This page is a translated version of the page Wikipedia and the translation is 41% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Nota: o nome "Wikipedia" é muitas vezes confundido com vários outros nomes semelhantes; por favor, consulte o glossário para suas definições.

Para estatísticas detalhadas, consulte a Lista de Wikipédias .

Logótipo da Wikipedia em inglês.
Logótipo de Wikipédia em português.

O projeto começou com a Wikipédia em inglês no dia 15 de janeiro de 2001. No dia 23 de março de 2001 juntou-se a esta a Wikipédia em francês, e pouco tempo depois muitos outros idiomas. Grandes esforços estão em andamento para destacar a natureza internacional do projeto.

As of February 2025, there are 340 Wikipedias which have over 100 articles, 176 of which have over 10,000 articles, and 73 of which have over 100,000 articles.

As of February 2025, there are 355 language editions of Wikipedia, which collectively have 64,511,725 articles.


No dia 20 de setembro de 2004, a Wikipédia atingiu um total de 1.000.000 de artigos em mais de 100 idiomas.

The English Wikipedia hit 1,000,000 articles on 1 March 2006, 2,000,000 articles on 9 September 2007, 3,000,000 articles on 17 August 2009, 4,000,000 articles on 13 July 2012, 5,000,000 articles on 1 November 2015, and 6,000,000 articles on 23 January 2020.

Following the English-language Wikipedia, the German (27 December 2009), French (21 September 2010), Dutch (17 December 2011), Italian (23 January 2013), Russian (11 May 2013), Spanish (16 May 2013), Swedish (15 June 2013)[1], Polish (24 September 2013), Waray (8 June 2014), Vietnamese (15 June 2014), Cebuano (16 July 2014)[1], Japanese (19 January 2016), Chinese (13 April 2018), Portuguese (26 June 2018), Arabic (17 November 2019), Ukrainian (22 March 2020), Egyptian Arabic (28 July 2020) and Persian editions (22 April 2024) each have more than 1,000,000 articles.

On 5 September 2015, the Swedish Wikipedia hit 2,000,000 articles followed by the Cebuano (14 February 2016)[1], German (19 November 2016), French (8 July 2018), Dutch (8 March 2020), Russian (18 September 2024) and Spanish editions (2 January 2025).

On 27 April 2016, the Swedish Wikipedia hit 3,000,000 articles followed by the Cebuano Wikipedia on 25 September 2016.[1]

On 11 February 2017, the Cebuano Wikipedia hit 4,000,000 articles.[1]

On 8 August 2017, the Cebuano Wikipedia hit 5,000,000 articles.[1]

On 14 October 2021, the Cebuano Wikipedia hit 6,000,000 articles.[1]

In 2004 Wikipedia won the Webby Award for "Community" and the Prix Ars Electronica for "Digital Community". In 2015, the Erasmus Prize was awarded to the Wikipedia community collectively.

Versões de idioma

Textos sobre a Wikipédia

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  1. a b c d e f g Some projects with a small and weak community can reach a large size due to the mass generation of low-quality content by the bot. The most striking examples of this kind are the Swedish and Cebuano Wikipedias. See also Proposals for closing Cebuano Wikipedia in October 2017.