Wikipedia 20/Media
Selama tahun mendatang, Anda mungkin perlu membagikan pesan publik tentang ulang tahun ke-20 Wikipedia — baik melalui acara virtual, promosi media sosial, presentasi, rapat kemitraan, edit-a-thon, atau yang lainnya.

Apakah Anda mencari materi visual untuk pers dan perayaan virtual? Lihat bagian Sumber daya yang memiliki sumber daya seperti:
- Templat salindia presentasi
- Tanda dan desain ulang tahun
- Video dari Eksekutif Wikimedia Foundation dengan kata sambutan mengenai Wikipedia selama 20 tahun terakhir
- Benda digital untuk pesta ulang tahun
- Logo Wikipedia
- Gambar dan GIF untuk pers dan media sosial
This messaging toolkit helps embody and communicate Wikipedia over the past 20 years, and what the next 20 will hold so we can tell a cohesive, clear story about the Wikimedia movement for everyone.
Mengirim pesan Ulang Tahun ke-20
Bagaimana menggunakan perkakas perpesanan
Dengan perangkat ini, Anda diperlengkapi untuk mengembangkan berbagai materi untuk berbagai pemirsa, sambil memberikan suara dan pesan yang konsisten bagi susunan yang ada. Dokumen ini cukup terstruktur untuk memastikan konsistensi dan cukup fleksibel untuk memastikan kemampuan beradaptasi. Berikut ini ikhtisar singkat tentang cara menggunakan perangkatnya:
- Bacalah perangkat itu dengan lengkap, atau bagian yang paling relevan dengan tujuan agar menjadi terbiasa dengan isinya.
- Luangkan waktu sejenak untuk mendefinisikan dengan jelas apa yang Anda buat (surel, presentasi, kiriman media sosial, dll.). Selanjutnya, pertimbangkan untuk siapa Anda membuatnya (dengan kata lain, siapa pemirsa Anda dan apa yang mereka pedulikan?). Terakhir, tentukan mengapa Anda membuatnya (apa tujuan utama atau ajakan bertindak Anda?).
- Read the "Messaging our theme" section and consider if there is a specific theme(s) your audience may be particularly interested in. This will be helpful to keep in mind for the next step...
- Write a first draft of your materials. In most cases, it is helpful to start by sharing a little bit about why the birthday matters so other people can share in our excitement. (Check out the "Messaging our 20th birthday" section for inspiration!)
- If your audience includes non-English speakers, is it accessible for them? Does it translate in a way that has meaning? (See the "Translation" section for help.)
- Read your draft again from the perspective of your target audience. Pretend to be them. Is it interesting? Is your call to action clear? Is anything confusing?
- Revise your draft! If possible, send it to someone else for editing and input.
- You are done!
- If you need further assistance with using the toolkit or additional messaging, please contact wikipedia20 wikimedia org
Messaging our theme: 20 Years Human
We are aware that, technically speaking, English Wikipedia was created on 15 January 2001, but we are not making this distinction in our public messaging. Why? Because the Wikipedia ecosystem was born in 2001, and it has grown tremendously since then to encompass over 300 languages! We are not celebrating just English Wikipedia, we are celebrating all of Wikipedia: past, present, and future. With this in mind, we are encouraging everyone around the world to join in the celebration of "Wikipedia Day" on 15 January. Other language Wikipedias and movement projects are still invited to also celebrate their own milestones as planned throughout the year, and are encouraged to work with the theme!
We are not sure where the world will be in January 2021. What we can be sure of (and control) is how we celebrate 20 Years of Wikipedia, the people in and around it, as well as our movement. This moment in our calendar is about awareness and delving into ways of telling the story of our movement simply and with excitement, for anyone to understand and eventually want to be part of.
Throughout all of 2021, we want to celebrate the human beings around the world who have made Wikipedia what it is. We will embrace the "human" parts of our story, our impact, our knowledge.
20 Tahun
- When messaging around the 20 years, include facts about milestones, moments in time. The more surprising/interesting/human interest they are, the better.
- Where possible, contextualise the last 20 years in the world with what happens on Wikipedia. Bring the real, tangible and resonant things around people closer to what they may not know about how our movement projects work.
- When messaging around the humans that make our movement possible, allow for room to be human. This means: relatable people that feel like they could be just down the road from anywhere. This means acknowledging our flaws, celebrating our triumphs, smiling at our quirks -- it helps demystify words like "communities"/"volunteers"/"movement."
- Using data to bring human stories to life: "xx is the most number of edits to a single article in the space of a week. Here’s the interesting human story that tells you why..."
- Using days of interest as an educational opportunity to highlight work related to that particular interest: "This World Creativity and Innovation Day, we celebrate the humans who developed innovative solutions that have made contributing to Wikipedia easier for humans everywhere."
- Profiling volunteers or groups that you expect/usually profile: "Have you met ____, the user group dedicated to discovering, debating and documenting the ________ on Wikipedia?"
The great thing about the concept "20 Years Human" is that the term "human" exists in every language, and that variations of the concept of humanity can be applied in any culture.
When translating, aim to capture the sentiment, rather than directly translating the language. You can do this by identifying the meaning of what is being said and why it is being said; in order to convey the same meaning and purpose in the destination language.
English: I use blue (e.g. a blue colour pencil/paint) Translated to isiZulu as: Ngipenda ngombala oluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka.
In the example above, the isiZulu translation of "I use blue" writes out the action and describes the colour with an example. Loosely, it says "I paint with the colour of the sky"
For some languages, it’s easier. For example, in French "Twenty years human" could be "Vingt ans d’humain". For other languages, we might have to apply a translation method as in the above isiZulu example. When translating the line "20 Years Human," try working around the sentiment. Here are a few options to get you started:
- Dua Puluh Tahun Ensiklopedia Manusia
- Dua Puluh Tahun Manusia di Wikipedia
- Dua Puluh Tahun Pengetahuan Manusia
- Merayakan Pengetahuan Manusia
- 20 Tahun Pengetahuan Manusia
- 20 Tahun Kecerdasan Manusia
- 20 Tahun Kolaborasi Manusia
Mengirimkan Pesan Ulang Tahun ke-20 kita
Saat berbicara atau menulis tentang Ulang Tahun ke-20, bagikan sedikit cerita alasan penting merayakannya agar orang lain bersemangat seperti kita. Berikut adalah beberapa pesan ulang tahun yang berguna untuk Anda mulai.
- In 2021, one of the world’s most beloved websites, Wikipedia, is celebrating its 20th birthday. To commemorate 20 years of shared, open knowledge, we’re celebrating the people who make Wikipedia possible - the volunteers who edit and debate the facts, the donors who chip in to keep Wikipedia going, the readers who access and share articles, the developers who make sure Wikipedia is fast and accessible, and so many more.
- Wikipedia's 20th birthday is a celebration of the creation of the world's largest online encyclopedia and the radical idea that information can be created by and open to everyone. It's a time to celebrate what we have achieved so far and to recognize where we need to improve to fully realize our mission.
- Wikipedia is turning 20 in a world that is increasingly cynical about the place of technology to make our lives better, but that overwhelmingly believes Wikipedia is one of the actually good places on the internet. That’s because of you: every human who clicks, reads, edits, codes, donates, and shares our vision of free knowledge accessible to all.
- Two decades after its creation, Wikipedia is celebrating the millions of people who have created over 55 million articles in more than 300 languages, enjoyed by hundreds of millions of readers across the world.
- When Wikipedia was created in 2001, it was founded on the idea that many minds working together could create something truly remarkable. Twenty years later, Wikipedia continues to live up to its promise: never compromising our values, the integrity of our content, or the work of our volunteers.
Messaging the Wikimedia movement
This list of directional messages and examples will grow over time. If you have ideas or best practice for content, please add it below.
Overarching guidance - When talking or writing about our movement, keep it short and as simple as possible; and always thread it with the "why" behind what we do. The more public-facing your communications will be, the more you should work on the assumption that people have no idea what you mean when you write things like "free knowledge" without explanation. We have provided different ways to write messaging about the movement, projects, and communities - feel free to use them as a base for your content.
Tentang Wikipedia:
- Wikipedia adalah sumber informasi gratis di dunia tentang apa saja. Saat ini, Wikipedia dikunjungi lebih dari 20 miliar kali setiap bulan dari orang-orang di seluruh dunia.
- Dengan lebih dari 53 juta artikel dalam 300 bahasa, Anda dapat menemukan koleksi pengetahuan yang tak terbatas di Wikipedia, dan jika tidak ada sesuatu - Anda dapat menambahkannya.
- Wikipedia is a collaborative creation that has been added to and edited by millions of people like you from around the world since it was created in 2001: everyone can edit it, at any time.
- All of this knowledge has been added, edited, and debated by people. More than 250,000 people edit Wikipedia every month from all walks of life, experience, language, and cultures. They use reliable sources to verify the facts in articles. The sources they use are referenced and listed at the bottom of each article, so readers know where the information comes from. Wikipedia contributors also monitor articles for bias or false information. In many cases, inaccurate information on Wikipedia articles is corrected within minutes, especially on high-profile articles.
- The open editing model is one of Wikipedia’s greatest strengths. When many different people contribute to an article, it becomes more neutral, reliable, and trusted.
How Wikipedia works:
Wikipedia volunteer editors from around the world collaborate to write Wikipedia articles on virtually every subject area with neutral, cited information. Each language Wikipedia has its own standards and guidelines for what content exists on Wikipedia and how it should be presented. These rules generally indicate that information added on Wikipedia has to be notable, covered from a neutral point of view, and verified by reputable sources (such as a newspaper). The structure of Wikipedia allows everyone, everywhere to evaluate and assess the edits made to an article and make changes to content that does not meet Wikipedia’s editorial standards.
All edits made on Wikipedia are consistently reviewed by other editors, who have a variety of resources at their disposal to monitor the quality of articles and address edits that do not meet Wikipedia’s standards. They can “watch” an article page to receive a notification every time it’s edited. In addition, they have access to tools like the recent changes feed (a feed of all the edits made to Wikipedia in real time), a feed of new article pages created on the site, and even bots (automated tools that patrol the site) that can quickly revert some common forms of negative behavior on the site automatically. Most vandalism and other negative behavior on Wikipedia is reverted within 5 minutes.
Tentang gerakan Wikimedia:
- Volunteers around the world work together to set knowledge free. They upload photos, fix typos, chase sources, write code, and start articles all to sustain the dream of a world where every human has access to the sum of the world’s knowledge.
- Hundreds of thousands of people coming together to learn, create and share their knowledge.
- Hundreds of thousands of everyday people make Wikipedia possible by writing, debating the facts, and updating information so everyone has access to free, trustworthy knowledge.
- Hundreds of thousands of volunteers worldwide, working to add and improve content on Wikipedia — helping ensure reliable information is accessible to and representative of everyone, everywhere.
- Wikipedia is the only top-10 website that's not-for-profit. It is created by thousands of volunteers and sustained by millions of donors who support free knowledge. It is trial and error; research and editing; the perfect example of human collaboration on the internet.
Tujuan gerakan Wikimedia:
- Open Knowledge. For everybody, because we make better decisions and live fuller lives, the more we know.
- Make knowledge accessible to and representative of everyone, everywhere.
- Help all human beings find common ground through knowledge.
- Put knowledge creation and consumption directly into the hands of the people.
- Bebaskan pengetahuan - untuk semua orang, di mana saja.
Tentang Ulang Tahun ke-20:
- Wikipedia turns 20 this year, and we’re taking the opportunity to tell the story of how a few people who used the internet to share what they know, turned into a worldwide movement that runs on human generosity, dedicated to accessible knowledge for everyone, everywhere.
- "Wikipedia Day" adalah yang kami sebut 15 Januari 2021, hari didirikannya Wikipedia.
A look back on the last 20 years:
- Merayakan umat manusia yang memulai Wikipedia, dan umat manusia yang berkontribusi pada tahun-tahun awal.
- Reflecting on the growth and how, over time, the faces of Wikipedia have diversified and expanded to different parts of the world.
20 tahun berikutnya:
- What can we hope for in the future? Consider this question as a provocation or thought-starter for engaging your audiences in relation to your line of work/ interest. Eg. Q: "What can we hope for in design for the next 20?" A: "A global ‘back-to-basics’ approach which heralds function over form," or Q: "What can we hope for in diversity and inclusion for the next 20?" A: "Authentic and vulnerable brands creating unexpected audiences"
- What do the global political climate and policy changes mean for the humans who edit and read Wikipedia? Consider this question as a provocation/thought-starter for engaging your audiences about the ongoing work being done by the movement to address rapidly-changing political environments and policies.
- Inviting more humans to Wikipedia, and planning for them to stay: This is an opportunity to mention inclusion efforts being made by various affiliates and groups to attract and retain diverse contributors.
Cara menyebarkan berita tentang ulang tahun
Siaran pers
The Wikimedia Foundation press release is available on our website in English, Arabic, Chinese, French German, Russian, and Spanish. If you would like to write a press release specific to your group, below are some tips. You may also share the Wikimedia Foundation press release directly or borrow language from it for your own press release.
Mengapa perlu menulis siaran pers?
- Siaran pers adalah salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kesadaran tentang sebuah pengumuman.
- Wikipedia’s 20th birthday is a global celebration, and local press releases can raise awareness in specific regions while showing the diversity of the movement.
- Beyond the fact that we are celebrating Wikipedia’s birthday you can also highlight edit-a-thons, or local happenings connected to the birthday in your region.
Bagaimana cara menulis siaran pers?
- A press release should read like a news story, written in third-person, citing quotes and sources and containing key information about an announcement.
- It can also include a call to action i.e. "Visit [website link] for more information and to sign up"
Bagaimana cara mendistribusikan siaran pers?
- There are a number of ways to distribute a press release:
- Share it by email with local reporters who might be interested. (Many publications have a contact us form on their website with reporter email addresses).
- Publish it on an affiliate/community blog, or in the press section on your website.
- Share a link on social media.
Kapan saya harus mendistribusikan siaran pers?
- You can share your press release with reporters before you publish it, so they have a "heads up" and are more likely to cover the news. This is sometimes called an "embargo." For more tips on working with the media, see the movement communications skills page.
Email pitches
Do you want to invite a journalist or partner to join the 20th birthday celebrations? Here are some draft outreach messages to help get you started.
Surel mitra
Subjek: Bergabunglah dengan #Wikipedia20 untuk merayakan 20 tahun manusia berbagi pengetahuan
Hai X,
I am from [AFFILIATE], and I’d like to invite you to join a global celebration to celebrate 20 years of Wikipedia, the world’s collaborative free knowledge resource that everyone can edit. We think this has significant relevance to your organization’s mission. [ADD CUSTOMIZED LANGUAGE HERE.] There are a number of ways you or your institution can get involved:
- Help us amplify Wikipedia’s birthday on 15 January on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook by using the hashtag #Wikipedia20 and sharing a story about Wikipedia that is meaningful to you. You can also re-tweet messages from @Wikipedia and [AFFILIATE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT].
- Join us for a virtual birthday celebration [AFFILIATE EVENT]. Volunteers can be available to train your institution on how to edit and share lists of topics needing articles on Wikipedia.
Jika Anda tertarik untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami jika ada pertanyaan.
Terima kasih,
Media pitch
Subjek: Wikipedia merayakan 20 tahun
Hai X,
January 15 marks Wikipedia’s 20th anniversary. [AFFILIATE NAME or simply Wikipedia volunteers] and the Wikimedia Foundation are launching a global effort to celebrate the world’s largest online encyclopedia.
We’re hosting an event on [DATE]. We would like to invite you to learn more about Wikipedia’s trajectory over the last 20 years, its engaged volunteer community, and our mission of making knowledge and information available to everyone.
Let me know if you’re interested in joining our event or learning more about other events planned around this major milestone. We’d be happy to share more information with you!
Terima kasih,
Event summary
This year, Wikipedia is turning twenty, and we are celebrating all the parts of humanity that make Wikipedia and our movement possible: the volunteers, donors, partners, organisers and readers. (Usergroup / community name / affiliate) will be celebrating this milestone by (a short description of what you intend to do), for/to attract (describe your audience).
Example: This year, Wikipedia is turning twenty, and we are celebrating all the parts of humanity that make Wikipedia and our movement possible: the volunteers, donors, partners, organisers and readers. Wikimedia South Africa will be celebrating this milestone by increasing awareness in the press on the need to improve African content, to attract young Southern Africans looking to contribute to Wikipedia.
My name is (your name) and I am a volunteer for Wikipedia (region). This year, we are celebrating Wikipedia’s 20th birthday. (Usergroup / community name / affiliate) invites you to join our (event type), taking place on (date) at (time); where we will be (activity).
Click here (link to details of the event) learn more about our event.
To RSVP, please (state preferred method)
Resources to share with press
Sumber daya ulang tahun
Ulang tahun pangkal situs ke-20, dengan lebih banyak informasi tentang kejadian penting, artikel Wikipedia yang paling disunting dan dibaca sepanjang masa, dan kisah orang-orang yang membuat Wikipedia bisa jadi. Pangkal situs akan tersedia pada situs Wikimedia Foundation mulai 14 Januari 2021. Kami akan memasukkan tautan di sini saat pangkal situs telah aktif.
Gambar, lambang, dan GIF untuk ulang tahun. Semua ini akan tersedia pada pekan 21 Desember.
Fakta dan statistik Wikipedia
Poin pembicaraan ini termasuk jawaban untuk pertanyaan umum dari pers termasuk statistik kunci, fakta, dan bagaimana Wikipedia bekerja.
Tentang Wikipedia
Wikipedia adalah sumber pengetahuan gratis dunia. Wikipedia merupakan kreasi kolaborasi yang telah diisi dan disunting oleh jutaan orang dari seluruh dunia sejak Wikipedia berdiri di tahun 2001: siapapun bisa menyunting, kapanpun.
Wikipedia ditawarkan dalam lebih dari 300 bahasa berupa lebih dari 55 juta artikel, dan dilihat lebih dari 19 miliar kali setiap bulan. Wikipedia adalah yang terbesar, koleksi kolaboratif pengetahuan gratis dalam sejarah manusia.
- Its content is contributed and edited by a global community of more than 250,000 volunteer editors each month.
Wikipedia dan statistik proyek Wikimedia
- Wikipedia memiliki lebih dari 55 juta artikel di lebih dari 300 bahasa
- Lebih dari 300.000 editor berkontribusi pada proyek Wikimedia setiap bulan
- Wikipedia dilihat lebih dari 19 miliar kali setiap bulan
- Situs Wikimedia diakses oleh 1,5 miliar perangkat unik setiap bulan
- Ada lebih dari 30 juta akun pengguna Wikipedia terdaftar
- Wikipedia dilihat 6.000 kali setiap detik
- There are more than 65 million media files on Wikimedia Commons, the freely-licensed repository of media files
- To find statistics specific to a language edition of Wikipedia, you can visit Wikimedia Statistics which has more information about pageviews by country, number of articles by language wiki, and more.
Wikipedia and the gender gap
- Fewer than 20 percent of Wikipedia editors identify as women.
- On English Wikipedia, slightly more than 18 percent of biographies are about women.
- More men than women have tried to edit Wikipedia at least once.
- Across regions, men tend to read Wikipedia more often than women. Though awareness and usage of Wikipedia are high for both men and women in many regions of the world, based on reader surveys we estimate that one-third (33 percent) of Wikipedia readers over the age of 18 on any given day are women.
- For more facts and research about the gender gap, please see Addressing Wikipedia’s gender gap on the Wikimedia Foundation website.
Studi eksternal tentang Wikipedia
2016 Shane Greenstein and Feng Zhu at the Harvard Business Review
- In 2016, researchers Shane Greenstein and Feng Zhu at the Harvard Business Review published a study with findings supporting Wikipedia as a neutral source of information.
- In the study, they sought to understand how Wikipedia editors collaborate to write and edit articles related to politics. They found that editors’ contributions tended to become more neutral over time. This speaks to the collaborative nature of Wikipedia and how it encourages people to consider other viewpoints. (related HBR article)
2017 The Wisdom of Polarized Crowds research
- The researchers Feng Shi (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Misha Teplitskiy (Harvard University), Eamon Duede (University of Chicago), and James A. Evans (University of Chicago) authored the study “The Wisdom of Polarized Crowds,” published in Nature Human Behavior; working draft available open-access on arXiv.
- In the study, they show that politically polarized groups of editors actually created articles of higher quality than politically homogeneous groups.
- They found that Wikipedia editors display a wide distribution of political alignments, which they assigned point values. As the number of editors for an article increases, the average of those political alignments converges to neutral. They also found that articles which attract more attention tend to have more balanced engagement from editors along the conservative-liberal spectrum.
- The article received coverage in the Harvard Business Review.
2005 Internet Encyclopedias Go Head to Head in Nature
- Researchers found that Wikipedia came close to or even exceeded the standard of Encyclopedia Britannica when it came to the accuracy of its science entries. On Wikipedia, “high-profile examples are the exception rather than the rule.”
Media sosial
We encourage Wikimedia volunteers and movement affiliates to help spread the word about the 20th birthday across all social media channels. The main celebration hashtag is #Wikipedia20, which you can translate in your language if you would like.
Before 15 January
Pastikan untuk menggunakan hashtag (#Wikipedia20) dan beri tag kami di postingan Anda sehingga kami dapat membantu membagikannya!
- It’s almost @Wikipedia’s 20th birthday! Join us and the @Wikimedia Foundation for a virtual party celebrating two decades of free knowledge: [link] #Wikipedia20
- Happy early 20th birthday to @Wikipedia, the world's largest free online encyclopedia! Join us for the virtual party on Friday, 15 January to celebrate Wikipedia and the people who make it possible. Details: [link] #Wikipedia20
- Did you know @Wikipedia turns 20 on Friday, 15 January? Come to the biggest-ever virtual birthday party for the world’s largest source of online knowledge: [link] #Wikipedia20 @Wikimedia
On 15 January, beginning at 7:00 am UTC
Wish @Wikipedia a happy birthday! Please tag @Wikipedia, use the hashtag #Wikipedia20, and link to the birthday website: Accompany your posts with some beautiful commemorative graphics! Here are sample posts:
- Happy 20th birthday, @Wikipedia! Join us and celebrate the website and people who make free knowledge available to everyone, everywhere! #Wikipedia20
- Today, the world’s largest free online encyclopedia, turns 20 years old! Tell us what @Wikipedia means to you using #Wikipedia20.
- Wikipedia started as an ambitious idea. Twenty years later, it has 55 million articles across over 300 languages! Learn more about the history of @Wikipedia on its 20th birthday: #Wikipedia20
Throughout the day, share highlights and fun facts from the past 20 years of Wikipedia on social media using #Wikipedia20.
- Retweet and share celebratory posts from the Wikimedia Foundation and Wikipedia social media channels. Links to our handles are below.
- Promote the 20th birthday launch video (coming soon!), which will be available in Arabic, English, Chinese, French, German, Russian, and Spanish.
- Promote a Twitter chat between @Wikipedia and the International Space Station (details coming soon!).
- Change your social media cover photos (graphics coming soon!)
Visuals to share
We’ve created several commemorative graphics for you to share on your social media channels to help promote #Wikipedia20, including stickers, GIFs, and other digital assets.
Amplification request form
If you would like additional amplification from the Wikimedia and/or Wikipedia social media accounts of materials you are sharing, please complete this form with the relevant details.
The Wikimedia Foundation’s social media content plans
A brief overview of the Foundation’s 20th Birthday social media plans is available below for your reference. We would appreciate if you can share the following materials on your channels:
- From Monday, 4 January - Thursday, 14 January, we will run a social media series on Wikipedia channels highlighting key moments in Wikimedia history from the past two decades. Additionally, we will promote the virtual event, community events, and relevant news coverage about the birthday on a rolling basis.
- Friday, 15 January: We will start Wikipedia Day celebrations on social media at 7:00 UTC. We will change all of our accounts’ cover photos to the new visual materials. We will start by sharing a celebratory video that is in development now. Other things we will promote throughout that day include:
- Livestreamed virtual event (16:00 - 17:00 UTC)
- Blog post by Executive Director Katherine Maher
- Resharing birthday messages from celebrities, volunteers, donors, and others (We are encouraging people to tweet a story about them and Wikipedia, tagging @Wikipedia and using #Wikipedia20.)
- News stories
- Trivia questions about Wikipedia
- An augmented reality filter
- Thank you to our partners
- 20th birthday web hub
- From Monday, 18 January - Friday, 29 January, we will run a social media series on Wikipedia channels profiling Wikimedia volunteers.
Wikimedia Foundation social media handles
- Twitter: @Wikimedia
- Facebook: @wikimediafoundation
- Instagram: @wikimediafoundation
- LinkedIn: wikimedia-foundation
- Twitter: @Wikipedia
- Facebook: @Wikipedia
- Instagram: @Wikipedia
Tracking press coverage for Wikipedia’s 20th birthday
This provides a common place for the movement to track press coverage about Wikipedia’s 20th birthday. If you see a specific media article about the birthday, please add it below!
- "La Viquipèdia és una suma del coneixement humà: si no hi ets, no existeixes", Diari de Barcelona, January 17th, Catalan, Catalonia
- Entrevista Marc Miquel i Francesc Fort, Via lliure (RAC 1), January 16th, Catalan, Catalonia
- 13.10 Crónica de la Comunidad Valenciana (min 39), RNE, January 15th, Catalan, Valencia/Spain
- Pròxima parada | Quarta hora, (31:43), À Punt, January 15th, Catalan, Valencia
- L'informatiu - Comunitat Valenciana (min 15), Televisión Española, January 15th, Catalan, Valencia/Spain
- El dia À Punt, À Punt, January 15th, Catalan, Valencia
- Wikipedia celebra el 20é aniversari i l'edició en valencià, Viquipèdia, es troba entre les més actives, À Punt, January 14th, Catalan, Valencia
- The Onion: Wikipedia Turns 20, Jan 14, 2021
- What we know and can agree on: Wikipedia @ 20, October 20, 2020, English, USA
- Wikipedia, Jeopardy, and the Fate of the Fact, November 23, 2020, English, USA
- Volunteers in Malaysia keep Wikipedia free from trolls, January 11, 2021, Malaysia
- 【維基百科要滿 20 歲了!】祝生日快樂之外,你知道關於 Wiki 這 20 個事實嗎?,December 28,2020,Chinese,Taiwan
- Ett socialt medium som lockar fram det bästa hos oss (A social media that brings out the best of us), January 10, 2021, Swedish, Sweden
- Därför är Wikipedia fortfarande grabbarnas arena (Why Wikipedia is still the arena for the boys), January 12, 2021, Swedish, Sweden
- Stöd till Wikipedia viktigt för Sverige som kunskapsnation (Support for Wikipedia important for Sweden as knowledge nation) 14 January, 2021, Swedish, Sweden
- Gratulerer med 20-årsdagen Wikipedia! (Congratulations on the 20th anniversary of Wikipedia!) 15 January, 2021, Norwegian Bokmål, Norway
- 20 år med Wikipedia - från kritiserat till erkänt uppslagsverk (20 years with Wikipedia - from critized to praised encyclopedia) 15 January, 2021, Swedish, Sweden
- উইকিপিডিয়ার ২০ বছর: আমরা এখন কোথায়? (20 Years of Wikipedia: Where are We?, 28 February 2021, Bengali, Bangladesh)
- মুক্ত বিশ্বকোষ উইকিপিডিয়ার ২০ বছর পূর্তি (The Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia Becomes 20, 15 January 2021, Bengali, Bangladesh)
- ২১ বছরে উইকিপিডিয়া (Wikipedia Steps into 21, 16 January 2021, Bengali, Bangladesh)
- উইকিপিডিয়ার ২১ বছরে পদার্পণ (Wikipedia Steps into 21, 16 January 2021, Bengali, Bangladesh)
- উইকিপিডিয়ার ২০ বছর (20 Years of Wikipedia, 15 January 2021, Bengali, Bangladesh)
- Wikipedia turns 20 today. Will the world’s largest encyclopaedia see 40?, 15 January 2021, United Kingdom
- 維基百科年滿20歲, January 16, 2021, Chinese, N/A
- 維基百科最初是一個雄心勃勃的想法, January 16, 2021, Chinese, N/A
- Википедии исполняется 20 лет, January 15, 2021, Russian
- Nessa sexta-feira (15), a Wikipédia está fazendo 20 anos, January 15, 2021, Portuguese
- Wikipedia’s moment of truth (14 January 2021), Business Day, by Chris Roper on Wikipedia's birthday and challenges facing it in South Africa.
- Happy 20th birthday, Wikipedia! Fascinating facts about the internet's encyclopedia (14 January 2021), News24, Maxine Peters
- African Wiki geeks, where are you? Wikipedia wants to fill a knowledge hole (14 January 2021), Sunday Times, op-ed by Douglas Scott (South Africa)
- Wikipedia wants you to join the good side of the Internet (15 January 2021), Mail and Guardian, by Sarah Smit, interview with Douglas Scott
- Pretoria FM radio interview with Deon Styen (12:30-13:00, 16 January 2021)(South Africa)
- Wikipedia celebrates 20th birthday, aims to reach more readers (15 January 2021), published by IOL, by Associated Foreign Press (South Africa)
- Radio Sonder Grense radio interview with Deon Styen about Wikipedia's birthday in Afrikaans (18 January 2021)(South Africa)
- Happy 20th birthday, Wikipedia - last outpost of the 'utopian' web (~6:45 am, 19 January 2021), Cape Talk Breakfast Show with Refilwe Moloto - radio interview with Douglas Scott.(South Africa)
- Wikipedia at 20 is more relevant than ever in a social media era (19 January 2021), Daily Maverick, by Sasha Planting - article resulting from the Cape Town Press Club event on the same day.(South Africa)
- Wikipedia celebrate 20th birthday (20 January 2021), Memeburn, by Megan Ellis(South Africa)
- Vikipedi’nin sadece tüketicisi değil, teyitçisi de olun, 15 January 2021, Turkish, Turkey
- Уладзімір Русаковіч: Пасля жнівеньскіх падзеяў цікавасць да беларускай мовы ўзрасла (Belarusian) // Radio Racyja, 19 February 2021 (sound)
- Insert your own! (Article title hyperlinked, date, language, country)
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Please add a row and share what you are working on regarding media outreach for Wikipedia 20. This could serve as a "live" overview of who does what where. Is there something you could help somebody else with? Need inspiration yourself? Want to plan together or do simultaneous releases?
Nama | Afiliasi | Bahasa | Informasi kontak | senang membantu dengan... | mencari... | WP20: sedang mengerjakan... |
Lena Traer (WMF) | Wikimedia Foundation | ru-n, en-5, fr-3 | wikipedia20 | messaging, event coordination, design, social | ways to support global organizing, great user stories | supporting community events, producing 20th birthday web pages, designs and a social sharing campaign |
Sam Lien (WMF) and Chantal De Soto (WMF) | Wikimedia Foundation | en-n | | messaging, media outreach | ways to support global outreach for press around the birthday | media plan, messaging development |
Francesc Fort | Amical Wikimedia | ca-n, es-5, en-4, fr-2, zh-1 | talk page or email in sidebar. | messaging, event coordination, design, social | things to do... | thinking things to do |
Julia Gebert | Wikimedia Deutschland | English, German, French, Arabic | | Media outreach in Germany | synergies for media work beyond Germany | media plan, messaging development, partner acquisition |
Sarah Krichen WMFr | Wikimédia France | French | Talk page or | Media outreach in France, event coodirnation, messaging, social | ideas and synergies for media work beyond France | media plan, partnership establishment, messaging development |
Discott (talk) | Wikimedia South Africa | English | Talk page or email in sidebar. | Media outreach in South Africa, event coodirnation, messaging, social | ideas and synergies for media work beyond South Africa | media plan, partnership establishment, messaging development |
Ola (talk) | Wikimedia Sudan | Arabic, English | Talk page or | Media outreach in Sudan, event coodirnation, messaging, social | ideas and synergies for media work beyond Sudan | media plan, partnership establishment, messaging development |