-atamu (murmuring) grammatical features: present participle
- tamuru (murmured) grammatical features: past participle, past tense
- itamu (to murmur)
Group photo