Wikimedia chapters/Existing chapters

Existing chapters


There are currently 38 recognised Wikimedia chapters.


  1. Is the chapter formally recognized as a Nonprofit organization under its nation's laws? "n/a" should be used if the country's laws do not recognize a nonprofit status.
  2. corporation information
  3. A small no profit association doesn't require the formal approval. It's sufficient to follow the law and to have a bylaws compliant with to the law[1][2]. The tax exemption has been formally approved [3].
  4. All associations are non-profit by definition in the Czech republic.
  5. All associations in Spain have Non profit status.
  6. Wikimédia Magyarország is a registered association at the Court and all registered associations are non-profit by definition in Hungary. Wikimédia Magyarország is recognized as "organization for the public benefit" status which means: transparency requirements, tax exemptions, tax deductibility etc.
  7. Based on Wikimedia Indonesia Board of Executive Meeting.
  8. Officially approved by Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of South Korea since 2015.
  9. At the founding team's request, the provisional approval was extended by the WMF executive director until April 2013.
  10. Officialy recognized as Wikimedia México A.C. (civic association) under Mexican laws since February 2013.
  11. There is no separate official non-profit status. However, we have been granted charity status (ANBI) by the tax office since January 2010, which, among other demands, requires that the organization is a non-profit by its bylaws and operates as a non-profit in practice. During 2012 we were busy to prepare the chapter for the CBF certificate for 'small charities'.
  12. All associations are non-profit by definition in Poland
  13. All organizations in Portugal have Non profit status.