Wikimedia CEE Online Meeting 2020/Programme/Submissions/Wikipedia as a ‘Real Utopia’ in CEE? Motivation for Wiki volunteering

Wikipedia as a ‘Real Utopia’ in CEE? The motivation for Wiki volunteering

Title of the submission
Type of submission (lightning talk, discussion, panel, workshop)


Author(s) of the submission

Čarna Brković and Z. Blace (participants of the #femQueerRAINBOW #checkInEditON)


Zblace, NaucnicaCG


Čarna Brković and Z. Blace (participants of the #femQueerRAINBOW #checkInEditON)

Track (COVID-19, Basic capacity development, Advanced capacity development)

Basic capacity development

Abstract (up to 100 words)

This panel aims to open a discussion with the conference audience on motivation people in the CEE may have to become Wikipedians/Wikimedians. In doing so, the panel asks whether Wiki is organised as a ‘real utopia’ in Central and Eastern Europe and, if so, what a real utopia looks like in the everyday life of this region. The term ‘real utopia’ comes from sociologist Erik Olin Wright who developed it to describe real-world examples of socialist alternatives to capitalism and who used it to describe Wikipedia as a project embodying ‘ideals of equality, open access, participation, and deliberation in a domination-free environment’. Yet, Olin Wright was writing about the English-language Wikipedia. Are the above-mentioned ideals reflected in the work of CEE Wikipedians/Wikimedians? If we take into account rather low rates of volunteering in CEE countries, what motivation do CEE Wikipedians/Wikimedians have to volunteer their time and work for Wiki? How do CEE Wikipedians/Wikimedians combine this volunteer work with other things they/we do in life (including paid work, family, friends, activism…)? The panel is envisioned as an open discussion with the conference participants on their experiences and reflections on the motivations, goals, and ideals of the CEE Wikipedians/Wikimedians.

How will this session be beneficial for the communities in the region of Central and Eastern Europe?

The panel could ideally provide a place for a collective reflection on the reasons people in CEE have for engaging with Wikipedia that go beyond nationalism or self-promotion. With its focus on motivation, it could also potentially clarify what may attract new people to become Wiki editors.

Do you plan to pre-record a video with a presentation?


Special requirements
Slides or further information

Interested attendees


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  1. Zblace (talk) 06:23, 31 August 2020 (UTC)[reply]