Wikimedia CH/Micro Grant/Purchase of equipment for Wikimedia Haiti's local activities

Username : Rency Inson Michel

Country : Haïti

Amount : 900 ̰$USD

Details below :

Désignation En $ USD
Ordinateur Computer 350
Appareil photo Camera 500
microphone 50
Total 900

Planned Activities

  • Creation of a second wikiclub in the city of Leogane
  • Introductory wikisource workshops
  • Photographic hunting
  • Working session on an action plan for the revitalization of Wikipedia ht

People involved


Wikimedia's projects are still not well anchored in Haiti. The user group in Haiti intends to redouble its efforts to act even more effectively on this situation. In its approach to mobilize the documentary and educational communities in Haiti to organize themselves into communities around digital commons, the lack of equipment is one of the difficulties faced by this user group. Therefore, for some time now, the steering committee has been seriously considering setting up a workspace equipped with the necessary computer equipment: computer, internet, projector, camera, microphones and a small library.

Moreover, the group intends to act more systematically to make Wikipedia ht more dynamic. Also, a retreat will be organized next December to agree on an action plan. Concomitantly, starting this November, introductory workshops to wikisource are planned in order to, among other things, strengthen through this platform, the visibility of Haitian knowledge produced by researchers of the 19th century. The challenge is to improve access to classical Haitian social thought.

Also, we are applying for a grant for the purchase of a service computer, a microphone and a camera (photo and video). This will allow us to be better equipped materially to illustrate subjects on Wikipedia that concern Haiti. There are many topics related to Haiti that are not illustrated by images.

The group decides to film most of its activities or simply broadcast them live on social networks in order to reach a wider audience. In order to make the videos more audible, we feel that a microphone is a great necessity.

--Rency Inson Michel (talk) 20:59, 29 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]



This section needs to be filled out by the Microgrants-Committee




Result Grant request accepted.