Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/Results

This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/Results and the translation is 12% complete.

Voľby sa skončili 31 augusta 2021. Ďalšie hlasy nebudú akceptované.
Výsledky boli zverejnené dňa 7 septembra 2021. Prosím zvážte odoslanie akejkoľvek spätnej väzby týkajúcej sa volieb v roku 2021 na stránke príspevkov k analýze volieb.

Voľby rady v r. 2021
Hlavná stránka
Informácie ohľadom hlasovania
Single Transferable Vote
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Výsledky volieb do správnej rady v r. 2021


Voľba na 4 mandáty s 19 kandidátmi. Spolu 6 873 hlasov.

  1. Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight
  2. Victoria Doronina
  3. Dariusz Jemielniak
  4. Lorenzo Losa


5. Eliane Dominique Yao
6. Mike Peel
7. Pascale Camus-Walter
8. Iván Martínez
9. Adam Wight
10. Ravishankar Ayyakkannu
11. Farah Jack Mustaklem
12. Lionel Scheepmans
12. Vinicius Siqueira
14. Douglas Ian Scott
15. Ashwin Baindur
16. Reda Kerbouche
17. Gerard Meijssen
18. Pavan Santhosh Surampudi
19. Raavi Mohanty

Sankey diagram

Below is a Sankey diagram that visually represents the information from the table above.


Okrúhly stôl

Nasledujúca tabuľka popisuje výpočty, ktoré sa uskutočnili s cieľom dosiahnuť vyššie uvedený výsledok. V každom kole výpočtu sú ku zvoleniu tí vyhlásení kandidáti, ktorí získali viac hlasov, ako je kvóta. Ich nadbytočné hlasy nad kvótu sa prerozdelia medzi zostávajúcich kandidátov. Ak nikto kvótu nedosiahne, kandidát s najnižším umiestnením je vyradený a ich hlasy sú prerozdelené zostávajúcim kandidátom. Aby ste to lepšie pochopili, pozrite si tento odkaz.

Round Number Tally Result
  1. Dariusz Jemielniak: 767
  2. Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight: 685
  3. Victoria Doronina: 641
  4. Eliane Dominique Yao: 582
  5. Lorenzo Losa: 555
  6. Pascale Camus-Walter: 414
  7. Iván Martínez: 395
  8. Mike Peel: 349
  9. Adam Wight: 333
  10. Farah Jack Mustaklem: 294
  11. Vinicius Siqueira: 291
  12. Lionel Scheepmans: 247
  13. Douglas Ian Scott: 246
  14. Ravishankar Ayyakkannu: 240
  15. Ashwin Baindur: 206
  16. Reda Kerbouche: 204
  17. Gerard Meijssen: 185
  18. Pavan Santhosh Surampudi: 129
  19. Raavi Mohanty: 110
Kvóta: 1,374.600001
  1. Dariusz Jemielniak: 767
  2. Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight: 685
  3. Victoria Doronina: 641
  4. Eliane Dominique Yao: 582
  5. Lorenzo Losa: 555
  6. Pascale Camus-Walter: 414
  7. Iván Martínez: 395
  8. Mike Peel: 349
  9. Adam Wight: 333
  10. Farah Jack Mustaklem: 294
  11. Vinicius Siqueira: 291
  12. Lionel Scheepmans: 247
  13. Douglas Ian Scott: 246
  14. Ravishankar Ayyakkannu: 240
  15. Ashwin Baindur: 206
  16. Reda Kerbouche: 204
  17. Gerard Meijssen: 185
  18. Pavan Santhosh Surampudi: 129
  19. Raavi Mohanty: 110
Kvóta: 1,374.600001

Eliminovaný: Raavi Mohanty

  1. Dariusz Jemielniak: 767 + 5 = 772
  2. Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight: 685 + 2 = 687
  3. Victoria Doronina: 641 + 6 = 647
  4. Eliane Dominique Yao: 582 + 7 = 589
  5. Lorenzo Losa: 555 + 6 = 561
  6. Pascale Camus-Walter: 414
  7. Iván Martínez: 395 + 2 = 397
  8. Mike Peel: 349 + 1 = 350
  9. Adam Wight: 333 + 5 = 338
  10. Farah Jack Mustaklem: 294 + 4 = 298
  11. Vinicius Siqueira: 291 + 3 = 294
  12. Ravishankar Ayyakkannu: 240 + 19 = 259
  13. Douglas Ian Scott: 246 + 5 = 251
  14. Lionel Scheepmans: 247 + 3 = 250
  15. Ashwin Baindur: 206 + 19 = 225
  16. Reda Kerbouche: 204 + 2 = 206
  17. Gerard Meijssen: 185 + 1 = 186
  18. Pavan Santhosh Surampudi: 129 + 8 = 137
Kvóta: 1,372.200001

Eliminovaný: Pavan Santhosh Surampudi

Prenesené hlasy

  1. Dariusz Jemielniak: 772 + 7 = 779
  2. Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight: 687 + 6 = 693
  3. Victoria Doronina: 647 + 2 = 649
  4. Eliane Dominique Yao: 589 + 7 = 596
  5. Lorenzo Losa: 561 + 2 = 563
  6. Pascale Camus-Walter: 414 + 2 = 416
  7. Iván Martínez: 397 + 7 = 404
  8. Mike Peel: 350 + 3 = 353
  9. Adam Wight: 338 + 6 = 344
  10. Farah Jack Mustaklem: 298 + 5 = 303
  11. Vinicius Siqueira: 294 + 1 = 295
  12. Ravishankar Ayyakkannu: 259 + 33 = 292
  13. Ashwin Baindur: 225 + 31 = 256
  14. Douglas Ian Scott: 251 + 3 = 254
  15. Lionel Scheepmans: 250 + 3 = 253
  16. Reda Kerbouche: 206 + 4 = 210
  17. Gerard Meijssen: 186 + 2 = 188
Kvóta: 1,369.600001

Eliminovaný: Gerard Meijssen

Prenesené hlasy

  1. Dariusz Jemielniak: 779 + 11 = 790
  2. Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight: 693 + 22 = 715
  3. Victoria Doronina: 649 + 9 = 658
  4. Eliane Dominique Yao: 596 + 8 = 604
  5. Lorenzo Losa: 563 + 12 = 575
  6. Pascale Camus-Walter: 416 + 11 = 427
  7. Iván Martínez: 404 + 5 = 409
  8. Mike Peel: 353 + 22 = 375
  9. Adam Wight: 344 + 5 = 349
  10. Farah Jack Mustaklem: 303 + 9 = 312
  11. Ravishankar Ayyakkannu: 292 + 5 = 297
  12. Vinicius Siqueira: 295 + 1 = 296
  13. Lionel Scheepmans: 253 + 23 = 276
  14. Douglas Ian Scott: 254 + 9 = 263
  15. Ashwin Baindur: 256 + 5 = 261
  16. Reda Kerbouche: 210 + 7 = 217
Kvóta: 1,364.800001

Eliminovaný: Reda Kerbouche

Prenesené hlasy

  1. Dariusz Jemielniak: 790 + 11 = 801
  2. Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight: 715 + 20 = 735
  3. Victoria Doronina: 658 + 28 = 686
  4. Eliane Dominique Yao: 604 + 20 = 624
  5. Lorenzo Losa: 575 + 12 = 587
  6. Pascale Camus-Walter: 427 + 8 = 435
  7. Iván Martínez: 409 + 7 = 416
  8. Mike Peel: 375 + 9 = 384
  9. Adam Wight: 349 + 7 = 356
  10. Farah Jack Mustaklem: 312 + 28 = 340
  11. Ravishankar Ayyakkannu: 297 + 11 = 308
  12. Vinicius Siqueira: 296 + 7 = 303
  13. Lionel Scheepmans: 276 + 16 = 292
  14. Douglas Ian Scott: 263 + 6 = 269
  15. Ashwin Baindur: 261 + 6 = 267
Kvóta: 1,360.600001

Eliminovaný: Ashwin Baindur

Prenesené hlasy

  1. Dariusz Jemielniak: 801 + 12 = 813
  2. Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight: 735 + 26 = 761
  3. Victoria Doronina: 686 + 11 = 697
  4. Eliane Dominique Yao: 624 + 9 = 633
  5. Lorenzo Losa: 587 + 17 = 604
  6. Pascale Camus-Walter: 435 + 4 = 439
  7. Iván Martínez: 416 + 10 = 426
  8. Mike Peel: 384 + 16 = 400
  9. Ravishankar Ayyakkannu: 308 + 81 = 389
  10. Adam Wight: 356 + 17 = 373
  11. Farah Jack Mustaklem: 340 + 13 = 353
  12. Vinicius Siqueira: 303 + 5 = 308
  13. Lionel Scheepmans: 292 + 10 = 302
  14. Douglas Ian Scott: 269 + 7 = 276
Kvóta: 1,354.800001

Eliminovaný: Douglas Ian Scott

Prenesené hlasy

  1. Dariusz Jemielniak: 813 + 18 = 831
  2. Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight: 761 + 24 = 785
  3. Victoria Doronina: 697 + 12 = 709
  4. Eliane Dominique Yao: 633 + 30 = 663
  5. Lorenzo Losa: 604 + 24 = 628
  6. Pascale Camus-Walter: 439 + 13 = 452
  7. Iván Martínez: 426 + 20 = 446
  8. Mike Peel: 400 + 33 = 433
  9. Ravishankar Ayyakkannu: 389 + 14 = 403
  10. Adam Wight: 373 + 29 = 402
  11. Farah Jack Mustaklem: 353 + 11 = 364
  12. Lionel Scheepmans: 302 + 15 = 317
  13. Vinicius Siqueira: 308 + 9 = 317
Kvóta: 1,350.000001

Eliminovaný: Lionel Scheepmans, Vinicius Siqueira

Prenesené hlasy

  1. Dariusz Jemielniak: 831 + 47 = 878
  2. Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight: 785 + 44 = 829
  3. Victoria Doronina: 709 + 64 = 773
  4. Lorenzo Losa: 628 + 93 = 721
  5. Eliane Dominique Yao: 663 + 57 = 720
  6. Pascale Camus-Walter: 452 + 53 = 505
  7. Mike Peel: 433 + 71 = 504
  8. Iván Martínez: 446 + 32 = 478
  9. Adam Wight: 402 + 42 = 444
  10. Ravishankar Ayyakkannu: 403 + 28 = 431
  11. Farah Jack Mustaklem: 364 + 17 = 381
Kvóta: 1,332.800001

Eliminovaný: Farah Jack Mustaklem

Prenesené hlasy

  1. Dariusz Jemielniak: 878 + 27 = 905
  2. Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight: 829 + 35 = 864
  3. Victoria Doronina: 773 + 40 = 813
  4. Eliane Dominique Yao: 720 + 35 = 755
  5. Lorenzo Losa: 721 + 22 = 743
  6. Mike Peel: 504 + 20 = 524
  7. Pascale Camus-Walter: 505 + 16 = 521
  8. Iván Martínez: 478 + 23 = 501
  9. Adam Wight: 444 + 28 = 472
  10. Ravishankar Ayyakkannu: 431 + 34 = 465
Kvóta: 1,312.600001

Eliminovaný: Ravishankar Ayyakkannu

Prenesené hlasy

  1. Dariusz Jemielniak: 905 + 28 = 933
  2. Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight: 864 + 49 = 913
  3. Victoria Doronina: 813 + 45 = 858
  4. Eliane Dominique Yao: 755 + 47 = 802
  5. Lorenzo Losa: 743 + 34 = 777
  6. Mike Peel: 524 + 30 = 554
  7. Pascale Camus-Walter: 521 + 20 = 541
  8. Iván Martínez: 501 + 39 = 540
  9. Adam Wight: 472 + 30 = 502
Kvóta: 1,284.000001

Eliminovaný: Adam Wight

Prenesené hlasy

  1. Dariusz Jemielniak: 933 + 54 = 987
  2. Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight: 913 + 60 = 973
  3. Victoria Doronina: 858 + 55 = 913
  4. Lorenzo Losa: 777 + 80 = 857
  5. Eliane Dominique Yao: 802 + 43 = 845
  6. Mike Peel: 554 + 85 = 639
  7. Pascale Camus-Walter: 541 + 33 = 574
  8. Iván Martínez: 540 + 26 = 566
Kvóta: 1,270.800001

Eliminovaný: Iván Martínez

Prenesené hlasy

  1. Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight: 973 + 86 = 1,059
  2. Dariusz Jemielniak: 987 + 50 = 1,037
  3. Victoria Doronina: 913 + 68 = 981
  4. Lorenzo Losa: 857 + 123 = 980
  5. Eliane Dominique Yao: 845 + 85 = 930
  6. Mike Peel: 639 + 42 = 681
  7. Pascale Camus-Walter: 574 + 29 = 603
Kvóta: 1,254.200001

Eliminovaný: Pascale Camus-Walter

Prenesené hlasy

  1. Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight: 1,059 + 115 = 1,174
  2. Dariusz Jemielniak: 1,037 + 53 = 1,090
  3. Victoria Doronina: 981 + 107 = 1,088
  4. Eliane Dominique Yao: 930 + 147 = 1,077
  5. Lorenzo Losa: 980 + 47 = 1,027
  6. Mike Peel: 681 + 33 = 714
Kvóta: 1,234.000001

Eliminovaný: Mike Peel

Prenesené hlasy

  1. Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight: 1,174 + 126 = 1,300
  2. Victoria Doronina: 1,088 + 110 = 1,198
  3. Dariusz Jemielniak: 1,090 + 91 = 1,181
  4. Lorenzo Losa: 1,027 + 137 = 1,164
  5. Eliane Dominique Yao: 1,077 + 66 = 1,143
Kvóta: 1,197.200001

Zvolení: Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight, Victoria Doronina

Prenesené hlasy

  1. Victoria Doronina: 1,198 + 23.539429 = 1,221.539429 (keep factor: 0.999332)
  2. Dariusz Jemielniak: 1,181 + 18.323398 = 1,199.323398
  3. Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight: 1,300 - 102.645026 = 1,197.354974 (keep factor: 0.920923)
  4. Lorenzo Losa: 1,164 + 14.822927 = 1,178.822927
  5. Eliane Dominique Yao: 1,143 + 21.216592 = 1,164.216592
Kvóta: 1,192.251465

Zvolení: Dariusz Jemielniak

Prenesené hlasy

  1. Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight: 1,197.354974 + 1.756095 = 1,199.111069 (keep factor: 0.916998)
  2. Dariusz Jemielniak: 1,199.323398 - 1.327631 = 1,197.995767 (keep factor: 0.994103)
  3. Victoria Doronina: 1,221.539429 - 26.955822 = 1,194.583607 (keep factor: 0.975372)
  4. Lorenzo Losa: 1,178.822927 + 6.345762 = 1,185.168689
  5. Eliane Dominique Yao: 1,164.216592 + 8.442532 = 1,172.659124
Kvóta: 1,189.903652

Prenesené hlasy

  1. Victoria Doronina: 1,194.583607 - 1.255342 = 1,193.328265 (keep factor: 0.971551)
  2. Dariusz Jemielniak: 1,197.995767 - 5.712291 = 1,192.283476 (keep factor: 0.987389)
  3. Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight: 1,199.111069 - 6.831715 = 1,192.279354 (keep factor: 0.909957)
  4. Lorenzo Losa: 1,185.168689 + 3.700391 = 1,188.869080
  5. Eliane Dominique Yao: 1,172.659124 + 3.936983 = 1,176.596107
Kvóta: 1,188.671257

Zvolení: Lorenzo Losa

Prenesené hlasy

2021 Volebné postrehy správnej rady

Facilitátori Pohybovej stratégie a riadenia budú uverejňovať postrehy počas hlasovania. Tie budú zahŕňať počet voličov a ktorú domácu wiki.

Pochopenie výsledku STV

SecurePoll now supports the Single Transferable Vote method. Single Transferable Vote or STV is a ranked voting method that allows voters to specify candidates they want to see elected in order of preference. For SecurePoll, we selected the Meek's implementation with Droop Quota.

Meek's implementation is the most popular for STV elections and is used by several organizations and governments for their elections. The below example uses a more simplified STV implementation (Scottish STV) in order to explain the general concept. A more accurate description of the exact method followed in the implementation can be found here.

Example election

  • Candidates: Alice, Bob, Charlie, Dave
  • Seats: 2
  • Voters: 7
Voters Alice Bob Charlie Dave
Voter 1 - 3rd preference 2nd preference 1st preference
Voter 2 4th preference 3rd preference 1st preference
Voter 3 1st preference 3rd preference 4th preference 2nd preference
Voter 4 1st preference 2nd preference 3rd preference 4th preference
Voter 5 3rd preference 1st preference 4th preference 2nd preference
Voter 6 1st preference 2nd preference - -
Voter 7 1st preference 4th preference 2nd preference 3rd preference

Droop quota = floor(total valid votes/(seats+1)) + 1 = floor(7/(2+1)) + 1 = 3

Round 1

See the file in full size to see visually how votes get transferred, counted, and exhausted.
  • Alice: 4 votes - Elected
  • Bob: 1 vote
  • Charlie: 0 vote
  • Dave: 2 votes

For Round 1, we consider every voter's 1st preference votes. Alice has achieved the Droop quota and is hence declared elected.

Round 2

  • Alice: Elected
  • Bob: 1 + 0.5 = 1.5 votes
  • Charlie: 0 + 0.25 = 0.25 votes - Eliminated
  • Dave: 2 + 0.25 = 2.25 votes

Alice has 1 surplus vote which will be redistributed according to the voter's second preferences. Looking at all of Alice's votes - 2 voters picked Bob second, 1 voter picked Charlie second and 1 voter picked Dave second. Alice's surplus vote is split proportionately. Bob gets 0.5, Charlie gets 0.25 and Dave also gets 0.25 additional vote.

Since no candidate achieves the Droop quota, the candidate with the lowest votes (Charlie) will be eliminated and their votes will be transferred proportionately.

Round 3

  • Alice: Elected
  • Bob: 1 + 0.5 + 0 = 1.5 votes = Eliminated
  • Charlie: Eliminated
  • Dave: 2 + 0.25 + 0.25 = 2.5 votes

Charlie got the lowest votes and was thus eliminated. Since Voter 7 has Dave as their 3rd choice after Alice (already elected) and Charlie (already eliminated), all of Charlie's vote transfers to Dave.

Nobody reaches the Droop quota so once again the candidate with the lowest votes will be eliminated. Hence, Bob is eliminated.

Round 4

  • Alice: Elected
  • Bob: Eliminated
  • Charlie: Eliminated
  • Dave: 2 + 0.25 + 0.25 + 1.5 = 3.75 votes - Elected

Bob received the lowest votes and was thus eliminated. Since voters 4 and 5 have Dave after Bob in their vote profile, a fraction of their votes get transferred to Dave, but since Voter 6 has not specified any candidates other than Alice and Bob (already elected or eliminated), a quarter of their vote gets exhausted.

Dave reaches 3.75 votes which is above the threshold, thus declared elected.


  • Elected candidates: Alice and Dave
  • Eliminated: Bob and Charlie

Things to note

  • If no candidate achieves the Droop quota in a round, the candidate with the lowest votes is eliminated and their votes are re-distributed among remaining candidates in accordance with the voters' ranked preferences.
  • If two or more candidates tie for elimination in the final round with one seat remaining, the software allows the election admins or election committee to make a judgement call on how to break the tie.
  • Note that the above is a simplified example. In an actual calculation, the Droop quota is recalculated at each round in accordance with the rule stated here.
  • If two or more candidates tie for elimination in one of the intermediate rounds, we follow the "Short-cut exclusion rule" as outlined in this paper.

This rule allows us to eliminate candidates when it is mathematically guaranteed that they can never win. This will happen when the candidate's votes don't exceed the votes by the next-best candidate even when they are assigned all the outstanding surplus votes. This seems a fairer method to decide eliminations as compared to randomly eliminating a candidate in the event of a tie.

Note that OpaVote/OpenSTV uses pseudo-random eliminations when it comes to ties. Hence their results may differ from ours in the event of a tie.