Wikimedia MKD/Reports/2024-08


Wikimania 2024

Wikimania 2024

Wikimania 2024 was held in the city of Katowice, Poland from 7–10 August as a partnership between the Wikimedians of the Central and Eastern European region and the Wikimedia Foundation. Wikimedia MKD, as well as Macedonia, was represented by five activists of the association, who shared experiences, ideas and visions with other Wikimedians from around the world. It is interesting to note that one of the members of Wikimedia MKD who was part of the team went to Poland left by bicycle on the route Skopje - Katowice. The journey of Toni Ristoski with the 1,100 kilometers traveled was highly respected and praised.

The Macedonian Wikipedians discussed on different topics with Wikipedians from all over the World, so experiences and acquired skills are shared in the field of community development, the GLAM program, education, but also topics such as reducing gaps in relation to the content of Wikimedia projects, improving technical and technological characteristics for better creation of free content and a special reference to volunteering as a basic driver in the creation of free knowledge.

Wikamania 2024 was a great experience for Wikimedia MKD and for Macedonian Wikipedians who, apart from being fascinated by this event, in the future will be able to pass on experiences that will benefit the Macedonian Wiki community.

Campaign "Articles without illustrations"


Wikimedia MKD continues with campaigns aimed at enriching the content of Wikipedia, but also creating a well-written article, with well-introduced references and good illustrations. The lack of illustrations in the articles leaves room for further editing of the article, and that is exactly what we aimed for this time.

The campaign ran from July 1, 2024 to August 31, 2024. The prizes were provided for the most prolific participants, who have uploaded an illustration of at least 100 different articles on Wikipedia in the Macedonian language. Points were calculated according to the principle: one article one point for the illustrations, regardless of how many illustrations were placed in that article. It is important to note that illustrations were inserted on already existing articles, newly created articles for the purpose of inserting photos were not taken into account. There was no limit to the number of illustrations that could be used. The photo that was used had to be uploaded under a free license or in the public domain. Contributors also included the #WPWPMK entry on every save change when they uploaded an illustration, and on every article they uploaded an illustration to. So the award winners are:

- 1st prize - winner is Тиверполник: 1622 points

- II prize - the winners are the following users:

In total 5 editors participated and 2165 illustrations were uploaded.

Editing Days


Editing days is an activity that lasts for the whole year in organization of Wikimedia MKD. Each Tuesday and Thursday different topics are given and the participants create or improve existing articles. In August 2024 there were in total 9 editing days, where participants edited on different topics in order to enrich the content of Wikipedia. The editing days and the topics were:

  • 1.8.2024 - History paintings
  • 6.8.2024 - Law enforcement
  • 8.8.2024 - Napoleon
  • 13.8.2024 - Ruthenian people
  • 15.8.2024 - Fishing
  • 20.8.2024 - Churches in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 22.8.2024 - Government ministries of the Ottoman Empire
  • 27.8.2024 - The Muppets
  • 29.8.2024 - Mosques in Greece

Cumulatively, 3 different users took part in these calls and edited. In total, 37 new articles were created during the editing days in August 2024.

Editing Weekends


Editing weekends is another project that is organized during the whole year. During weekends (Saturday and Sunday) user are welcomed to take part in this project activity and improve or enrich Macedonian Wikipedia content. During these weekends, the participants are expected to edit articles on given topics. In August 2024 the following editing weekends were organized:

  • 3-4 August 2024 - Literature
  • 10-11 August 2024 - Andorra
  • 17-18 August 2024 - Types of administrative division
  • 24-25 August - Cotton
  • 31 August - 1 September 2024 - Association football

In total, during these weekends there were 3 different users editing on the given topics and they created 39 new articles on the Macedonian Wikipedia.

In media
