Wikimedia MKD/Reports/2024-07


Teachers' Conference: OOU 'Strašo Pindžur' - Skopje


Wikimedia MKD's dedication for increasing its members and increasing the number of educators (teachers) that use and edit Wikipedia and also incorporate Wikipedia in their own curricula have been one of the targets with outmost priority of the organization. Through the conferences or seminars for teachers, Wikimedia MKD tries to train as many teachers as possible to edit and use the encyclopedia and its related project, as well as use these projects as education tools in their classroom.

On 09-07-2024 Wikimedia MKD organized a seminar for teachers at the Elementary School 'Strašo Pindžur' in Skopje. The seminar was attended by 15 teachers from this school who expressed high interest for Wikipedia and its benefits. The seminar or conference started at 09:00 AM and it was made of 2 parts; the first part was a theoretical one where lectures were held, while the second one was practical one which was actual training on how to use Wikipedia and basic editing guide.

Bosa Filipović opened the conference and presented the speakers, while introducing the attendees with the Wikimedia Movement and Wikimedia MKD itself. The next lecturer was the president of Wikimedia MKD, Nikolče Stojanoski, who talked about the organizational layout of Wikimedia MKD, the Movement, and the major programmes of Wikimedia MKD. The last lecturer was the Executive President, Snežana Štrkovska, who talked about Wikipedia in Macedonian, the basics of the encyclopedia, how to edit Wikipedia, how to publish an article, how to contribute to the Movement and how to use Wikipedia as an education tool

Following the short break, the conference continued with the practical part. All participants were introduced with the basics of Wikipedia, how to open an account and how to begin editing an article. Moreover, they were trained how to publish an academically accepted neutral POV article that may serve as a reliable source of information.

15 new users were registered to the Macedonian Wikipedia, which also were registered as members of Wiki Senior Club. The actual in-live conference resulted with 5 new articles by the new users.

You can see how it went through the photographic material uploaded on Commons, but also some of the photos are bellow:

Editing Days


Editing days is an activity that lasts for the whole year in organization of Wikimedia MKD. Each Tuesday and Thursday different topics are given and the participants create or improve existing articles. In July 2024 there were in total 9 editing days, where participants edited on different topics in order to enrich the content of Wikipedia. The editing days and the topics were:

  • 2.7.2024 - Justice
  • 4.7.2024 - Brutalist architects
  • 9.7.2024 - Magazines
  • 11.7.2024 - Sorbian people
  • 16.7.2024 - Churches in Ukraine
  • 18.7.2024 - Socialism
  • 23.7.2024 - Short stories about animals
  • 25.7.2024 - Entertainment
  • 30.7.2024 - Milk

Cumulatively, 9 different users took part in these calls and edited. In total, 48 new articles were created during the editing days in July 2024.

Editing Weekends


Editing weekends is another project that is organized during the whole year. During weekends (Saturday and Sunday) user are welcomed to take part in this project activity and improve or enrich Macedonian Wikipedia content. During these weekends, the participants are expected to edit articles on given topics. In July 2024 the following editing weekends were organized:

  • 6-7 July 2024 - Music
  • 13-14 July 2024 - Olympic Games
  • 20-21 July 2024 - Cinematography
  • 27-28 July 2024 - Asia

In total, during these weekends there were 2 different users editing on the given topics and they created 6 new articles on the Macedonian Wikipedia

In media
