Wikimedia Deutschland/Planung 2020/Ziele und Erfolgskriterien/en
This page is the English version of Wikimedia Deutschland's preliminary Plan and Budget 2020. It includes the preliminary goals and objectives 2020 and the preliminary budget 2020, which will be submitted to our Supervisory Board for approval on December 7, 2019.
Planning 2020 | Goals & Objectives 2020 | Budget 2020 | Semiannual Report 2020 |
Goal 1: The communities for Free Knowledge are strong.
More and different people find access to the Wikimedia communities and decide to contribute to these.
editOur vision is a world in which all people have free access to the accumulated knowledge of mankind. Wikipedia, Wikidata and all Wikimedia projects are a big step in this direction - and they depend on strong communities. We therefore find new ways to successfully attract volunteers to these communities, especially Wikipedia's, and we actively support our community in welcoming and integrating volunteers. In this way, we ensure the dynamic development of the encyclopedia.
Success criteria 2020 | |
What we want to achieve in 2020 (Objectives) | How we decide whether we were successful (Indicators) |
The Wikimedia communities are large enough to maintain and expand Free Knowledge. | |
Through various campaigns, we convey that people can participate in Wikipedia and Free Knowledge. Some of these people show beginning interest in and awareness of particpation opportunities. | Through at least two campaigns, a significant increase in people (2019 baseline approx. 5,000) show interest in particpation opportunities through clicking or other interactions, as a first step on the way to participating in Wikimedia communities.. |
As part of a day of action together with local groups, at least 700 people seek offline information about contributing to Wikipedia, "real life" contacts facilitate individual participation at a later stage. | |
People from groups currently underrepresented in the Wikimedia communities and whom we address with a campaign give us positive feedback on the participation offer. They use it to join in, so that we can then repeat and expand this tried and tested offer to attract new volunteers. | |
People interested in Free Knowledge find the appropriate form of getting involved in Wikipedia, Wikidata and beyond digitally via Wikimedia. | An overview of various forms of engagement in the Wikimedia communities, developed by WMDE, is used and rated as helpful by interested parties to find the appropriate form of engagement for them. |
A diversity of people feel welcome in the Wikimedia communities and start being active there. | |
Tailored assistance resources make it easier to get started for new volunteers who want to get involved with Wikipedia via WMDE activities. | At least three onboarding offers developed in cooperation with the community have been used by new volunteers and were rated as helpful. |
The community works in collaboration with WMDE to improve the onboarding experience for new volunteers. | Throughout the year five community members work together with WMDE on an onboarding program. |
The requirements of experienced community members who want to help newcomers (e.g. mentors) are incorporated into the development of the onboarding program. | |
The discussion on scientifically problematic rules for cooperation in Wikipedia representing a hurdle to onboarding' continues in a solution-oriented manner and leads to a result such as a public opinion or rule change(s). |
Volunteers have optimal working conditions in the communities for collaborating on Free Knowledge.
editThe Wikimedia communities should have the best possible working conditions for working together on Free Knowledge. With our programs, we support people in contributing to Free Knowledge as easily and as beneficially as possible. Together with the communities, we further develop these programs and consciously initiate developments that promote constructive, respectful and integrative collaboration.
Success criteria 2020 | |
What we want to achieve in 2020 (Objectives) | How we decide whether we were successful (Indicators) |
Members of the communities are able to make their contributions to Free Knowledge in the best possible way. | |
All funding programmes are easily accessible and useful for volunteers, also increasingly for groups that have been underrepresented in Wikimedia projects. | Funded volunteers rate all funding programmes very positively (at least 9 out of 10 in terms of satisfaction and usefulness as shown on the funding barometer). |
Usability tests show that it is becoming easier to apply for funding, especially for volunteers who have not yet received funding. | |
WMDE receives at least ten requests from networks/people from underrepresented groups (e.g. women) that have not yet been funded. | |
At least ten funding applications focusing on underrepresented groups were approved by WMDE. | |
More contributors resolve edit conflicts and can thus successfully save their edits. | The rate of resolved edit conflicts increases to a total of at least 50% (baseline: 29% of edit conflicts resolved with the previous interface in the period from 2019-01-01 to 2019-06-30). |
With new/less experienced contributors (less than 100 edits), the rate of resolved edit conflicts increases by at least 15 percentage points. (Baseline will follow) | |
Contributors can move files from their wiki to Wikimedia Commons more easily and efficiently. | Contributors who move a lot of files consider the solution we implemented an improvement. |
Community liasons have the knowledge and skills to implement their projects. | |
Volunteers feel well prepared to play a role as community liasons in the communities of Free Knowledge. | Participants utilize our support and capacity building opportunities for community liasons and rate them as helpful. |
Community members work together with Wikimedia Deutschland on promoting constructive and respectful conflict management. | |
Together with the Wikipedia community, structures of conflict management on Wiki are analysed and evaluated. | By the end of 2020, at least 50 community members are constructively involved offline/online with Wikimedia Deutschland on the subject of conflict management. Of these, 20 people are visibly active as community liasons. |
With the support of WMDE, part of the community has developed goals for improved conflict resolution. | |
The communities help shape how Wikimedia Deutschland can best support them. | |
A diversity of groups of people are involved in the decision making process to improve MediaWiki. | People with diverse sociodemographic backgrounds (language community, gender, age, profession, etc.) participate in the decision-making processes. |
More people who have not yet been active in Wikimedia projects for long are participating in decision making processes. (Baseline for the survey Technical Wishes 2019: e.g. 305 people with less than 100 edits) | |
The volunteer teams managing local community spaces exchange knowledge and experience with each other and closely work with Wikimedia Deutschland. This makes it easier for those teams to manage and create programs for their local space. | The volunteer teams managing local community spaces lay the foundation for at least one concrete collaborative project beyond their space's geographic area. |
The volunteer teams managing local community spaces find a revised and expanded version of the Local Spaces Operation Manual helpful. |
Goal 2: Wikidata and Wikibase support the ecosystem of free knowledge as a basic infrastructure.
Through Wikidata all people can access and share general purpose data about the world, regardless of language and technology.
editWikidata is a free knowledge database that can be read and edited by humans and machines. From this data, a variety of applications can be created, regardless of language and technology. This will help the Wikimedia Movement promote innovation and enable machines to better understand the complexity of the world.
Success criteria 2020 | |
What we want to achieve in 2020 (Objectives) | How we decide whether we were successful (Indicators) |
People and machines edit the content of Wikidata. | |
A larger and more diverse number of people edit the data in Wikidata (e.g. through the Wikidata UI or via specialized contribution tools). | Enabled by a contribution tool, editors from other Wikis start editing Wikidata from their home-Wiki and the number of co-editors of Wikidata increases by 8 % (baseline ca. 37.000). |
Wikidata is a source of high quality data. | |
The quality of data for specific topics is more transparent to Wikidata data re-users. | All data re-users can easily access useful information about the data quality of the specific parts of Wikidata that are important to their work. |
Re-users of the data support Wikidata. | |
Data re-users in organisations and companies have a good understanding of how to give back in a way that benefits our community (e.g. making their reports of errors and inconsistencies available, publicly showing Wikidata as a source). | At least two of the big data re-user give constructive feedback on a process for giving back that we developed based on their input. |
The Linked Open Data web is thriving, supported by the Wikibase ecosystem.
editWikibase is the software behind Wikidata, the Wikimedia platform for structured, open data. More and more people and institutions are already using Wikibase - for this purpose, Wikidata and the various Wikibase installations (so-called instances) are to be linked, and mutual exchange of data as well as editing of data by humans and machines should be easily possible. This not only benefits Wikidata as a strong source of high-quality data, but also the contributors to Wikimedia projects and the entire network of open, linked, structured data (Linked Open Data Web). The individual Wikimedia communities thus increase the reach of their work across language and project boundaries.
Success criteria 2020 | |
What we want to achieve in 2020 (Objectives) | How we decide whether we were successful (Indicators) |
Support structures are forming in the Wikibase ecosystem. | |
The Wikibase ecosystem has a sustainable service infrastructure. | The Wikibase community has jointly agreed on processes, roles and responsibilities for service providers in the ecosystem and shared it publicly. |
More organizations use Wikibase in their projects. | |
Libraries and other institutions are increasingly using Wikibase in ways that are visible and beneficial to the ecosystem. | At least three institutions other than libraries (eg. science institutions) are starting to evaluate an open Wikibase installation with plans to maintain it long term. |
Wikidata is a central node in the Wikibase ecosystem. | |
Wikidata and Wikibase instances are connected and content is beginning to get exchanged. | At least two Wikibase instances outside Wikimedia use part of Wikidata's ontology for the first time. |
Goal 3: The Wikimedia movement remains capable of innovation.
People with ideas realize innovative products and services for Free Knowledge.
editThe world keeps turning and the innovation cycles become faster and faster, especially regarding the development of products and services. This also applies to our vision of Free Knowledge, because our Wikimedia projects must remain attractive in comparison to non-free alternatives in the future. In order to keep up with the flow of new developments, the Wikimedia movement must remain innovative. We want to build on our existing working methods and put them on a new footing. To this end, we enable people with ideas for Free Knowledge to further develop these ideas into functional products and services with our support.
Success criteria 2020 | |
What we want to achieve in 2020 (Objectives) | How we decide whether we were successful (Indicators) |
People develop ideas for innovative products and services for Free Knowledge. | |
People develop solutions for particularly relevant problems related to the strategic orientation of Wikimedia 2030. | At least 20 applications were submitted to the call for ideas. |
At least 90% of all applicants rate the Open Call process as understandable and inviting. | |
At least 50% of the submitted applications are aimed at developing solutions that go beyond the existing Wikimedia projects and serve the strategic orientation of Wikimedia 2030. | |
Groups of people with promising ideas develop prototypes for their concepts. | |
Groups of people with promising ideas develop their concepts into functional prototypes (Minimum Viable Products) supported by the Accelerator Program. | At least three teams (2-5 people per team) with promising ideas complete the Accelerator Program. |
Supports of the Accelerator Program (e.g. coaching, mentoring, expert network) are rated by the participants as helpful for the further development of their idea. | |
Each team develops at least one functional prototype (Minimum Viable Products), which is evaluated according to an evaluation scheme still to be developed. |
Goal 4: Public policy and practice promote Free Knowledge.
Frameworks at all political levels change to foster Free Knowledge.
editWhat can be achieved with Free Knowledge in Germany is strongly influenced by political frameworks. The Internet knows no boundaries: important legal frameworks are decided at the international level and then implemented at the national level. In order to influence all important decisions in favour of Free Knowledge, we must therefore participate in negotiations at all political levels - we cannot do this alone. We are therefore building a worldwide, active network of civil society partners and organisations that will make our arguments for Free Knowledge heard in political discourse.
Success criteria 2020 | |
What we want to achieve in 2020 (Objectives) | How we decide whether we were successful (Indicators) |
There is an active network of civil society partner organisations that work in coordination worldwide. | |
A basic consensus has emerged among relevant organisations advocating for a free internet and free content that continuous international networking is needed to be heard at the level of intergovernmental agreements. | A group of cross-regional organisations signs a Memorandum of Understanding and develops shared objectives. |
Our arguments for Free Knowledge are heard nationwide. | |
Important players at the levels of the executive, public institutions and associations concern themselves with improving the conditions for Free Knowledge. | At least two senior officials at the federal ministerial level (state secretary or department head) as well as at least two people in leadership positions at national non-governmental organisations publicly demonstrate that they are concerned with improving the conditions for Free Knowledge. |
At least two copyright protection organizations from the groups VG-Wort, VG Bild-Kunst, GEMA and GVL have discussed concrete drafting proposals with WMDE that make it easier for their members to publish their work under a free license. | |
Frameworks at all political levels change to foster Free Knowledge. | |
The protection of the public domain status of digitised material that was successfully included into EU copyright directive is now implemented, integrating our policy preferences, throughout the EU. | The core of the regulation remains intact on a national level in Germany and in most other EU Member States. |
The reasoning for Open Education finds a way into strategies and positions of political decision makers and educational institutions. | In five cases, political decision makers (ministries, political parties, members of the Landtag and Bundestag) involve WMDE or the Alliance for Free Education in the development of positions and strategies. |
In two cases, educational institutions or associations involve WMDE or the Alliance for Free Education in the development of positions and strategies. |
The practice of institutions and societal stakeholders contributes to a free and diverse knowledge commons.
editThe people who contribute to Wikipedia and Co. rely on publicly accessible media, historical sources and much more in order to create content for Wikimedia projects. Which contents are available, usable and recognizable as Free Knowledge often depends on the practices of institutions and other societal stakeholders. In order to convince them to systematically contribute to Free Knowledge, attractive role models, knowledge and skills, and above all practical experience are needed. We support institutions and other societal stakeholders in this way and win them over as comrades for Free Knowledge.
Success criteria 2020 | |
What we want to achieve in 2020 (Objectives) | How we decide whether we were successful (Indicators) |
Societal actors have experience in actively contributing to Free Knowledge. | |
More cultural and memory institutions contribute to Free Knowledge. | At least 50 cultural and memory institutions gain beginning experience in contributing to Free Knowledge and working with volunteer communities. |
At least three cultural and memory institutions, based on their own initiative and our support, are committed to a long-term opening of their institution. | |
At least two partnership projects with institutions or other actors (possibly also beyond cultural and memory institutions) contribute to making marginalised knowledge available as Free Knowledge. | |
The operating practices of societal stakeholders foster the creation and dissemination of Free Knowledge. | |
The fact that content from public service broadcasters can also be published as free content is taken into account more actively right from the start of production. | At least one new standard contract of public service broadcasters contains clauses on the subsequent release of content under CC BY and/or BY-SA. |
Societal stakeholders have become comrades for Free Knowledge. | |
More scientists form a lively community in order to anchor Open Science more firmly in the practices of knowledge institutions. | From the community that we help to connect in the field of open science, 20 joint activities are created based on their own initiatives in order to anchor Open Science in institutions, networks and communities. |
Goal 5: The values and individual skills for social participation through the Open Internet are gaining in importance.
The partnership initiative on Digital Literacies initiated by Wikimedia Deutschland develops a clear focus in terms of organisation and content.
editIn order to actively shape Free Knowledge, people and institutions must understand and use the Internet as an open and public resource. In order to promote this, we work together with partners to promote digital skills and competences and the understanding of the use of digital space (so-called "Digital Literacies") on a broad basis in Germany.
Success criteria 2020 | |
What we want to achieve in 2020 (Objectives) | How we decide whether we were successful (Indicators) |
Our positions and perspectives are seen and noticed by the public. | |
The positions and perspectives of the partnership initiative on Digital Literacies are publicly perceived. | The partners of the Digital Literacies initiative have reached a basic consensus on the first central messages of the initiative. |
In at least five cases, the public or political debate take up the positions or perspectives of the initiative, naming the initiative or one of the partners. | |
The initiative's network benefits from synergies. | |
The partners make use of synergies of the initiative's wider network. | n at least five cases, actors from the wider network of the initiative support each other in their own activities on Digital Literacies. |