Wikipedia 20/sq
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Wikipedia mbushë “20” në datë 15 Janarë 2021
Kjo faqe Meta-Wiki Wikipedia 20 është një kornizë fillestare që bashkësia globale e Wikimedia mund të përdorë për të koordinuar rreth ditëlindjes së 20-të të Wikipedia. Ne jemi duke festuar se si njerëzit e bënë Wikipedia atë që është, dhe vetëm njerëzit mund të ndihmojnë në mbajtjen dhe rritjen e saj. Ne jemi duke festuar 20 vjetorin njerëz!
Kjo hapësirë duhet për
- A space to organize and plan events and meetups to celebrate the 20th;
- Tips and inspiration on how to organize and run a virtual event;
- A collection of tips for pitching to press and getting the word out on social media;
- A place to share birthday photos, videos, stories and more.
Merr pjesë
- Find an event nearby or remotely or find some helpful resources to help you plan one. We already have more than 100 events, and hope to have many more.
- Talk to the local press. In the past 20 years, Wikipedia has accomplished extraordinary things. Resources, including a press release template and resources on working with the media, are available to support you in your press outreach efforts.
- Design a Wikipedia 20 logo. In place of a single mark for Wikipedia 20, we’re making dozens. Add your own with something fun and representative of your community. Just use the visual guide so they share a common sensibility.
- Explore what the Wikimedia Foundation is doing for Wikipedia 20.
- Help with translating. Help us get the word out about Wikipedia 20 in as many languages as possible by joining our translation efforts!
- Share a message on social media. Wish Wikipedia a happy birthday! Please tag @Wikipedia, and add #Wikipedia20 to the post. We might re-tweet or share your message!
Wikipedia 20 celebration cake
Wikipedia 20 celebration cake
Wikipedia 20 celebration cake
Wikipedia 20 celebration cake
Wikipedia 20 celebration cake