Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2015/Programme/Low-cost/Is it possible to crowdfund for a wiki helper?

Title of your proposal

Name(s) and/or username(s)
Mikhail Volchak / User:Mr. Zabej
Svitlana Yermakovich / User:Svetit
Type of submission (Please choose one)
  • We would like to share our experience (case study) -15 minutes
  • and discuss about any possible way and practices to crowdfund in wiki projects - 30 minutes


Firstly, at the beginning of the year we’ve (Falanster) made survey about crucial wikipedia’s challenges in a Belarusian context. There are different problems to contribute in Wikipedia such as a language barrier, understanding of author’s rights, motivation and a lack of “technical” skills. The last point was in the first place of the obstacle list for potential wiki editors. Secondly, we defined the fault of awareness about wikipedia at all in society (37%), language problem in terms of russification (56%), more articles (53%)[1].

In our opinion we needed to develop relation between a local wiki community and a belarusian society. The solution should increase presence of wikipedia in the media, to foster topic communities with special “technical and behavioural” knowledge, that is how to participate in wikipedie life from scratch.

As a civil society organization we have around 3-year cooperation with wiki community, and use the wiki approaches in our daily routine. So, we decided to make interference in the issues and foster wiki community with our energy and organizational skills.

We shaped our activity based on research results and named it “Wikification”[2]. The initiative includes a range of workshops in different regions, launching wikimedia user group in Belarus and started a pilot crowdfunding campaign for creation “Wiki Helper for a newcomer”[3].

All the activity got started with a zero budget and could involve during the year enough funds from citizens and local organizations. In addition, there were more than 10 volunteers and a number of SCO initiatives in our activities as well.

Expected outcomes

We hope after discussion to collect ideas and approaches how to foster infrastructure for crowdsourcing and crowdfunding projects for Wikipedia.

Duration (with Q&A)

45 minutes

30 minutes, and please stay more focused on the low-cost side of your talk. Spiritia 21:15, 3 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Specific requirements
  • We need: a projector + Internet
  • Will you need flipcharts and pencils, etc.? - Yes, it will be good.
  • Do you need specific arrangement of the chairs and tables in the room? - it is enough several tables.
Slides or further information
  • add link to slides presentaion from commons.... prepare
Interested attendees (Please add yourself, and you may indicate your questions to the presenter).

