Wikimedians of Santali Language User Group/Annual Report 2021-2022

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Report of activities: 2021-2022




The Wikimedians of Santali Language User Group was approved on 21 September 2019 to contribute to the development of Santali Wikipedia and the Santali language. The year 2021 -2022 is the year of revival for the Santali Wikipedian after Covid. The user group tried to participate in various online and off line event in this period. The report of activities of the User Group are as follows.

Online Event

  • On the ocassion of 4th Anniversary of Santali Wikipedia the community conducted a Santali Wikitionary edit-a-thon from 02/08/2022 to 01/09/2022 for its incubator Wikitionary Project page in order to make the project live. During the event improvement of 19 words were done by the users of the Group.

Offline event


New Achievement




The year 2021-2022 is the 1st year after the Covid. Though the user group associated itself with various on line edit-athon and joint meet up with other community , the Group could not accelerated back to the pre covid level. The user group looks for the more collaboration and outreach event for the next year i.e 2022-23.