Wikimedia CH/Micro Grant/Travel expenses for Wiki Weekend in Albania
Please provide the following information for your micro-grant request:
Your Username: Albinfo
Your Country of residence: Switzerland
Amount requested: max. CHF 400 for travel expenses (flight & accomodation)
Planned activity: I was asked by the organizers of the 4th annual Wikimedia conference in Albania to participate and have speaches/workshops there. They asked me to do something in the direction of Wiki Loves Monuments and Wikidata (or combination). The grant will cover my travel expenses.
People involved: me and the User Group Albania and other participants of the event.
Please explain what influence your activity will have on Wikimedia Projects: With my presentations, I plan to spread some Wiki knowledge and enthusiasm in the local community. I hope to push some activities across languages, e.g. leveraging my list of Albanian protected zones. The Wiki Weekend in Tirana is the only regular event for the Albanian Wikipedia. In the past, participation was quite impressive. The aim of the event is to attract new editors, foster collaboration, strenghten the community and work on projects.
My contacts to the Albanian community resulted in good collaboration during the last years (e.g. participation in editathons remotely, helping each other in the creation of articles, picture requests for new topics etc.). Even though the exchange is highly appreciated by both sides, these relationships need to be maintained. Unfortunately, some important members left the small Albanian community recently. With my participation, I hope also to be able to strengthen the movement and its continuity. Finnaly, I hope to bring home quite an amount of images as usual.
--Albinfo (talk) 21:01, 31 October 2017 (UTC)
Please provide links to your contributions after your project or activity ended:

During the event (sq:Wikipedia:Wiki Weekend Tirana 2017), I held a presentation about Cultural monuments & natural monuments in Wikidata as well as a presentation about GLAM and GLAM on tour. For two edit-a-thons I held the introduction and supported the organizers with know-how and support for the participants. As the community is currently undergoing some reorganizations and changes and as some important power-users were missing, my presence and my knowledge was important for the movement and the success of the event. Besides that, I was able to strengthen relationsships and make new contacts. More information can be found on my German user page.
Please provide the links to the categories on Wikimedia Commons, to the articles on Wikipedia or any other contributions on Wikimedia projects:
- I was supporting some editors on creating new quality articles step by step, e.g. sq:Kulla e Sahatit në Kavajë. But I was also working on my own article: de:Ruinen der Kirche von Shirgj
- until now, I've uploaded 119 images from this trip to Commons
- with this new material, I was albe to illustrate several articles that didn't have an image yet or that were in need of better images, e.g. de:Arena Kombëtare, de:M-9.1, de:Preza, de:Golesh, en:Golesh, nn:Goleš, de:Laç-Stadion, en:Laçi Stadium, en:Iballë, en:Maja e Hekurave, pl:Maja Hekurave, sq:Ura e Tabakëve (Gjakovë), sv:Maja e Strellcit, d:Q42302393.
--Albinfo (talk) 20:35, 1 January 2018 (UTC)
Important: AFTER having submitted your request, please write an eMail to with your contact details (at least: Name, Surname, Email address)
editThis section needs to be filled out by the Microgrants-Committee