Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2023/Submissions/Collaborating across CEE and beyond: Best practices of Building a New Innovation Format for the Movement

Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2023 Logo ID : 14 Collaborating across CEE and beyond: Best practices of Building a New Innovation Format for the Movement
Author(s): Lucia Obst, Ivana Madžarević Username(s): Lucia Obst (WMDE), IvanaMadzarevic Type of submission: Lecture: One or two presenters offer(s) a presentation followed by questions and comments from the audience. The total time for a lecture (including questions and comments) will be 30 minutes.
Affiliation: Wikimedia Deutschland, Wikimedia Serbia Theme(s): * Innovation
  • Collaboration / Partnerships
  • Diversity
  • Collaboration playbook

In this session we wish to create a space for knowledge exchange and skills sharing on the topic of cross-affiliate collaboration. In 2023 we have set up a strong partnership involving six affiliates from across the globe including Wikimedia Serbia, Wikimedia Argentina, Wikimedia Deutschland, Wikimedia User Group Kenya, Wikimedia User Group Tanzania, and Wikimedia User Group Uganda. Together, we set out to build an innovation infrastructure that both serves the communities within the respective regions, as well as benefits our work as a movement beyond regional limitations. For this to work, each partner builds on their individual strengths and resources available. We aimed to create a truly equitable partnership and in this session we will share our knowledge on what worked well and what could use improvement, a collaboration playbook: Session participants will learn about the benefits of teaming up with several affiliates across different regions from CEE and beyond, and how joining forces and resources increases our impact as a Movement. Participants will hear about lived experiences and leave with specific learnings on how to set up a successful cross-affiliate collaboration of their own.

If you want to learn more, here’s the link to our cross-Movement project:

Level of advancement: Medium
Special requirements:
How will this session be beneficial for the communities in the region of CEE?

Partnerships are a strong tool in creating greater impact as a Movement. It is a means to overcome silos and pull our resources together in our mission to make knowledge more accessible to everyone. As a particularly large collaboration involving six partners from the Wikimedia Movement, we have collected many learnings and best practices over the year and we wish to share our experiences that will hopefully inspire many more cross-affiliate partnerships to come. This can be particularly useful for the CEE region, since many affiliates can grow and use joint resources by working together – and this is one model they can use as a blueprint. Our goal is for them to bring back new knowledge and experiences in the field of cross-Movement collaboration to their communities and to try achieving greater impact by exploring and understanding different perspectives.

In order to present as international collaborators, a hybrid/online setup for the session would be ideal. If there’s a possibility of a scholarship for speakers, we would be interested.

Interested participants


(register below and ask your questions now to the session organizer)

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