Wikimedia Summit 2022/Documentation/Day 3

Structure of this report
Day 1
Opening · Sharing Activities · Connecting Activities
Day 2
Movement Charter· Hubs · Resources & Revenues
Day 3
Open space · Closing & Next steps

Day 3 (Sunday, 11 Sep)


On Sunday, participants have the opportunity to initiate their own conversations about topics that were not yet addressed, or possibilities for collaboration. The day ends with a plenary session where spontaneous insights from each of the Summit sessions are shared from the audience.

Session 7: Options Space (9:00-11:00 UTC)


A space for topics that might need further discussion, or that have not yet had a chance to be discussed.

S7.1 Plenary Session

session slides; recording available on the Summit platform

S7.2 Breakout Groups

Session 7 Notes
Breakout Rooms (onsite + online/hybrid)
  • Breakout Room 03: Wikimania 2023 - Andrew (ETHERPAD)
  • Breakout Room 04: Video, Search and Social - Marshall (ETHERPAD)
  • Breakout Room 05: Tech Meetup - Birgit (ETHERPAD)
  • Breakout Room 06: Capacity exchange - Jan-Bart (ETHERPAD)
  • Breakout Room 07: UCoC enforcement - Christel (ETHERPAD)
  • Breakout Room 08: How to implement a recommendation? Nanour (ETHERPAD)
  • Breakout Room 09: CEE Hub VS Wikimedia Europe - Natalia & Anna (ETHERPAD)
  • Breakout Room 10: Oral citations; Wikispore; New sister projects - Dnshitobu (ETHERPAD) (FLIPCHART - @adzebill CC-BY4.0)
  • Breakout Room 11: A hybrid space for affiliates to share and discuss Fundraising - CVirtue(WMF) (ETHERPAD)
    • What kind of non-banner fundraising opportunities they see in their region/country/topic?
    • What skills and/or resources they would need to take advantage of them? A representative from the Foundation's fundraising team will be present to listen and learn.
Social Spaces (only online)
  • Social Space A: Regional hubs - Nehaoua
  • Social Space B: Community connections & resources - AKibombo
  • Social Space C: Connection between the Wikimedia Movement and onwiki communities - DarwIn
  • Social Space D: Improving the experience of users on our platforms will allow more people to join projects - WIKIDZ - wikimedia Algeria
  • Social Space E: Resolving conflicts within and between movement entities (chapters, hubs) - Maggie Dennis (ETHERPAD)
  • Social Space G: Diversity & Quota - Nattes á Chat

Session 8: Closing & Next Steps (12:30-14:00 UTC)


Reflect on insight and next actions from each session of the Summit

S8.1 Plenary Session

session slides; recording available on the Summit platform

One by one, the Summit co-hosts and some of the participants shared what they felt were the key themes and takeaways from each of the event’s sessions.

Sharing and Connecting Activities

Hanan started by saying: ““I need time to process everything I have learned. The new questions I have, new questions that have been asked of me”. She continued “It felt good to document our work. Write it down in a place we can look at together. We are left wanting for more” The Summit gathered over 165 projects in the database tool aimed at tracking the Movement Strategy implementations. Using the filtering function of the tool enabled some reflections: Where people indicated the type of collaboration, only 6 were “not interested”. Would love to understand what that “no” means. The top 5 expectations were “exchange” (xx); “talk” (85), “replicate my work” (51), “co-design activity” (43), “partner on a grant” (xx)... Movement Strategy recommendation 6 (investing in innovation) is top of the list; Recommendation 4 does not “suck the air out of the room”. We need to do better at Rec. x (adapting, etc) - suspect there is more learning than the one that is represented here. Think more explicitly about the learning and how it can be captured.

Comments from participants
  • [Shery Entwine - lead AfroCrowd] Started in NY and then expanded to people across US, eventually went beyond to different countries. In conversation about Hubs, you think there is a central point where people gather and work together, to then move away/back and do different things. It was fascinating to see how people’s different perspectives shape the conversation. Example for us, working with diasporas, we cannot always be regionally focused all the time. Connections can be linguistic, or affinity - so a Hub looks different than for other people. It’s great to be part of the conversation, rather than being prescribed. In conversations I help, we talked about what having that “one point” means for all of us. It’s something unique to have a say—even in the words and terms we use in our work and knowing that it could change. It was useful to be here and get a sense that our future will have to do more with our needs, and how to meet them.
  • [Hello Friends in Irish - Megan, Wikimedia Community in Ireland] Glad to speak about exp. of Wikimedia Summit 2022 - giving newcomer insights. Sharing coordination portion - favourite part of the conference. I spoke about how to engage Irish language community - Irish lang. Wikipedia. I was impressed with the amount of engagement. In Ghana, a sustainable model of training editors. Other language Wikipedias, like Welsh and Catalan. Depth of knowledge of everyone in the room… As online participant I did not know I could get that level of engagement and excitement.


  • Butch Bustria: When is the next Wikimedia Summit? Will it return to Spring 2023? If not Spring 2023, what role Wikimania 2023 would do to continue the discussions?
  • Nehaoua: لدي سؤال يتعلق فقط بمدى تطبيق التوصيات ومناقشتها فقط باللغة الإنجليزية مع وجود طاقات هائلة قد لا تتقنها
  • Ben Vershbow: How can the Foundation support the conversation around oral citations / oral knowledge? I have set up a Baserow project and would love to gather interested folks so we can follow up.
  • Geertivp: I hope that the baserow system will become a permanent platform to exchange and collaborate on projects amongst affiliates.
  • WIKIDZ - wikimedia Algeria: The number of application tools developed by the community and the foundation is extraordinary, when will we see a platform that lists the concentrate of it dedicated to the movement ?
  • Geertivp: The capacity exchange system is still a prototype (I encountered several problems...) but it might be related to or reuse some of the baserow system functionality?..
  • Alex: It was a surprise to hear hubs and the movement charter being at such as early stage with lots of unknowns. Question is can we bank interim deliverables in 2023 and 2024 (shared governance framework or definitions/concepts of 'ladder of trust' or common understanding of basic funding) which can give more confidence in a MC and useful products for small affiliates more worried about next year, not several years?
  • Jessica Stephenson: I think it would be good to get some insight on that connection between Capacity Exchange and Baserow?
Movement Charter


  • Conversations grounded in work prepared
  • Global Council conversations were more wobbly because there are still many questions
  • Did not expect many Wikimedians to be interested in transformative scenario planning. We only identified the drivers. We often use * these spaces to talk about governance, but we never talk about the product and technical possibilities. 18 identifies that those are the greatest uncertainties


  • Next steps are MCDC - we presented early drafts of the preamble. Thank you for being kind. We presented a methodology for writing. We are learning a lot from our interactions. Need to know what you think and know. There are grants available for people that want to do this. You can ask an MCDC member to attend a meeting of your group. Contact through meta and survey submission. Participate in discussions on meta.

[xxx CEO WM France]:

  • Thank the MCDC for months of work. Acknowledges the difficulties ahead and the role of Wikimedia FOundation and points out we have a big collective responsibility


  • Hubs not so much compared to Movement Charte. Feels like having the same questions and discussions. What are the HUbs? We don’t have a clear definition. They are high in recommendation but we don’t know. What is the different between chapters or affinity user groups and HUbs. Need to have more clarity around this…
  • Next step: Get to a working definition in order to have clarity
  • How do we move from the current structure to a new one that includes Hubs? How do Hubs connect to project communities? Clarity here would mean great progress
  • Conflict? Maybe that helps us break through the status quo and understand why Hubs are needed - but also, maybe we need a supported mitigation process so that people are not burned out by the discussions.
  • 1. Clarity of meaning; 2. Structure; 3. Mitigate conversations
  • Continue Hubs conversation on Meta [xx] see more.

Martin, Wikimedia Stewards User Group:

  • Still confused with all the entities… I appreciated that there was room for atypical groups that are not regional or thematic oriented (like stewards) and be able to participate in discussions. My group is not looking for money - it’s looking for tools. We want to work on the stuff that is there. Thank you to the organisers for making space for those who don’t really fit in the current system.

Jessica Stephenson: A reflection: There is a call for very structural change. There are a lot of expectations in the work of the MCDC. Perhaps there is a need for more clarity on the scope and depth of some of the proposed changes the Charter will address - some things need to be named. So these MCDC drafts are meeting these expectations. [xxx]:

  • I thought I knew what Hub was and assumed this was shared, but then found out it was not.

Nicola XXX, WM Ukraine:

  • Who confirms these Hubs? Now it’s a good place for experimenting… We are probably on a good path to do something meaningful. But how do we get to the point when we can hire a person, launch a project. We might need all the time until next Summit to have clarity about who approves HUbs, and say Hubs are a legitimate body within the movement [LISTEN TO RECORDING]

Butch, Singapore:

  • Hub or Regional Collaboration will join Wikimania. This will be a test on how a Hub could look like. My concern is that everyone has different concepts on HUbs, but here in Asia(?) our conception is how to connect A to B, those in need with those with resources. I know the xxx is messy, but hope we have some convergence point sometime in the near future, hopefully before Wikimania 2023.

WIKIDZ - wikimedia Algeria:

  • maybe it is time to change the name of the word hub to a new and more adequate definition, because the word hub has no consensuss for 3 years
Revenues and Resources


  • Deep discussions; new ideas.
  • Some the topics were like the elephant, we were holding different parts.
  • Fundraising (feeding the elephant) - contextualisation: it does not make sense to all affiliates to go out and fundraise while for others it make sense to build capacity. Ideas: build more funding partnerships, large affiliates could act as fiscal sponsors temnporarily, self-suficiencyt was questions. None of the rooms criticised the current grant-making practice - but pointed out it’s not participatory, [xxx], and the cycles do not allow for security. On re-distribution (four legs) - if grants are not, then redistribution could be the model - not based on output matrix but the people that need the funding, like affiliates with [xxx]
  • AT Charter level, let’s set out teh principes for resource re-distribution system that is equitable and mutually accountable; start drafting a fundraising policy;: affiliate start creating an econsystem of knowledge (donorsm, local international) but also peer learning on fundraising capacity; capacity exchange. WMF think about how it can be part of systemic change,[ [xxx]


  • Call for wokeing as colleagues… There is still a lot of pain, its worth addressing it head on ON TOP of thinking about the future.

[xxx] Mexico:

  • I was inspired by the things that were mentioned at the conversation - this opportunity is inspiring to find new roads, projects… to have a future, next steps. New and old people engaging in the conversation about our future.

Anna, Free Knowledge Advocacy Group:

  • Do you think the language we use to talk about this topic is difficult? Specially when English is not first language. Money = trust. Language is a way to build that trust. Conversations might be more appealing if we change some of the descriptions we are using.


  • Study with 8 international INGO “these is something we are also struggling with” - we are not alone. We don’t have to create anything in a vacuum.

Olu Shola, WM user group NIgeria:

  • Excited to join. Been following since the beginning. Wanted to talk about res. Allocation. Coming from Africa, I understand tere is a lot to be done. Need to look at resource beyond funding. Africa needs a lot of things: shortage of huma, material and funding. I am looking at rec allocation by localising the needs of the different affiliates and communities. We are not just about money, but it could be about obtaining experience of other Wikimedians. There are many things that can be solved.
Thank you
  • Playback what people said were the most valuable moments.
  • Human Connection
    • A lot of happiness around human connection - onsite and online. Meet here people whose work they have appreciated the work over the years. References to food.
  • Hybrid Format
    • Bring online and offline together; slowed down the conversation; online participants still had a good exchange
  • Collaboration and connection
    • Feeling less alone in their challenges or things they are working on; mutual learning;
  • Movement Charter
    • Clarifications about the charter — many comments about George’s presentation.
  • Movement Strategy, HUbs and Resourcing
    • Participatory decision-making, hubs, etc.
  • “Elephants”
    • Learned more about elephants that in my entire life”
    • People felt the right (hard) conversations were being held with openness and empathy.

Mindful of the role that the WMF plays in product and technology development; high priority - meeting for strategic conversations about the input coming from the Summit are already scheduled.

Franziska & Christian

Glitter is not just on the outside - sparkling ideas from conversations over the past days. Thank all participants. Sparks in the heart from personalities and loving ways of being. There were so many, and they got to shine. It was not only conversations, it was also also the people.

  • Facilitation team - Bhav, Rob, Olla, Naomi
  • Programme team - Kaarel, Hanan, Nikki
  • Project lead and support - Maike, Nicole, Cornelius, Eva, Abbad
  • Online facilitators - [get list from Naomi]
  • Movement Charter Drafting Committe - [
  • Thomas - Photography
  • Tech, Venue and Catering - Stefan, Jens, and Jozefine
  • Wikimedia Foundation - programme and financial support
  • Wikimedia Deutschland
  • Nataliia, Chair of Wikimedia FOundation board

Talk about commitments - ending on a high note. Commitment part is important. I will do sometime in the future, maybe by 2030. We heard that by 2023 we’ll have the MCharter. So in wikimania we can start conversation about implementing the charter. We want you to ffel that is all the responsibility we are putting on your shoulders. There was also [xxxx - cuteness association] was also present and wanted to thank you.