ウィキメディア財団選挙/2022年/候補者/Michał Buczyński
Michał Buczyński (Aegis Maelstrom)
Aegis Maelstrom (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
候補者の詳細 | ![]()
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自己紹介/立候補の動機まとめ この欄は翻訳対象(原文150単語以内) |
エコノミストおよび金融の専門家であり、ウィキメディアの活動家であり、2004 年以来編集者であり、分散型組織を構築する自己組織化コミュニティの信奉者です。
インターネットは変化し続けており、製品や研究へのさらなる投資が必要です。 ストラテジー 2030 の実施には、ボランティア、アフィリエイト、分散化されたコンピテンス センターのためにより多くのリソースが必要です。 WMF は予算、人員、複雑さの面で成長し続けているため、ビジョン、ガイダンス、および監視を提供する強力な理事会が必要であり、私は価値のある追加になると信じています. 私は、財務および定量的な経験と、ウィキメディアンとの長い仕事の歴史と、ボランティアと聴衆により良いサービスを提供するためのアフィリエイトの成長を組み合わせています。 私は、中規模および平均的な裕福なコミュニティの視点を共有し、懸命に働き、機知に富み、大胆かつ創造的に新しい素晴らしいものをもたらします. それでも、私の FDC と企業の過去は、500 人を超えるスタッフを擁する財団を理解するのに役立ち、ボランティア活動の課題もよく知っています。 | |
ウィキメディア・プロジェクトへの貢献、ウィキメディアの組織または提携団体の参加、ウィキメディア運動の活動主催者、またはウィキメディア運動と同盟する組織への参画。 (100 単語以内) |
Author, admin, former arbiter. 2012-2018 vice-president, 2018-2022 president, presently vice-president secretary of Wikimedia Polska: a grassroot chapter with involved editing communities, delivering beautiful and novel initiatives to the Movement (from microgrants through Wikiexpeditions to volunteer support) under a limited budget and mostly own funding. Increasing FTEs from 1 to 8 and recruiting. Happy member of the diverse CEE++ family and common initiatives 2, currently in the interim steering committee to build Wikimedia CEE Hub. Long-time volunteer to the WMF: GAC, community representative to the FDC (two rounds), strategy working group, currently a community representative in the Movement Charter Drafting Committee. | |
(最大150 単語) |
I believe my professional and wikibackground allows me to strongly contribute:
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世界各地での生活体験。アフリカ、南アジア、東アジア・南東アジア・太平洋、ラテンアメリカ・カリブ海の各地域での体験を特に必要としています。これらの地域での経験は、より公平な参加という運動戦略の目標を達成するために、理事会の能力を伸長させるはずです。同時に、他の経験も重要な貢献をもたらすと認識しています。 (最大250 単語) |
I was born in the Polish People's Republic, the second most-populous communist and Eastern Bloc country in Europe, and afterwards experiencing a transitional economy for ~15 years after market reforms. Because of this fact, admittedly I did not have many opportunities to having lived experiences in the regions of Africa, South Asia, East and South East Asia & Pacific, and Latin America & Caribbean. Poland, and the CEE in general, is a part of the world where people have such experiences very rarely: for many years passports, visas and money were difficult to obtain, and then more many years most people were trying to earn for living and slowly catching up the western world. Thus, for my region experience in "Africa, South Asia, East and South East Asia & Pacific, and Latin America & Caribbean" has been reserved for the privileged few. Very few. Common people in the former Eastern Bloc usually could only dream of visiting South America or Caribbeans. They rather experienced an economic hardship of the 80's (when a good salary meant 28 USD a month) and 90's. Then millions migrated to the Western countries seeking for a job (and millions still migrate, especially from the countries east of Poland). Fortunately, finally Poland experienced an economic growth allowing me to do my work in Warsaw, nevertheless the wealth gap is still visible and a substantial number of my classmates lives in the UK, Western EU or USA/Canada. Continued below | |
母国語以外の地域や言語に対する文化的・言語的な流暢さ。異文化を理解することは、多文化社会における架け橋となります。 (最大250 単語) |
Because of reasons explained above, I can understand some shared issues: emigration and fractured communities, limited access to technology and institutional help, larger economic disparities. Also every economist should understand the world so I educate myself (and take my opportunity to travel, especially exploring the large cities. Then I can see how different particular cultures and continents are, and how much more there is to understand. Having said that, I am no expert in e.g. Southern Asia, even when my boss is Indian and lives in Chennai. The FDC, where I enjoyed work with colleagues from 5 continents, taught me I am here to read and listen. We have a lot to learn from each other and I am hoping the communities and individuals will always have many ways to speak up, highlight important issues and explain particular complexities. The second thing I bring to the table is solidarity. CEE cooperation is found on cooperation and helping each other, where the more capable are trying to help smaller communities. My region has a long tradition of shared experience, common projects, and support from e.g. my chapter to the individuals in the region. To be able to help better and a larger number of people, we are working on the CEE Hub - as everyone deserves a good support. | |
すべての人にとって安全で協力的な場を作るための、提唱者としての経験、および/または検閲、抑圧、その他の人権に対する攻撃を受けた状況や文脈での経験。 (最大250 単語) |
Providing a safe and collaborative space is literally vital for us all. Firstly, serving on a Wikimedia affiliate Board means both moral and legal responsibilities: for the volunteers, staff, organisation, legal and reputational needs, and many more. On top of that, Wikimedians are passionate: about their work, their values, and their relations - and the dark side of this passion are tensions, burn-outs, even wrong behaviour. Helping the communities to find better ways and standards is a highly demanding task. So it is maintaining and building Wikimedia as a welcoming space: from editing projects, through the meetings to the employee issues - this work will never end. These challenge became even more difficult in times of political instability, shrinking democracies and even physical threat in my region, and I am happy that the WMF is trying to tackle these issues. Unfortunately, my duties mean I should not give any specific detail but I am hoping I have helped to solve much more issues than I have helped to create. | |
権力構造において歴史的に差別や過小評価に直面してきた集団(カースト、人種、民族、肌の色、出身国、国籍、性自認、性表現、性的指向、年齢、宗教、言語、文化、教育、能力、収入、環境など)に関連した(あるいはその一員として共有したいと思う範囲の)経験を有する。 (最大250 単語) |
Poland is a very monoethnic (which is changing) and racially non-diverse country, nevertheless my chapter and me personally are aiming to create the best-possible experience for the underrepresented groups within our means. Obvious and visible across many languages and demographies is the gender gap, both as we think of the editors, as well as topics presented by Wikimedia. Hence e.g. dedicated actions we run each year (formerly), as well as endorsement (and my personal participation) in e.g. WikiGap. Certainly from the organisational perspective I could not allow any discrimination; I have personally hired more women than men, and WMPL is aiming to provide proper working conditions. Also we are trying our best that the socioeconomic, health and similar factors are taken care properly and the money, disability etc. do not eliminate our community members from participation in our actions or scholarships. Particular gaps and initiatives are countless, however the important issue from my perspective is the general fact that editing proves to be unwelcoming to the vast majority of people reading, or even trying to edit Wikipedia. Safe culture of friendliness and respect is my dream; and even if it is very difficult to achieve, my chapter is trying and building new solutions oriented at volunteers - who are our treasure. | |
確認 | 確認は選挙管理委員もしくはウィキメディア財団職員によって実施されます。 | |
立候補資格: ![]() 確認者: Matanya (talk) 09:11, 17 May 2022 (UTC) |
身分証明: ![]() 確認者: Joe Sutherland (Wikimedia Foundation) (talk) 23:55, 18 May 2022 (UTC) |
2022 Board of Trustees Analysis Committee Rating
Candidate Name | Wikimedia Background | Sought Skills | Sought Regional Experience | Human Rights & Underrepresentation | Overall rating from the average score of the four categories | Overall rating from the average score of the nine criteria |
Michał Buczyński | Gold | Silver | Silver | Silver | Silver | Gold |