WikiLegislative, by the people, for the people.

This is a proposal for a new Wikimedia sister project.
Status of the proposal
Details of the proposal
Project descriptionThis project is for developing, proposing, or revising laws. Anyone can write a law, this will be not only a guide, but also a way for anyone to participate and collaborate on the things that mean most to them. I want anyone to with regardless of prior legal knowledge/ to be empowered
Potential number of languageslikely predominantly English & Spanish
Proposed taglineHave no fear, WikiLegislative is here!
Technical requirements
New features to requireN/A
Development wikiNTD
Interested participants

Do you know how bills are turned into law? WikiLegislative will be the place to find your states, or even county's laws in the original legal language but also 'translated' for the lay.

WikiLegislative will include; legal glossary, step by step guide how a bill becomes law, links to sign up for your local governments 'bill tracker' so you can stay up to date on the things that matter to you, along with templates, guides, samples, and examples of any and all types of legal paperwork one would need, whether proposing a bill, or going pro se. is supposed to be for the people, although if you look closely at the system the corruption is quite apparent, and often alarming. The system was built so that you, the people, can make an impact. Take the opportunity! Sites like WikiLegislative will help educate, inspire, and empower the public.

Proposed by


Alternative names

  • WikiLegislator
  • WikiLegal --if available
  • Wikinitiatives
  • WikiGovernment
  • WikiGov

Wikilegal, and Wikilaw are of the same nature, though the purpose of WikiLegislative is to educate and provide resources to create and propose new laws and or amend, and repeal old laws.

Domain names

People interested