Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2022/Session notes

This page contains a chronological listing of links to note-taking sheets on Etherpad for most sessions of the conference programme.
Day 1 (Friday, 14 October)
editSee: Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2022/Programme#Day 1 (Friday, 14 October 2022)
- Introduction to CEE Hub
- Wikipedia in the Albanian classroom
- Wiki Senior, different approach in three countries
- Teaching Wikipedia online
- noGLAMorɚ - Wikimedia and (non-institutional) cultural organizations
- Experience of the Wiki Club in Burzyansky District of Bashkortostan
- The WikiStipendiya marathon in Uzbekistan
- Wikimedia Movement in Russia
Day 2 (Saturday, 15 October)
editSee: Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2022/Programme#Day 2 (Saturday, 15 October 2022)
- How Russia’s war in Ukraine impacted the wiki ecosystem. The situation so far
- The human rights perspective at Wikimedia
- How to take better photos
- Use of Wikimedia tools
- Cooperation between Wikimedia UG Georgia and Gov agencies
- Transforming Our World: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals-The Role of Every Wikipedian
- Wikipedia as text: Essence, not essays
- Movement Strategy Grants Co-creation workshop
- The Future of CEE Spring
- Wikipedian in Residence in the Battle for Cultural heritage
- Developments with the Wiki Science Competition
- Modeling our languages with Lexeme
- Challenges in local governance in the CEE region
- From Wikimedia Strategy to Movement Charter - meet the Movement Charter Drafting Committee
- Collaboration and cross-regional exchange with Wikimedia Accelerator UNLOCK
- Capacity development for underrepresented communities
- Participation in the Wikimedia Projects in View of Sensory Deprivation: A Case Study within WMCEE Wikis
- What does it take to build a movement of free knowledge protectors?
- CEE Hub Workshop - Governance and Programme Focus
Day 3 (Sunday, 16 October)
editSee: Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2022/Programme#Day 3 (Sunday, 16 October 2022)
- There must be balance in an affiliate
- Board Session at CEE Meeting 2022 – Chat with the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees
- WikiClubs experience in Georgia
- Wiki Loves Earth – opportunities for the CEE communities
- Youth Engagement and sustainability in the CEE Region
- Ohrid then and now photography workshop
- Creating and developing your own wiki
- WikiLearn – online learning for the Wikimedia movement
- An overview of Wikimedia Foundation Funding Programs in CEE (and updates!)
- Wikipedia, Education, and Information Literacy
- Wikipedia Administrative Pages Analytics? An Analytical Project To Understand Outdated Pages
- Patrocle - the reverter that any wiki can use
- notNewNORMAL
- CEE Hub "General Assembly" - Decision Making Time