Wikimedia Macedonia/Third General Assembly

The Third General Assembly of WMMK was on 17th of September 2013, in Skopje. All 15 members of WMMK were invited. Two of them responded they are unable to come, because of work issues.


  • Date and time: 17 September, 2013, 18:45 CEST
  • Place: Skopje
  • Duration: 3 h 30 m



On the Third General Assembly, the members discussed about making changes in the oganization and the Bylaws. The changes which took place on this Assembly are:

  • ~ is no longer a President of WMMK, but he remaind to be a member of the WMMK
  • New President of WMMK is Kiril Simeonovski
  • Slobodan Jakoski submits resignation as Board member, which was accepted
  • The new Board member is Zoran Meckarski
  • The Bylaws undergos many changes

See also
