Wikimedia Foundation elections/Board elections/2013/Candidates/ca
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The election ended 22 June 2013. No more votes will be accepted. The results were announced on 24 June 2013. |
Leigh Ann Thelmadatter (Thelmadatter)
Thelmadatter (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
Phoebe Ayers (phoebe)
phoebe (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
Resum de dades |
Presentació | During the past ten years, I have edited, taught, spoken on and written about Wikipedia. I've helped run Wikimania for many years and have been involved with the research, education and GLAM communities. I have also reported for the Signpost, planned local events, and worked on strategy. I served on the Board of Trustees from 2010-12. During the day, I am a science and engineering librarian at the University of California, Davis. The next Board will have much to do. The Board must hire and guide the next executive director; develop both annual and long-term strategic plans; decide whether to pursue an endowment; and evaluate the FDC. The Board must also assess the WMF's overall direction, and, with the community and staff, decide whether WMF activities are effective in keeping the projects and their communities healthy and growing. I believe the Board's most important role is ensuring the long-term future of Wikimedia's projects and mission. We can achieve this through forward-looking financial and technical planning, and with open internal processes that aid in developing community leadership. I can help keep the Board on track. I'm familiar with how the Board, WMF, and community work, and can organize and lead discussions, build consensus, and communicate decisions. I can help manage the limited time of the Board effectively, and if elected, will do so to get the Board to tackle the hardest issues well. |
Francis Kaswahili Kaguna (Francis Kaswahili)
Francis Kaswahili (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
Resum de dades |
Presentació | Em dic Francis Kaswahili Kaguna, parle anglés, swahili i sukuma. Sóc de Tanzània i presente la meua candidatura al Consell d'Administració de la Fundació Wikimedia. Sóc optimista respecte al fet que el lligam entre el món i Àfrica necessita una persona particular i aquesta persona és Francis Kaswahili Kaguna. Estic convençut que la contribució africana és molt important a la Comunitat Wikimedia. Vos promet que si m'elegiu els meus objectius seran els següents:
Jeromy-Yu Chan (Yuyu)
Yuyu (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
Resum de dades |
Presentació | El missatge que va amb la meua candidatura és senzill: la Fundació Wikimedia ha de romandre oberta, humana i humanista.
I have been volunteering for Wikimedia for years, as a normal editor, a head of a local chapter, in ChapCom & ComCom, and as conference organizer of Wikimania 2013. I work as an editor of a local media company in Hong Kong. WMF must remain open, rather than a "centralized traditional charity". We should empower the local affiliates to professionalize and stabilize their structures as needed, and nurture diversity. WMF shall also improve communication with different parties, where my background as a Journalism student may help. Sometimes just a few more words, and a few more people listening, can change a lot. I would also like to continue my work on Wikimedia's development in Asia. I believe my presence on the board will empower me to speak for them. I hope I can be a helpful bridge between different parties within the movement, whether or not I'm elected. I look forward to hearing from you about how WMF should be, as I'm actually better in listening than talking. I believe honest sharing itself is crucial to the future of the board and WMF. |
Samuel Klein (Sj)
Sj (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
Resum de dades |
Presentació | El nostre moviment està en un punt d'inflexió, tècnicament i socialment. Aquest és un bon moment per experimentar i planificar conjuntament el futur. Podem aprendre els uns dels altres i créixer més.
He tingut el plaer de formar part del Consell, i vull veure la Fundació treballant més eficaçment en suport als nostres projectes. Això hauria d'incloure:
El Consell hauria d'ajudar-hi. També escollirem i recolzarem el proper director executiu, i elaborarem un full de ruta que inclogui les estratègies de les diverses comunitats.
Vaig néixer als EUA i he viscut a Alemanya i Kenya. Em vaig enamorar de la Viquipèdia i els seus projectes germans fa 10 anys. Des de llavors, he col·laborat com a editor, traductor, columnista i steward. Vaig dirigir Wikimania 2006 i vaig planificar el Kiswahili WP Challenge (repte WP suahili). He estat membre del Consell des de 2009, treballant en transparència i estratègia, i del Comitè de Capítols i del Comitè d'Auditoria. Fora del wiki, presideixo el comitè tècnic de la Biblioteca Pública Digital d'Amèrica. Vaig ser Director de Continguts de One Laptop per Child, on vam enviar WP i WikiJunior a 2 milions de nens en països en vies de desenvolupament. Abans d'això, vaig estudiar física a Harvard i vaig treballar en programari i educació. |
Michel Aaij (Drmies)
Drmies (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
Resum de dades |
Presentació | I am not much of a bureaucrat or a politician; I'm an editor, and an admin on the English wiki. A Dutch native, I got a Ph.D. in the US and am now a tenured professor of Medieval literature, where I list my Wikipedia work as "research". The 2011 Higher Education Summit and Wikimania 2012 solidified my desire to become active in the organization. I am especially interested in promoting the use of Wikipedia in academia. Some bullets:
Tom Morton (ErrantX)
ErrantX (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
Resum de dades |
Presentació | Hello Wikimedia. I'm putting in a candidacy so you have diversity of choice, and because I can bring unique insight. Me as a Wikimedian? I'm a sysop on English Wikipedia (occasional contributor to Commons/Wikibooks/Wikinews) and write articles about the Second World War. I'm also heavily involved with the Wikimedia UK chapter. In real life I am a freelance software engineer and author/writer. I hope to bring a deeply technical perspective to the board, and an understanding of software engineering, architecture and management. The Foundation has worked to build links between the technical staff and the community, with some high profile success and failures. I hope to advise, both as a technologist and Wikipedian, how best to create a strong working environment. Broadly, the Foundation and Community need to build stronger ties, and I would foster that relationship - helping the WMF to incorporate broad community views into their strategic thinking; for example the editor retention program is excellent but needs deeper collaboration with the community to foster new editors. Disclosure: I am a paid contractor for the Wikimedia UK, a mild conflict that I am confident of managing. |
María Sefidari (Raystorm)
Raystorm (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
Resum de dades | Credit: Niccolò Caranti.
Presentació | Hi, I’m a Psychology lic. I’m interested in this position because I'm a long-time volunteer, who started out on en.wp and am now most active on Wikinoticias, Meta and Spanish Wikipedia where I founded the LGBT Wikiproject. I’m a founding member of Wikimedia España, and was its first Vice-President. I also have experience with inter-chapter cooperation and helping new groups through the Iberocoop network. For more than a year I‘ve been serving on the Affiliations Committee, and am a member of the Individual Engagement Grants committee since its creation. I enjoy working towards empowering volunteers through official recognition and/or grants. Throughout my wiki volunteerism, I’ve been amazed with the people I’ve met. This has deepened my commitment to the Wikimedia movement. We may disagree on the path, but we all share the same powerful commitment to the outcome. As a Board member, my focus would include supporting our vision through the development of strategic plans, ensuring that diversity is at the heart of WMF's efforts to increase editorship, and encouraging communication and exchange by making the Board more approachable and visible. |
Kat Walsh (Mindspillage)
Mindspillage (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
Resum de dades |
Presentació | The issue most important to me, professionally and personally, is also most important to Wikimedia: access to knowledge, for everyone, uncensored, as creators and as consumers. I'm a lawyer, currently at Creative Commons; I went to law school because of Wikipedia, and have studied and worked in a wide range of the legal issues that affect us. I'm active in the free culture movement, building connections between organizations, helping each other achieve shared goals. I've been a Wikimedian for 9 years, on the board since 2006, and currently its chair, helping Wikimedia maintain its principles and fulfill its mission throughout a period of growth. But this isn't a role I intend to hold forever. The main reason I am seeking another term is to guide the transition to a new executive director. This is one of the most important tasks of a board; when that goes well, the rest of the job can be about providing direction, oversight, and strategy in a careful, thoughtful way. Hiring Sue and then working with her was an invaluable experience and a key time for WMF; I hope to spend the first year with her successor, making sure we are aligned on the values and practices that cannot compromise, and figuring out new directions. I plan to continue using my experience, professional skills, and commitment to the principles of our movement to guide us through a period of change while keeping the values and integrity that define our work. |
Liam Wyatt (Wittylama)
Wittylama (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
Resum de dades |
Presentació | En els propers dos anys ens enfrontem a grans canvis de lideratge, tecnologia, difusió de recursos i d'estratègia. Penso que per a que el nostre moviment prosperi la WMF ha de donar suport activament a la capacitat de desenvolupament de les comunitats locals. Hem de centrar-nos en possibilitar que la mateixa comunitat pugui defensar amb èxit la nostra missió.
He estat involucrat en diversos aspectes de la comunitat. Estic molt orgullós de ser el fundador del projecte GLAM i de ser el primer viquipedista resident del món - al Museu Britànic. He fet conferències de divulgació a Europa, Àsia i Amèrica del Nord, i he fet sovint presentacions a organitzacions culturals i mitjans de comunicació. També he estat assignat per la Fundació com responsable d'acords culturals, vicepresident de Wikimedia Austràlia i copresentador del podcast Wikipedia Weekly. La meva participació administrativa inclou equips de treball com Subvencions de Compromís Individual, Wikimania i OTRS. Professionalment, coordino les iniciatives digitals a la Biblioteca Nacional d'Austràlia i he treballat per Creative Commons i Europeana. El meu treball acadèmic sobre la historiografia de la Viquipèdia va rebre un premi i estic acabant un màster de l'OMPI sobre la llei de propietat intel·lectual. |
John Vandenberg (John Vandenberg)
John Vandenberg (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA)
Resum de dades |
Presentació | I stand for these Board of Trustees community seats because Values I hold dear, and our Vision and Mission are for me a daily call to action. I work at the University of New England, in Armidale Australia, as a Research Data Analyst. He fet més de 100.000 contribucions. Tot i que edite sobretot als projectes de llengua anglesa, tinc més de 100 edicions que no concerneixen l'antivandalisme en 17 projectes, com ara les Viquipèdies espanyola, russa, alemanya, francesa i indonèsia, a Wikisource, i també he fet contribucions als projectes de Wiktionary i a la Wikiversity anglesa i alhora en grau menor al Wikillibres anglés. I have been the president of the Australian chapter, however I moved aside earlier this year to allow my colleague Craig Franklin to carry that torch. I have presented at, and organised, GLAM conferences, Wikimedia in Higher Education conferences in Australia and Indonesia, Open Knowledge conferences and workshops across Australia and Indonesia. I will work with the Board of Trustees to: