Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2017/Programme/Submission/Create one-day challenges in under one hour

Merged with another accepted submission: Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2017/Programme/Submission/CEE Contests.

Title of your proposal


Create one-day challenges in under one hour

Name(s) and/or username(s)

Gheorghe Iordachi, User:Gikü
Wikimedians of Moldova (unofficial)


  • Content Contests (Article writing contests/challenges, Photo contests)

Type of submission (Please choose one)

  • Presentation (one-to-many)



Did you ever go to bed and right before you fall asleep, a wild idea comes about an article writing contest? Or did you just find out that tomorrow in the World Food Day and you'd like to sketch a short&fun photo contest within your community?

What do you do when this kind of ideas come? If what you do is discarding them, as they would require a lot of time and effort to organize and manage, I am here to tell you you have the wrong approach.

During the short presentation, I will show you how simple it is to design and deploy a one-day challenge in your local community, helping people to contribute in fun ways, without even a prize pool.

Expected outcomes


Participants should be encouraged to organize short challenges whenever the inspiration comes.

Duration (without Q&A)


20 minutes

Specific requirements


I will just need a projector

Slides or further information

edit progress

Interested attendees (Please add yourself, and you may indicate your questions to the presenter).

  1. Spiritia 14:24, 8 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  2. --Рөстәм Нурыев (talk) 15:43, 9 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]