Wikimedia Norge/Newsletter/2020-03/en
Hello, Wikimedia Norge members and other contributors.

Wikimedia Norge's general assembly on March 14th at 12:00 will be held purely online, because of the coronavirus situation. The agenda for the general assembly and related documents can be found here.
We're hoping many of you will be able to participate by video or by telephone. On our blog (Norwegian), you can read about how to join the meeting.
Did you remember to pay your membership fees for 2020? Everyone who paid their membership fees for 2020 has the right to vote at the general assembly. The mebership fees for 2020 (NOK 200, 100 for students and others) can be paid by Vipps to 10386 – Wikimedia Norge, or to account number 1503 08 00866.
We wish all the best for our members!
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