Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2023/Submissions/Advocacy Updates from Georgia

Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2023 Logo ID : 7 Advocacy Updates from Georgia
Author(s): Mehman Ibragimov Username(s): Mehman (WMGE) Type of submission: Lightning talk
Affiliation: Wikimedia UG Georgia Theme(s): Advocacy

Wikimedia UG Georgia, in cooperation with various partners, is actively working to promote the ideas of free knowledge in Georgia. At the moment, we are actively working to make the Freedom of Panorama (FoP) available in Georgia. Our proposal is already in the Georgian Parliament, where we are holding meetings with a team that should change the country's legislation. We hope that we will reach our final goal soon.

Slides: coming soon
Level of advancement: medium
Special requirements:
How will this session be beneficial for the communities in the region of CEE?

This will enable other affiliates to learn our practice and knowledge, and in the future, they will be able to implement our practice to achieve their goals.

Interested participants


(register below and ask your questions now to the session organizer)