維基媒體基金會理事會選舉/2022年/候選人/Shani Evenstein Sigalov
Shani Evenstein Sigalov (Esh77)
Esh77 (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
候选人详情 | ![]()
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Introductory statement / Application summary. This section to be translated. (150 word maximum) |
身兼教育家、講師、研究人員和自由知識提倡者,致力於外展 (教育、館聯、圖書館、醫學、維基女性、維基數據)、治理和策略,以達成人人都享有自由知識的願景。
我努力透過我的工作銜接性別、語言和社會的鴻溝,包括我在維基百科和維基數據的全球首創課程。我的博士學位(教育 - 科技和學習)研究的是語義網,特別是維基數據。 身為理事會副主席,我著重於理事會的透明度,來改善運動、基金會、理事會之間的關係,發起和領導社群事務委員會,專注於安全性和包容性空間的決議 (後來為通用行為準則),以及人權政策。此外我還參與了過渡委員會,負責選出我們目前的執行長,並專注於治理、產品和技術,這一切都為基金會的工作和維基媒體運動的挑戰提供了重要的觀點。 對於之前能當選為維基媒體運動服務我感到很榮幸,也期望繼續為這些重要議題效力。 | |
對維基媒體項目的貢獻、在維基媒體組織或自治體的成員資格、作為維基媒體運動組織者的活動,或與維基媒體運動盟友組織一同參與(的經驗)。 (大約100個字) |
Vice Chair, Board of Trustees.
Committee roles:
Previous Committees:
Before BoT (2011-2019):
Admin, Hebrew Wikipedia. Extensive experience leading projects, events and Outreach efforts (Education, GLAM, Medicine, WikiWomen, Wikidata), locally & globally. | |
(大約150個字) |
Strategy / Management:
Product & Tech Development:
Public Policy:
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在世界各地的歷練。我們對非洲、南亞、東亞、東南亞和太平洋,以及拉丁美洲和加勒比海的經歷特別有興趣。我們認為在這些地區的經驗可以幫助擴大理事會的能力,來實現更公平參與的運動策略目標。儘管我們承認其他經驗也可能提供重要的貢獻。 (大約250個字) |
I am the first elected to the BoT from Israel, a melting-pot of immigrants in the intersection of Africa, Asia and Europe. My origins are also mixed – Kurdish from my mom’s side, Polish/Russian/Ukrainian from my father’s. Growing up here, since childhood to enlisting in the Army, working various jobs (from hi-tech to a family carpentry), and later Academia (studying and teaching) – have all exposed me to people from various walks-of-life, cultures and backgrounds. I deeply respect diverse backgrounds, which is highlighted in the way I conduct my academic courses.
In 2013 I designed and am since directing, the first, for-credit academic course worldwide dedicated to editing Wikipedia. An important part of the course is its social impact - so far students contributed ~13% of the medical content in HeWiki, viewed ~7 million times. But another part of the course’s impact stems from working on diversity and knowledge gaps. Though my courses are conducted mostly in Hebrew, a portion of every cohort is non-Hebrew native speakers, mainly Arabic & Russian, which I encourage and support. Sometimes students continued contributing to Wikipedia outside of class -even in their native languages (mostly Arabic). Today I teach in 4 different faculties/programs and all courses emphasize the importance of diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI), making sure the content curated represents different groups of Israeli society, including non-Hebrew speakers. While I did not live elsewhere, I believe that my life experience in the Middle-East is an important perspective I bring to the Board. | |
除了您的地區和母語之外,對於其他地區文化的理解和其他語言的流利程度。跨文化意識有助在我們的多元文化社群中架起橋樑。 (大約250個字) |
Since a young age I was fascinated with different cultures and languages and did my best to learn as much as I could about them (existing or extinct). I speak Hebrew & English fluently. In high school I learned literary Arabic, but unfortunately am not a fluent speaker. After high school I took Spanish, so I know it at a basic level. In my undergraduate degree I studied English Literature & French Culture, which allowed me to delve into the cultures relating to these languages, especially French, which was new to me.
I studied (and taught) Yoga for 15 years, and was fortunate to be a disciple of a great master from Varanasi, India. I travelled to India many times for extended stays, which allowed me to learn first-hand about the amazing cultures in this sub-continent. It has a special place in my heart till today. I also studied Sanskrit at University for a year. I am obviously not fluent, but it has enhanced and deepened my vocabulary and cultural context. Finally, being part of the Wikiverse, I have come to love and respect many individuals, communities and cultures from countless countries and continents, and I’m better for it. It has made me even more attuned to nuances of cultural differences, including way of living, thinking, speaking and behaving. This has served me well not only in the rounded perspective I bring to the BoT, but also in the classroom and in my academic research, which is global in nature. | |
擁有為眾人創建安全和協作空間的倡導者經驗和/或有和審查制度、壓迫或其他侵犯人權情況相關或脈絡下的經驗。 (大約250個字) |
I’ve always been interested in, and later advocated for, freedom of expression and choice, anti-censorship, anti-repression, and for Open Knowledge as a basic human right. Both as a Free Knowledge advocate and in my academic work, I focus on mitigating the gender gap and other knowledge gaps of underrepresented groups, as well as creating safe, collaborative and inclusive spaces, on and off-line.
As a Trustee, I was a leading participant in finalizing the Board resolution for safe & inclusive spaces in Wikimedia projects, which led to the work on the UCoC. I am proud that as a movement, we have matured to realize we must be proactive in order to be truly inclusive and safe for all. I was also closely involved in the board’s approval of the Human Rights Policy, where I advocated for the inclusion of Children’s rights in the policy – a complex (and neglected), yet important topic. Finally, I initiated and led work resulting in creating the Board’s Community Affairs Committee (CAC), ensuring closer relationships with different communities and different departments at WMF. In order to be inclusive, welcoming and safe for all, we must have the right platforms and mechanisms to listen, learn, understand, strategize and assist when possible. The CAC was an important missing platform, and is working systematically and strategically to create safe spaces, better communications between stakeholders, trust-building and bridge-building to improve the work in our movement. This is undoubtedly one of my most important achievements at the Board. | |
在權力結構中面臨歷史歧視或代表性不足的群體相關經驗(您可以自行決定您願意分享的程度),包括但不限於種姓、種族、民族、膚色、祖籍國、國籍、性別認同、性別表達、性取向、年齡、宗教、語言、文化、教育、能力、收入和環境。 (大約250個字) |
I recognize my privilege being White in a democratic society, not under oppression. I was relatively free in life-choices: work, higher education (a “first generation” academic), choosing partners and friends. But I also had to overcome obstacles, first and foremost as a woman in a predominantly male world (Israeli men still earn more than women for similar roles, and dominate high-power roles in and outside academia).
Additionally, as my work and advocacy expanded internationally, I have experienced bias, discrimination, and even bullying / harassment, simply for speaking a non-English language, for being born Jewish and for being Israeli. I have always fought that and did my best to remain impartial. It has taken me time to acknowledge that when I advocate for Free Knowledge and access to information anywhere worldwide; when I advocate for Open Access not only for the privileged; when I advocate for freedom of choice, gender equality and women’s right -- I am making a political statement for a better, more equal, more inclusive world. There will always be forces resisting it, but I will continue to do so with dedication and passion. Finally, those familiar with my work know I stand for what I believe is right, even when it's not the popular or easy choice. 3 years ago, you put your trust in me and chose to make me a Trustee. I hope you will do that again, allowing me to continue serving our movement. There is a lot to be done and I am ready. | |
驗證 | 驗證由選舉委員會或維基媒體基金會工作人員執行。 | |
資格: ![]() 验证者: Matanya (talk) 09:04, 17 May 2022 (UTC) |
身份验证: |
2022 Board of Trustees Analysis Committee Rating
Candidate Name | Wikimedia Background | Sought Skills | Sought Regional Experience | Human Rights & Underrepresentation | Overall rating from the average score of the four categories | Overall rating from the average score of the nine criteria |
Shani Evenstein Sigalov | Gold | Gold | Silver | Gold | Gold | Gold |