Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2013/Program

Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2013   Slovakia & Modra   Travel & Venue   Organisation   Program   Participants   Sponsors   FAQ



November 14, Thursday


(Day 0)

  • 14:00-18:30 Walk-in
  • 18:30-19:00 Socializing, ice breaking
  • 19:00-21:00 Dinner, Wine tasting
  • 21:00-... Free program

November 15, Friday


(Day 1)

November 16, Saturday


(Day 2)

November 17, Sunday


(Day 3)

  • 08:00-09:00 Breakfast
  • 09:00-09:30 Walk-in
  • 9:30-10:20 Future of WM CEE
  • 10:25-11:15 Mutual collaboration
  • 11:15-11:40 Conclusion of the meeting
  • 11:40-12:00 Closing
  • 12:00-13:00 Lunch
  • 13:15 Trip to small ceramic fabric



Affiliations Committee


Presentation and/or questions and answers session for people with young chapters, or those who are exploring the idea of creating a local user group or a chapter. -Vladimir Medeyko

Chapters Dialogue


Present the project, current progress and first insights of the Chapters Dialogue, get feedback and share ideas about next steps we can take together in 2014. Chapters Dialogue is a structured assessment of chapters needs, goals and stories combined with a stakeholder survey, initiated by the International Affairs Unit of Wikimedia Deutschland. It will not only allow all of us to reflect the status quo of our roles and relationships, but will enable us to actively shape them in the future. -Kira Krämer

WMF grants


The presentation will focus on the application process for project grants of the Wikimedia Foundation and the role of the Grant Advisory Committee in the evaluation process of the requests submitted. -Kiril Simeonovski

Wikipedia Education Program


Presentation of WEP - worldwide and CEE region. Overview of current projects, plans, ideas and goals. Chapter cooperation in WEP project, and WEP models worldwide. Interactive workshop with Q/A WEP basics. -Ivan Matejić

Wiki Loves Earth / Monuments


Photo contest in Wikimedia environment. -Ilya Korniyko, Yevhen Bukiet

  • Some statistics about WLM contest (lists, photos, monuments)
  • Is WLx influential in wiki (articles, lists, wikivoyage pages) and among off-wiki competition?
    • How to improve - create articles, visually appealing site to browse photos
  • Wiki loves Earth
  • tools
    • migrating lists to WikiData
    • new Ukrainian jury tool
    • ideas
  • etherpad: CEE2013-wikiloves
  • presentation slides



GLAM stands for Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums and the wider cultural sector. Over recent years, there has been increasing recognition that the Wikimedia mission overlaps with that of many GLAMs. This has translated into a steadily growing set of partnerships around the globe. In this talk, an overview of the global activities will be provided, followed by a more detailed discussion of activities for one region (Central and Eastern Europe) and one topic area (Science GLAM). -- Daniel Mietchen (talk) 23:20, 12 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Czech-Slovak Wikipedia


Presentation of a new cross-wiki project that provides technological support to editors and readers of the Czech and Slovak Wikipedias, profiting from the historical and linguistic links between the two communities to accelerate their development. Followed by some ideas taken from the language track of the recent Wikimania and thoughts on how wikis in the CEE languages could benefit from sharing content with each other, concluding in a discussion on whether we want this to be hapenning at all. -Marek Blahuš



I will explain what Wikidata is used for, what it can be used for and most importantly what you can to make it useful for the subjects that are particularly relevant to your language and culture. -Gerard Meijssen

The Road to the Games


A look at efforts to improve disability sport related content on Wikimedia projects by working with the Australian, Spanish and United States Paralympic Committees. This culminated with Wikimedians getting media access to the London and Sochi Paralympic Games. -Laura Hale

Don't try this at home


Session about various errors and fails which happened to us. Because to know what was wrong is the first step to do thinks better (and it's much more fun if your mistakes are original). -Raul Veede

Please, prepare some (3 is good) fails you could present during the session. You can note them to the subpage.

Mutual collaboration


Affiliations can work separately or can collaborate on various projects and use shared resources. While to re-invent a wheel if the neighbour have it already invented? What is projects we can collaborate about? -Michal Matúšov

Please think about such projects to be able to share your ideas. See (and extend) the subpage.

Future of Wikimedia CEE


Moderated discussion about future of Wikimedia CEE group at all and Wikimedia CEE Meeting specifically. There are available notes for the discussion. -Michal Matúšov

Working groups
