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- メインページ:ウィキメディア国別協会・支部
Wikimedia chapters are independent non-profit organizations founded to support and promote the Wikimedia projects within a specified geographic area. Like the Wikimedia Foundation, they aim to "empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally". Chapters use a name clearly linking them to Wikimedia and are granted use of Wikimedia trademarks for their work, publicity, and fundraising. Currently, 38 chapter exists.
Recognition from the Affiliations Committee allows a group to apply for using the Wikimedia trademarks, access to unique grants, and additional affiliate support; however, recognition is not required to do any of the work of a typical Wikimedia user group, and groups are encouraged to consider that model if they do not yet meet the requirements of a chapter.
- Use the Wikimedia logos consistent with the Wikimedia Foundation's Trademark Policy without any additional approval. chapters may use other logos not part of the Trademark Policy (such as the Wikimedia Foundation logo) pursuant to a trademark license with the Wikimedia Foundation and approval by the Wikimedia Foundation legal team.
- Receive large, but limited, quantities of Wikimedia merchandise for use in activities and outreach efforts.
- Public recognition of the group's affiliation with the Wikimedia Foundation.
- Affiliations Committee Liaison support during and after the approval process.
- Apply for Annual Plan Grants after successfully completing two other Wikimedia Foundation grants and meeting other eligibility requirements.
- A short name clearly linking the group to Wikimedia.
- Exclusive use by a chapter of the Wikimedia name and brand within the group's geographic focus area.
- Communications and public policy support from the Wikimedia Foundation.
- Two scholarships to attend the Wikimedia Conference, held annually in Berlin for Wikimedia movement affiliates.
Without recognition, groups may still:
- Engage in group activities to promote, build, and support the Wikimedia movement and its projects.
- Utilize the Wikimedia Community logo.
- Request one-time use of Wikimedia logos consistent with the Wikimedia Foundation's Trademark Policy pursuant to a trademark license with the Wikimedia Foundation and approval by the Wikimedia Foundation legal team.
- メインページ:ウィキメディア国別協会・支部の要件
公認テーマ別組織の創設要件とは、ウィキメディア運動の趣旨 movement's expectations に沿った組織としてそれぞれの受認後の指針作りをお手伝いするためにあります。
- ウィキメディア支援ミッション
組織のミッションは、ウィキメディア財団の使命および未来像、およびウィキメディア財団の指導原則および運動関連会社の原則に沿ったものでなければなりません。 選択された法的形式または設立方法に関係なく、総会はウィキメディア財団と同様の目標を持っている必要があり、その活動はそれらから逸脱してはなりません。 - Geographic focus
国・地域協会は地理的位置基準 /もしくは法的管轄権によって固定されます。言語基準のプロジェクトとは異なり、国・地域別協会とは実体として地理的位置の基準を要します。これはそれらが法的な構造として国もしくは法的管轄権によって固定されるべきと示唆します。この基準とはそれらが奉仕しようとする地域に置くものとします。単一もしくは類似の地理的範囲に対して複数の利用者グループの存在は認められるものの、対象とする地理的位置本位の地域1件に置く国・地域別協会は単体しか認めません。 - 法的構造
この章には、ウィキメディア財団から法的に独立した法的構造/法人が必要です。章は、ウィキメディア財団の目標に沿って、貢献者または外部の関係者から生じる可能性のあるプロジェクトに実際の構造を与えることを目的としています。ただし、章はウィキメディアプロジェクトを運営することや、プロジェクトの内容について法的に責任を負うことを意図したものではありません。それを達成するためには、章の作成のために選択された法的構造がウィキメディア財団から明確に独立している必要があります。組織の管理文書(通常は付属定款)は、所属委員会によってレビューおよび承認される必要があります。 - 一定数のウィキメディアの積極的な貢献者の関与は不可欠
国・地域別協会はウィキメディアのプロジェクト群から最低10名、可能であれば12名以上の積極的な投稿者の関与を取り付ける必要があります。積極的な投稿者の定義とは、特定のウィキメディアのプロジェクトで登録から6ヵ月を経過した利用者アカウントから投稿を300回超しており、コミュニティにおいて善良であった人を指します(投稿ブロックその他の活動停止措置を受けていないこと)。国・地域別協会はウィキメディアのプロジェクト群に対する積極的な投稿者以外の意見や感想を受け入れるべきですが、候補者はコミュニティから距離を置きすぎるべきではありません。国・地域別協会にとって、ウィキメディアのプロジェクト群の実情に即した取り組み(イニシアティブ)の実施を目指す上で、ウィキメディアのプロジェクト群に積極的に関与する投稿者は欠かせません。初代の構成は目指す目標、活動の地理的な範囲、その組織の運営に使うと選んだ言語を広範に反映するものとします。 - 活動歴2年以上
グループには提携団体の認定申請より前に、実証可能なプログラム成果2年を求めます。理想としてこれら活動は、ウィキメディア公認利用者グループ名義で実行するべきです。これら活動とその成果はウィキ上、理想としてはメタウィキ上の当該グループのページに文書として示す必要があります。要件として、広範な支援活動の実績すなわち組織設立とその形成への参加と関与の促進が必要です。活動とはオンラインとオフラインの活動を組み合わせてウィキメディアのプロジェクトへの参加を促進するように設計する必要があります。当該グループは認定の審査前に、その活動および財務報告書を最新の状態に保たなければなりません。 - 将来の期待に応えるためのキャパシティ、または計画されたキャパシティ
手順 1: 人を集める
For long-term sustainability of the chapter, the Affiliations Committee recommends that you gather a community of at least 20–25 people who are interested in creating or joining the chapter. Make sure that your group has the required number of people before proceeding.
手順 2: 適切な作業方針を定める
Before moving forward, discuss among yourselves the advantages and disadvantages of setting up an organization; organizations take a lot of time, effort and resources once they are set up. Is it necessary to set up a chapter to achieve your goals? How will setting up an organization help achieve those goals? Can you accomplish those goals as a Wikimedia user group?
Once you have a group of people interested in pursuing the goals, determine whether there are like-minded organizations in the area (for example chapters or user groups) that might be able to host your projects or provide initial help in setting up. Is there already an existing organization that you can connect to instead of starting your own?
Then you can think about what the mission is of the organization you'd like to start. Is this mission broad and is your group primarily geographically focused, or is it more narrowly defined? Try to draft your mission jointly with the whole group and make sure everybody agrees on that.
支部がもっとも適した形態だと確信が持てた段階でAffiliations Committeeなど当該の分野で活動するウィキメディア組織に連絡して、計画を知らせます。
- What do you want to accomplish as a chapter? What is your mission?
- What kind of activities do you want to engage in (e.g. outreach, fundraising, public relations, publishing)?
- What kind of structure would be best for the organization? Would a board and membership structure be the right model?
- What would be the roles and responsibilities of the board and your assembly? Who would decide what, in practice?
- How do you imagine your organisation in a two years' time? In five years' time?
手順 4:国別協会の名称を決める
- 参照ページ:提携団体の命名の指針ならびに提携団体のロゴの最善手法
The legal name of the chapter should be "Wikimedia [name of country in local language]".
- Wikimedia Wikiland
- Wikimedia United Places of Objects
- 维基媒体示例 (Wikimedia Example)
- Wikimedia Foundation of Wikiland
- Wikipedia Wikiland
- Wikiland Wikipedia
- Wikiland Wikimedia
手順 5: グループのウィキページを作る
Once you have a group of interested people, it's time to document who you are and to set up some means of communications. For the external world, you need to designate two contact people who can be identified to the Wikimedia Foundation; within the group, think about setting up a wiki page where people can join; perhaps set up a mailing list or talk page or other forum to discuss your projects.
手順6: ウィキメディア利用者グループとして承認を得る(必須ではない手順)
While not required, groups interested in becoming chapters are strongly encouraged to first begin as a Wikimedia user group. The requirements and expectations for user groups are intentionally designed to allow for less resource intensive operation of a group. A two-year track record is required of all chapter applicants, and both the Affiliations Committee and Board of Trustees are more likely to feel confident about your group's suitability to become the formal representative of the Wikimedia movement in your subject area if your group a track record as a recognized user group in good standing.
So, you have some interested Wikimedians, and you have some basic idea about the kinds of activities the group would want to have as an officially recognized Wikimedia chapter.
This is a perfect time to begin running programs, which will give your group a concrete experience with running Wikimedian activities/events, strengthen the group's internal cohesion, increase motivation, and potentially draw in additional activists.
Here's a little secret: nearly all activities and programs performed by chapters can be performed by non-chapters. Aside from fundraising and certain types of government outreach, any group of Wikimedians with the will and dedication to execute a program can do so, and the Wikimedia movement has resources in place to help you do so:
The Wikimedia Foundation may grant you ad hoc permission to use the Wikimedia trademarks (e.g. the Wikipedia logo, Wikimedia logo) for specific events or activities; the Foundation may provide funding for your program via the competitive process called the Wikimedia Grants Program; other Wikimedia organizations may offer funding, advice, and other resources.
Applicants are required to have developed and conducted offline and online activities over at least two years prior to seeking recognition as a chapter.
グループやリソース (特に人材、時間やスキル) に 対応できる範囲を確保し、その範囲を管理できるようにします。
手順8: 支部設立に関する書類類の草稿を書く
Your chapter's bylaws (statutes, or whatever the name of this document is in your language) should define the goals and objectives of your association in time and space. They should be precise and to the point. Avoid definitions that are too vague or restrictive.
文書の草案作りで留意すべき点が複数あります (重要度順に以下に説明します。)
- the laws of the country/state
- the primary goals of your organization should be in line with those of the Wikimedia Foundation, i.e. to promote free content and support the Wikimedia projects.
- where possible, a non-profit status (or a status that allows you to tend towards non-profit)
- avoid ties to political statements/groups that do not fit within the scope of Wikimedia projects
To ensure that these factors are taken into account, we created a Bylaws guidelines resource page to assist you. we advise you to peruse the this guideline as well as bylaws of other organisations in your country and then adapt those to the Wikimedia requirements and guidelines. Don't try and translate existing Wikimedia chapters' bylaws, as legal language differs from one country to another and what seems evident in one country may make no sense in another.
If you have a lawyer in your group, make sure they are a strong part of the writing process; remember that you are ultimately responsible for the legal compliance of your organisation with the local laws.
このプロセスで何か質問やお困りごとができた場合には、どの段階でもご遠慮なくAffiliations Committeeまでご相談ください。
手順9: 承認を受ける
1. Create a subpage on your meta user group page using the space label “/Application for Chapter Status” for chapter applications. There you should:
- 1.1 Apply the template Template:Chapter or Thematic Org Application by copying all the mark-up from the "Edit Source" view or tab and pasting it to your new subpage.
- 1.2 You then need to work through the template instructions on your subpage to replace the instructions in red, with your evidence of meeting the criteria. Please be sure to include descriptive text along with any links shared.
2 Next you need to create a subpage on your meta user group page for your bylaws using the space label "/Bylaws". There you should:
- 2.1 Use the Bylaws guidelines to draft your organization's bylaws that will govern how you will run your organization.
- 2.2 Bylaws are legally binding documents required to set up legal entities in your country. You may need to engage the service of a lawyer to ensure that your bylaws meet other specific local legal requirements.
3 Finally, use the Chapter/Thematic Organization application form to officially submit your application page and bylaws to the Affiliations Committee.
The committee will begin their review and comment period for the bylaws as you continue to complete your application. Once the committee sends feedback regarding your bylaws, please be sure to revise bylaws as appropriate, based on committee feedback.
The Affiliations Committee will review your application and governing documents, and then will submit them to the Board of the Wikimedia Foundation to approve the creation of your organization as a Wikimedia chapter. Usually, before final approval, the Affiliations Committee will ask a number of questions and possibly suggest changes based on experience learned from other Wikimedia and non-profit organizations. In this case, final approval will be given once your group has had a chance to review and answer the suggestions and to make any changes your group has found useful.
手順9b: 定款を審査にかける
When your chapter's goals and organization are agreed and your documents are ready (but before you do anything that would make the association official, like opening a bank account, holding a founding assembly, or registering with your country's authorities), you should translate them into English and submit them to the Affiliations Committee for approval.
The Affiliations Committee might ask for a lawyer-approved translation of the bylaws, in which case it will provide the necessary budget to translate the bylaws.
Once you've received Foundation Board approval, you can register your association by the standard means in your country. You will need to sign a chapter agreement with the Foundation. At this stage, other agreements may need to be signed between the Foundation and the chapter.
Once you've gathered the group, the wiki page, legal documents, and the big ideas on what you want to do, contact the Affiliations Committee and request to apply for chapter recognition. The Affiliations Committee will ask you some questions, review your application, and if appropriate will recommend the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees recognize your group as an official Wikimedia chapter. The Board of Trustees will then vote to approve or grant recognition based on the application, discussions with the Affiliations Committee, and recommendation from the Affiliations Committee. Recognition automatically renews each year. Recognition can be suspended or removed if necessary if a group becomes inactive or is no longer compliant with their agreement.
Delays during the application approval process most often arise from incomplete applications or applications that need to be modified before they can be approved. To prevent this from happening and help expedite your group's approval process, please double check this list before submitting your application:
- Does your name meet the affiliates naming requirements? It is best to agree on which language your name use and how it will be localized before beginning the chapter recognition process. Group discussions amongst Wikimedia chapters regarding their name can take time, and generally you want to avoid having to re-engage in that conversation after your application has been submitted. You may contact the Affiliations Committee to seek input on your name before submitting your application.
- Does your group have a clear plan and programmatic track record that is consistently and clearly explained? If your Meta page explains your chapter's plans or activities in a way that differs from your conversations with the Affiliations Committee – that may delay the application's approval. Your plans should clearly and concisely explain what your group hopes to accomplish and who would be interested in joining. We recognize this may evolve over time, but you should have a clear commitment to a specific plan at the time of your application.
- 皆さんの主要な連絡先2件はウィキメディア財団とご本人の関連を明かす意思がありますか? 個人情報の懸念により誰かが考えを変えた場合、国・地域別協会の承認過程の最終ステップが遅れる可能性があります。これら連絡先の少なくとも1件には、国・地域別協会(通常は理事会の会長)の代理人として文書署名の法的権限を与えるべきで、文書とは国・地域別協会契約などです。
- Is your group ready to accept new members and already include at least ten active Wikimedia contributors in good standing? Groups which have a closed or limited membership model may require more discussion and review. Groups which do not have at least ten active members who are also active Wikimedia contributors in good standing will not be approved.
You can now focus on your day-to-day business and promote Wikimedia projects according to your mission. In the coming days, you will be put in contact with Wikimedia Legal and asked to sign the Wikimedia chapter agreement. While you are required to sign this agreement, you do not need to wait until the agreement is signed to continue planning and implementing activities and ideas.
By this time you will probably need some money or other resources—for example, you may have to pay registration fees, set up a bank account. The first source of funds should be the community behind your organization (e.g. if you have set up a membership organization, now is the time to collect membership fees).
If you need more money than you can reasonably hope to gather from your group, you can ask the Affiliations Committee to provide you with some additional funding to get you on your way. The Wikimedia Foundation also issues grants to chapters, and they are not necessarily limited to money.
The money (or your time) is necessary even if the registered chapter does not do anything. Usually after registering the legal entity, you'll need to prepare and provide regular reports to the tax authorities and some other state bodies—even if there are only zeros in the reports.
Remember, you can always ask the Affiliations Committee as well as other affiliates for help, and it's possible for Wikimedia user groups to apply to the Foundation for grants. On the other hand, we would also like to hear from time to time about your activities; you can publish public reports or contact your Affiliate Liaison.