Wikipedia Asian Month 2015/Sample
- The article is newly created by you (i.e. not expanding stubs) between November 1, 2015 0:00 and November 30, 2015 23:59 (UTC).
- The article should be at least 3,500 bytes and around 300 words in length.
- The article shall fulfill the article notability criteria
- The article must have decent references; doubtful or controversial statements in the article should be verifiable by the citation(s) listed in that article.
- The article is not purely machine translated, and has a decent language style
- There are no issues (no tags) within the article
- The article is not a list
- The article is informative
- The article is about an Asian Country or region except [your language speaking country(s)]
- Articles submitted by an organizer need to be checked by other organizers.
- Notes: In the end, human judge(s) from local Wikipedia will determine whether an article is accepted or not.
Sign up
Sign up and report your contributions here. Organizer will mark (check) if the article fulfill the criteria.
International Community

- Assameese Wikipedia
- Avar Wikipedia
- Azerbaijani Wikipedia
- Bashkir Wikipedia
- Bengali Wikipedia
- Central Bikol Wikipedia
- Chinese Wikipedia
- English Wikipedia
- Gujarati Wikipedia
- Hindi Wikipedia
- Indonesian Wikipedia
- Japanese Wikipedia
- Kannada Wikipedia
- Korean Wikipedia
- Ladino Wikipedia
- Malayalam Wikipedia
- Marathi Wikipedia
- Oriya Wikipedia
- Punjabi Wikipedia
- Russian Wikipedia
- Sindhi Wikipedia
- Tagalog Wikipedia
- Tamil Wikipedia
- Thai Wikipedia
- Ukrainian Wikipedia
- Urdu Wikipedia
- Uzbek Wikipedia
- Vietnamese Wikipedia