Wikimedia-kattoyhdistys/Yhdistysneuvoston ohjausryhmän perustaminen
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Viime perjantailauantai oli tärkeä päivä Wikimedia-liikkelle kun 25 Wikimedia-yhdistystä ilmaisu halunsa liittyä uuteen Wikimedia-kattoyhdistykseen ja seitsemän yhdistystä ilmaisi tukensa ehdollisena.
Kattoyhdistys perustettiin pitkällisten keskustelujen jälkeen. Muutosehdotuksia hyväksyttiin ja hylättiin avoimessa keskustelussa konsensushakuisesti. Kokoontujat hyväksyivät perustamiskirjan ja sen jälkeen valitsivat neljän hengen komitean johtamaan kattoyhdistyksen perustamista. Komitean jäseniä ovat Damian Finol, Frieda Brioschi, Craig Franklin ja Tomer Ashur ja he ovat vapaaehtoisia aina Wikimania 2012 asti, jossa valtuudet siirretään valitulle palkatulle pääsihteerille.
The committee held its first meeting on Sunday making the following decisions:
- In light of the multilingual nature of our movement, the committee will publish its resolutions in Esperanto to aid in translating into other languages.
- The committee will hold an open process via Meta Wiki, email, IRC and other communication means so it could receive as much input as possible from anyone.
- The committee is to build an infrastructure for the Association. The most urgent issues are:
- Selecting the country to register - it was decided the committee will publish a draft for the criteria of choosing the location. The committee will then receive inputs from the community for the criteria and provide those to an external firm specialising with registering international organisations so they can recommend possible locations.
- Suggesting a Secretary-General - The committee will present a draft for the job description of the Secretary-General from comments from the community then publish it in order to recruit for the position. The decision will be made online before Wikimania 2012 by the elected Council Members of the member Chapters.
- Construct an open, transparent decision making process for the work of the committee and the association.
You can find the Charter signed by the Chapters on: The committee members hope that everyone will engage in the process of building this important organisation.
We declare our commitment to the success of the Association,
Frieda Brioschi, Craig Franklin, Tomer Ashur and Damian Finol
Facilitators of the establishment of the Wikimedia Chapters Association