Wikimedia Deutschland/Planung 2020/Wirtschaftsplan 2020/en

This page is the English version of Wikimedia Deutschland's preliminary Plan and Budget 2020. It includes the preliminary goals and objectives 2020 and the preliminary budget 2020, which will be submitted to our Supervisory Board for approval on December 7, 2019.

Planning 2020 Goals & Objectives 2020 Budget 2020 Semiannual Report 2020

For the budget 2020, the volume increases by 15.5 % compared to the updated budget 2019. On the revenue side, this growth is due to increased donations and membership fees of around 12%. Funding is increasing significantly by around 32%, in particular due to the considerably higher volume of funding for Wikidata provided by the Wikimedia Foundation. In terms of expenditures, the focus of growth is on the programmatic areas, all of which are growing by more than 20%, spearheaded by the field of action Technology and Wikidata with planned growth of around 34%. The expenditures for public relations and advertising will also increase noticeably by 25 % after years of very low growth until 2018 due to necessary investments. Administrative expenses will only grow in line with overall growth despite planned IT investments in this area as well.

2020 - PLAN WMDE WMFG Adjustments Consolidated
Revenues 12,023,000 € 12,358,000 € -2,412,000 € 21,969,000 €
Donations (expensed) 4,034,000 € 11,518,000 € -2,374,000 € 13,178,000 €
Membership dues 4,242,000 € 4,242,000 €
Project funding WMF 2,710,000 € 2,710,000 €
Project funding Third parties 724,000 € 724,000 €
Reimbursement of fundraising costs 840,000 € 840,000 €
Subleases 55,000 € -38,000 € 17,000 €
Other 30,000 € 30,000 €
Inheritance 228,000 € 228,000 €
Expenditures -12,023,000 € -12,358,000 € 2,412,000 € -21,969,000 €
Field of action Volunteers -2,862,000 € -2,862,000 €
Field of action Technology -3,297,000 € -3,297,000 €
Field of action Conditions for Free Knowledge -2,548,000 € -2,548,000 €
Public relations and advertising -1,076,000 € -1,538,000 € -2,614,000 €
Administrative expenses -2,240,000 € -2,240,000 €
Means forwarding WMF -8,408,000 € -8,408,000 €
Means forwarding WMDE -2,374,000 € 2,374,000 €
WMFG sublease -38,000 € 38,000 €

Additional information

  • Donations (expensed): The accounting standard HFA 21, which Wikimedia has been using for years, stipulates that donations are not booked as income until they have been spent. For a better understanding a presentation of the donation flow of Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. has been added. This shows how much revenue from donations have not yet been used, how much revenue from donations has been received from which source and how much revenue from donations has been used.
  • Membership fees: More than 70,000 members and supporting members contribute to the financing  of the organization with their membership fees.
  • Project funding: Under this heading, we allocate the funds we receive from third parties, such as foundations.
  • Reimbursement of fundraising costs: This item covers payments made by the Wikimedia Foundation to contribute to the fundraising expenses.
  • General public relations, advertising and administrative expenses: These are the expenditures that are planned and allocated to the respective expense category according to the usual standards in the non-profit sector.
  • Adjustments: Payments between Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. and the Gemeinnützige Wikimedia Fördergesellschaft mbH are shown in the column "Adjustments".
Donation Flow 2020 WMDE
Unused donations 1.1.2020 7,736,000 €
Direct donations received 1,222,000 €
Donations received from WMFG 2,375,000 €
Use of donations in 2020 -4,034,000 €
Unused donations 31.12.2020 7,299,000 €
Cost Distribution 2020 Total Personnel Material
Field of action Volunteers 2,862,000 € 1,543,000 € 1,319,000 €
Field of action Technology 3,297,000 € 2,422,000 € 875,000 €
Field of action Conditions for Free Knowledge 2,548,000 € 1,340,000 € 1,208,000 €
Public relations and advertising (incl. WMFG) 2,614,000 € 1,165,000 € 1,449,000 €
Administrative expenses 2,240,000 € 1,186,000 € 1,054,000 €
Expenses by Division 2020
Programs 3,227,000 €
Software Development 3,107,000 €
ED & Communication 4,169,000 €
Board 185,000 €
Central Services 2,873,000 €
Personnel (Full-Time Equivalents) as of 31.12.2020
Programs 33.6
Software Development 48.8
ED & Communication 31.1
Board 0.9
Central Services 22.8